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Rights groups accuse Bangladesh army of covering up sex assault

At the same time though, I think an additional problem is those in power can still be corrupt. There was a case of a school girl being frequently raped for 3 months and committed suicide out of depression. But those that committed the act got away with it since one was a nephew of a local MP. Keep in mind said girl was a Muslim too. So rather than looking at this rape incidents from a religious or ethnic angle, it should be looked at a class conflict between those of helpless lower status and the corrupt people of higher status. These incidents have nothing to do with religion or ethnicity in my belief.

Rape happens all over the world. Here the important factor is rate. You can see that 1/8 women in Germany are raped. In India it is a pandemic. In the US again, numbers among the highest. You cannot separate this issue from the values that a society has. These will determine the law and the effectiveness of that law. These values are determined by the social, cultural, educational, religious and spiritual factors, as well as economic and psychological factors.

Our society is in deep trouble because we are not developing our value system in a meaningful way. We are importing fake values that are not home-grown but imposed externally through education, media and foreign funded NGOs. This is only going to create a conflict of values and will further disintegrate our society into chaos.

What we need is to find our own voice. Our own values. This has to be a comprehensive rethinking, without any artificial barriers like excluding religion, or science, or whatever. It has to come from the young generations, those that are graduating now, not the old generation, whose mindsets are not suitable to solve these problems.
Rape happens all over the world. Here the important factor is rate. You can see that 1/8 women in Germany are raped. In India it is a pandemic. In the US again, numbers among the highest.
1/8 in Germany, when was this? It's problem in India and the US I agree but how does this relate to Bangladesh? The rate in Bangladesh isn't exactly low and the convictions in cases end up being less than 2% in the country.
Definition of rape varies from country to country. In Sweden you can be accused of rape for refusing to wear a condom. Husband can be accused of of rape for forceful intercourse with wife. Not to mention the percentage of reporting is much higher in those countries. Where in our country it is the norm to punish the victim by attaching stigma. Its very ignorant to claim that EU countries have bigger rape problem than ours. But that does satisfy some Mullah logic though.
Question here is not about whether people in CHT are atheist or not. Issue is the rape under the threat of a gun by the Ansar members. It is good to see people all across the country are protesting the incident. The accused must be put under tial and punished if found guilty. Our armed forces are not to behave like the Indian or MM forces.
Actually the rape was done by rival tribal militias and are now threatening the family of victims to blame the army. There has been a press conference about this. They want people to believe a Bengali was involved. Which is not the case
In India it is a pandemic.

So what is it in Bangladesh given the UN reports incidence to be like 4 times higher per capita in BD?

1/8 in Germany, when was this? It's problem in India and the US I agree but how does this relate to Bangladesh? The rate in Bangladesh isn't exactly low and the convictions in cases end up being less than 2% in the country.

Its a problem everywhere. What we have now is more reporting on the issue as media + social media grows.

Countries need better statistics, better opportunity to women to be protected when reporting the crime, and better standards if we are to compare to one another. Otherwise its best to compare only to oneself in the most highest resolution available for a sub-unit....the world is nowhere close to homogeneous place.
In Sweden you can be accused of rape for refusing to wear a condom.
Excellent law. Man will refuse to wear condom , and still the woman will enjoy sex happily with her consent , will get the best pleasure, and then will file a court case that she was being raped by the bastard so punish him; perfect feminism!

I hear that in Sweden men are second class citizen by law ,so it is true .
Excellent law. Man will refuse to wear condom , and still the woman will enjoy sex happily with her consent , will get the best pleasure, and then will file a court case that she was being raped by the bastard so punish him; perfect feminism!

