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Right-Wing Japanese girl threatens to kill all Koreans living abroard

Poor Japanese are mental slaves of western imperialism.

Their culture is superficial at best, and whatever remains is being eradicated from history.

I never seen any nation so enthused about pleasing the white man

It could be argued that Pakistan is more enthused in pleasing the white man as as it allows us to fly our drones to kill their own citizens with impunity.
It could be argued that Pakistan is more enthused in pleasing the white man as as it allows us to fly our drones to kill their own citizens with impunity.

Not only that the Japanese fought the Brits, Americans and defeated the Russians. Just because being friends with America allowed them to become the 2nd largest economy for years does not in anyway imply slave mentality.

It called being smart and talking advantage of an opportunity. Something Pakistan has failed to do despite the years of American aid.

A question to Chinese: Would you actually be able to tell a Japanese person apart assuming the person became culturally Chinese and assimilated into Chinese culture?
A question to Chinese: Would you actually be able to tell a Japanese person apart assuming the person became culturally Chinese and assimilated into Chinese culture?

Well, if he/she has intermarried with Chinese in many générations, of course not.

But if a Japanese influence in Chinese without revealing his/her true identity, we still recognize their nationality most of time.
This video explains it all:

y outube.co m/watch?v=MFdug9uN3hg

The reason why I think the Japs (especially the ones of the later generations) are so damned ignorant of their history is because their population were never actually faced with war on a scale like Germany, China or Russia did back in WW2.

Just take a look on the casualty charts of WW2 on Wikipedia or any other source!

The horrors of war, aside from the 2 atomic bombs and the occassional air raids (which only started after the taking of Iwo Jima), were almost non-existent for the average Jap citizen back then, let alone the atrocities and war crimes committed by its own regime. Did Japanese women get raped and killed on a massive scale when Russian or American soldiers moved into Tokio? No! Because there wasn't a battle to begin with!

There was no Buchenwald or Auschwitz in Japan in which allied troops forced the population into facing the atrocities their own government had committed, there was no Battle of Tokio and its aftermath in which the Japanese people saw how horrific the effects of war could be and most important of all, there was no desperate moment in which the regime showed its true face towards its people. (The forced deployment of the entire German population as cannon fodder and the massive executions of ''traitors'' by the Volkssturm, Hitler Jugend and the SS)

Now this might sound cruel and cold towards some of you, but I think the Allies should've better opted for Operation Downfall and bring the war close to the Japanese themselves (but the fear of casualties made them decide otherwise). I think we wouldn't even had all this rightwing, militaristic and Island territory bullSh*t if the Jap emporer and his military leadership met the same fate as the nazis did; seeing their entire empire going up in flames and having every single one of them hunted down to every corner of the world.
Bro, ur link fail. And look at how ordinary Japanese welcome Korean, they wanna pis$ off ur ppl or start to kill. Hope u enjoy it :coffee:

Lol, I think the video is hilarious. I've never seen a Japanese guy wear a schoolgirl uniform so proudly in the name of peace. I thought I'd just put up the video if people here enjoyed the same humor I have. Of course, Koreans don't believe in anything the Japanese say, which is why we become major irritants to them politically and economically especially when they don't seem apologetic over their WW2 crimes. And I don't really care if you think this link "failed." This Korean is going to do whatever the hell he wants to do.
Right-wing voices appeared in Japan, it's no any strange in that islands.

In Yasukuni Shrine, it's very normal for Japanese to honor their ancestors.








Did they feel ashamed about this?No it means some honor for Japanese, so i say "F@CK U ALL, GO TO HELL !!!" just enjoy it.

Honestly, I am really not border at all if these right wing Japanese pay their respect to the 14 war criminals at the Yasukumi shrine.
These 14 war criminals are just nothing but a bunch of losers. They LOST the war for Japan.

Japan used to have territories 3 times its present day size. Japan had Manchuria, Korea and Taiwan. They then launch a full scale invasion of China, the largest population country in the world 5X more than Japan. They also took on Russia the largest country in the world and a major military power.
Then these war criminals decided to bombed Pearl harbor, another major military power and the 3rd largest country in the world.


Then they lost the war and became the only country in the world to be nuclear bomb….twice ! Then they lost all the territories that they had gain including the even Taiwan which was ceded to Japan by the Qing Dynasty way back in 1895. Then Russia grabbed 4 of their Northern islands.

How any Japanese could respect such idiots is just beyond me.

If Japanese wants to pay respect to losers, so be it. They just give China a good excuse to lecture them to “learn from history”, each time they get a chance.
Does every thread here have to deteriorate into a hate rant against every country? Most Japanese people are not at all like this, not even the majority of right-wingers would call for a massacre of Koreans.

So what if there are a few crazy people? They're not going to actually kill Koreans...and Koreans are not exactly the most well-liked people in China either. Many Chinese even find them somewhat inferior.
Does every thread here have to deteriorate into a hate rant against every country? Most Japanese people are not at all like this, not even the majority of right-wingers would call for a massacre of Koreans.
Yes not most Japanese ppl r like right-wing losers. But indeed here a young Japanese girl came out right-wing killing voices, so we create this thread to discuss Japan and Japanese right-wing.