I hear that in Sweden men are second class citizen by law ,so it is true .
If your partner demands you to wear condom then you either comply or don't have sex at all. As simple as that. If this makes you a second class citizen, then you better not move to EU. And advise others you know against moving there. You are better off in places where they blame women for tempting men into raping them. And force them to marry their rapists.
If your partner demands you to wear condom then you either comply or don't have sex at all. As simple as that. If this makes you a second class citizen, then you better not move to EU. And advise others you know against moving there. You are better off in places where they blame women for tempting men into raping them. And force them to marry their rapists.
Honestly, I think I can understand Centaur's point here. If your partner refuses to have a condom and you still have sex what's the point? I do agree it's dumb for the man to do so as well. Has anyone actually been convicted for rape under this condition? It's a bit bizzare.
If your partner demands you to wear condom then you either comply or don't have sex at all. As simple as that. If this makes you a second class citizen, then you better not move to EU. And advise others you know against moving there. .
I was talking about Sweden, it was simple remark,if you don't agree you simply could response in different way, yet you have started advocating for feminism? or is it Swedish atmosphere that has eaten up your brain ? Is it a precondition to appreciate "condom rape theory" in order to migrate to EU?

Listen feminism doesn't exist, this so called feminism is just the extreme form of male dominance, under the cover of women's right. Also sort of business.
I am not against women's right, just disagree with your western version ( feminism) because this is just b.ull sh.it

However few more stuffs anyone can find.
By law, Swedish men are 2nd class citizens
On December 20, on AVfM Radio Program, a caller said that men and women are treated more equally in Europe and mentioned Sweden and Switzerland as the prominent examples.

Although I am sure that it was not the caller’s intention to spread disinformation, at least as far as Sweden is concerned, I beg to differ on that statement big time.

As a Swedish speaker and a connoisseur of the misandric matriarchal society of the gender utopia called Sweden, I took the liberty to look through the Swedish laws and translate some of them in order to make the readers get an idea of how it is to be a man in Sweden.

Fox news:
“If a woman gets angry for any reason, she can simply accuse a man and men are just assumed guilty in our society,” notes Dr. Helen Smith, author of the new book, "Men on Strike." This is particularly heinous since, as Smith adds, violence in domestic relations “is almost 50% from men and 50% from women.”

Daily mail :

At the end of last year, a survey revealed that 39 per cent of women who work full-time earn more than their partner. That means 1.8 million women in full-time work across the country now earn more than their partners.
Has Swedish feminism gone too far
You are better off in places where they blame women for tempting men into raping them. And force them to marry their rapists.
So before becoming sycophant try to use your brain and logic.

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I was talking about Sweden, it was simple remark,if you don't agree you simply could response in different way, yet you have started advocating for feminism? or is it Swedish atmosphere that has eaten up your brain ? Is it a precondition to learn condom rape theory in order to migrate to EU?

Listen feminism doesn't exist, this so called feminism is just the extreme form of male dominance, under the cover of women's right. Also sort of business.
I am not against women's right, just disagree with your western version ( feminism) because this is just b.ull sh.it

However few more stuffs anyone can find.
By law, Swedish men are 2nd class citizens
On December 20, on AVfM Radio Program, a caller said that men and women are treated more equally in Europe and mentioned Sweden and Switzerland as the prominent examples.

Although I am sure that it was not the caller’s intention to spread disinformation, at least as far as Sweden is concerned, I beg to differ on that statement big time.

As a Swedish speaker and a connoisseur of the misandric matriarchal society of the gender utopia called Sweden, I took the liberty to look through the Swedish laws and translate some of them in order to make the readers get an idea of how it is to be a man in Sweden.

Fox news:
“If a woman gets angry for any reason, she can simply accuse a man and men are just assumed guilty in our society,” notes Dr. Helen Smith, author of the new book, "Men on Strike." This is particularly heinous since, as Smith adds, violence in domestic relations “is almost 50% from men and 50% from women.”

Daily mail :

At the end of last year, a survey revealed that 39 per cent of women who work full-time earn more than their partner. That means 1.8 million women in full-time work across the country now earn more than their partners.
Has Swedish feminism gone too far

So before becoming sycophant try to use your brain and logic.


Thanks Centaur you made a lot of sense with what you said. This importing of Western Feminism makes no sense.
I am very much into equality between men and women in all sphere of life, but still I think European feminist have gone too far with their emphasize to lock up the majority of men by inventing a lot of 'abuse'. They are more anti-men than pro-women.
Just hypocritical as F that number of the BD's on this thread want sympathy on rohingya issue, but are coming to conclusions already on notion of BD STRONK, BD MORALLY SUPERIOR.

Karma will continue to come down on BD hard.
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