Well, today Japanese still refuse Nanking Massacre and the comfort woman, they called WWII Japan invaded other countries as coming into other Asian countries to help them independence, Japanese saved whole Asia from West foreigners and they loved local ppl and treated them very well. Do u believe it ?

what if there are a few crazy people? They're not going to actually kill Koreans...and Koreans are not exactly the most well-liked people in China either. Many Chinese even find them somewhat inferior.
Did any Chinese man or woman ever said like that Japanese girl in China public ? I think the Korean living and working in China much more than stay in Japan islands.
I forget, China also has many Chinese-Korean ppl living in China for hundreds of years. They lived well in North of China and got benefits from China-North Korea and China-South Korea relationship.
Before going to Uni, I was in a intentional school in Shanghai for a couple years, and their were a lot of Japanese students. I can tell you these over zealot Japanese are a minority, every nations has their crazy dipshi!ts but unfortunately their government might be overruned by crazy dipsh!ts because of ignorance and brainwashing.

If you go up to a Japanese and ask them about WW2 they will say they have no idea what happened and the reason why such a vast majority don't know about their history is because if the ordinary person in Japan knew the full extent of what Japan did in the past, it may cause a major sh!tstorm, because the ordinary Japanese isn't heartless but the people in charge on the other hand are. If the ordinary Japanese people knew, then patriotism would be at a all time low, if patriotism is low then Japan can't keep its face and be militaristic.

The people in power in Japan need to keep the ordinary Japanese ignorant of what happened so the Japanese government can garner support from the people to continue being militaristic against China and rewrite their history to show Japan as a nation of "saints".

It's like early America, the white people weren't naturally racist against other races, they were brought up to hate other races, which is the exact same thing happening in Japan. The young Japanese kids are being brought up with fabricated and distorted facts to hate the Chinese and Koreans.

You made some fair points, but as far as the right-wingers being in the Japanese Government. For many years Japan was the largest donor of aid to China (I think they still continue aid or they may have suspended it), so the Japanese government isn't intrinsically anti-China as I think you are suggesting.

Japan sends China $1.2 billion in aid every year | FP Passport

Japan to review aid for booming China - CNN.com
Japanese are cowards for what they did to Chinese people.

I hope China takes over that little **** of an island.
Japanese are cowards for what they did to Chinese people.

I hope China takes over that little **** of an island.

Killing people brutally is not called as cowards in any part of this world,otherwise all great conqueres are cowards too,especially the guy who called chingiz khan would be the biggest coward.but it's not true,The one run their ***** from their enemy,the one bow down to the enemy should be the true cowards.
Did any Chinese man or woman ever said like that Japanese girl in China public ? I think the Korean living and working in China much more than stay in Japan islands.
I forget, China also has many Chinese-Korean ppl living in China for hundreds of years. They lived well in North of China and got benefits from China-North Korea and China-South Korea relationship.

You may retake your history courses.

Those were offsprings of Korean slavers shipped to China by Japanese aggressors. Very few Koreans lived in China before 1910. North China was offlimits zone for Koreans in most Chinese dynasties.

And the same Korean labors came to Japan after 1910.
You may retake your history courses.

Those were offsprings of Korean slavers shipped to China by Japanese aggressors. Very few Koreans lived in China before 1910. North China was offlimits zone for Koreans in most Chinese dynasties.

And the same Korean labors came to Japan after 1910.
HeHe... Of course i didn't. Old China - Qing dynasty, 200 years ago there were many Korean moving to live in North of China.
Koreans in China
The current Korean population in China is mainly descended from migrants who came between 1860 and 1945. In the 1860s, a series of natural disasters struck Korea, leading to disastrous famines. Along with the Qing dynasty's loosening of border controls and acceptance of external migration into Northeast China, this pushed many Koreans to migrate. By 1894, an estimated 34,000 Koreans lived in China, with numbers increasing to 109,500 in 1910.

Chinese record said 朝鲜族
Started early 1700,few Korean ppl went to live and farm in North of China.Specially 1869 due to natural disasters struck Korea,many poor Korean famers came into China and farmed these lands.

During WWII Japanese took more Korean slavers into North of China, but before it at least thousands of Korean had been living in LiaoNing province ,JiLin province, HeiLongJiang province of China.
Now there'r 50,000,000 Korean live in S.Korea. 25,000,000 Korean live in N.Korea. 2,500,000 Korean live in U.S. 2,300,000 Korean live in North of China(They r Korean-Chinese), only 600,000 Korean live in Japan. So Korean living in China better than in Japan.

And i also read news about nearly 1,000,000 Korean ppl from S.Korea working and living in China, Last time this year i met a Korean Christian volunteer wanna teach me to believe in GOD, but i ths him. He from S.Korea but have lived in China city for 7 years and marry a Chinese wife had a sweet daughter.

GOD,there'r really many Korean Christian volunteers in China !!! LOL...
You made some fair points, but as far as the right-wingers being in the Japanese Government. For many years Japan was the largest donor of aid to China (I think they still continue aid or they may have suspended it), so the Japanese government isn't intrinsically anti-China as I think you are suggesting.

Japan sends China $1.2 billion in aid every year | FP Passport

Japan to review aid for booming China - CNN.com
Japanese lost WWII, the loser pay back winner, unconditional.
Here i must point out the ODA (official development assistance) from Japan government, 90% of it to China belong to official loans with low interest. NOT FREE !
Read below documents:
Overview of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to China
Review on Japan's ODA to China
Japan's ODA = Loan aid involves the provision of loans under relaxed conditions (low interest, long repayment period) to recipient countries. (These are in principle untied loans.)

Japan kill ur millions of ppl then provide ur country ODA by 35billion $$ loans with low interest, DEAL? 35billion $$ Japan's loans could built today China ?!
At the same time China is the N.o1 biggest foreign market for Japan over U.S.
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