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Right-Wing Japanese girl threatens to kill all Koreans living abroard

Chinese advisers plaid important role, vowed Khmer Rouge attacked on Vietnam. The murders without knife.
A couple of years ago, I visited the site of the Ba Chuc massacre; it's a village inside the Vietnamese border where the Khmer Rouge butchered over 3000 civilians for those who don't know. I saw a lot of skulls of children stacked up in that box. Most to all of the victims were ethnic Khmer. The ride to the site was quite errie since the village is in such a remote area with hardly any other villages or towns around. I could still see the blood stain of the victims on the floor inside that temple.

Its amazing that all countries love their right wing nationalists, but hate their counterparts in other countries.

The reason why right rises is because of the weakness in the Leftist policies. Japan right wingers too will work with the US as it is not 1940s.
^^ For Soryu

Who is say they are fool? They are just doesn't know about their past, because their education doesn't include enough information about WW II era and war in China. I had enough interaction with so many young Japanese students during my study in Univ. and they admit those facts. You must know, if history about WWII section in Japan history textbook is only contain about one or two pages and text about their adventure in China and SEA is only about two or three paragraphs only.

you can imagine about one big society which is excel at economics things, industrial things, art, literature etc., but they are doesn't know too much about their past and what kind of horrible things their predecessor has done to their neighbor. That is my little picture about the current condition of young Japs right now.
Nope, the 'murders' can't hear you, lalalalalala
China actively helped the killing and supported the genocide in Cambodia. There is no doubt about it.


a smiling Pol Pot waving in the foreground, Deng Xiaoping on the left and Hua Guofeng in the foreground (Beijing on 22 October 1977)


khmer rouge genocide

Pot Pot Tells China in 1977 that Killings Underway, to Continue
Khmer Rouge and North Korea | natethayer
^^ i think you are trying to derail topic of this thread, this thread talking about phenomenon the rising of right wing in Japan, especially between their young generation. Not talking about Chinese involvement at Vietnam-Khmer Rouge War?:offtopic:
Right-wing voices appeared in Japan, it's no any strange in that islands.

In Yasukuni Shrine, it's very normal for Japanese to honor their ancestors.








Did they feel ashamed about this?No it means some honor for Japanese, so i say "F@CK U ALL, GO TO HELL !!!" just enjoy it.
^^ i think you are trying to derail topic of this thread, this thread talking about phenomenon the rising of right wing in Japan, especially between their young generation. Not talking about Chinese involvement at Vietnam-Khmer Rouge War?:offtopic:

He is trying to derail the thread. Anything talking about Japan's atrocity of the past he would come in and say China did this and that even though nothing in the past 100 years except for the Nazi Germany can compare with Japan's WW2 genocidal rampage.

Apparently Japanphilia weabooism is becoming so prevalent among the Vietnamese members that they would deny anything bad Japan has done in the past or say it was just a minor case, you have to give the Japanese credit, their sure do have a very powerful soft culture; being able to produce a legion of weaboo followers.
Right-wing voices appeared in Japan, it's no any strange in that islands.

In Yasukuni Shrine, it's very normal for Japanese to honor their ancestors.








Did they feel ashamed about this?No it means some honor for Japanese, so i say "F@CK U ALL, GO TO HELL !!!" just enjoy it.

Before going to Uni, I was in a intentional school in Shanghai for a couple years, and their were a lot of Japanese students. I can tell you these over zealot Japanese are a minority, every nations has their crazy dipshi!ts but unfortunately their government might be overruned by crazy dipsh!ts because of ignorance and brainwashing.

If you go up to a Japanese and ask them about WW2 they will say they have no idea what happened and the reason why such a vast majority don't know about their history is because if the ordinary person in Japan knew the full extent of what Japan did in the past, it may cause a major sh!tstorm, because the ordinary Japanese isn't heartless but the people in charge on the other hand are. If the ordinary Japanese people knew, then patriotism would be at a all time low, if patriotism is low then Japan can't keep its face and be militaristic.

The people in power in Japan need to keep the ordinary Japanese ignorant of what happened so the Japanese government can garner support from the people to continue being militaristic against China and rewrite their history to show Japan as a nation of "saints".

It's like early America, the white people weren't naturally racist against other races, they were brought up to hate other races, which is the exact same thing happening in Japan. The young Japanese kids are being brought up with fabricated and distorted facts to hate the Chinese and Koreans.
Before going to Uni, I was in a intentional school in Shanghai for a couple years, and their were a lot of Japanese students. I can tell you these over zealot Japanese are a minority, every nations has their crazy dipshi!ts but unfortunately their government might be overruned by crazy dipsh!ts because of ignorance and brainwashing.

If you go up to a Japanese and ask them about WW2 they will say they have no idea what happened and the reason why such a vast majority don't know about their history is because if the ordinary person in Japan knew the full extent of what Japan did in the past, it may cause a major sh!tstorm, because the ordinary Japanese isn't heartless but the people in charge on the other hand are. If the ordinary Japanese people knew, then patriotism would be at a all time low, if patriotism is low then Japan can't keep its face and be militaristic.

The people in power in Japan need to keep the ordinary Japanese ignorant of what happened so the Japanese government can garner support from the people to continue being militaristic against China and rewrite their history to show Japan as a nation of "saints".

It's like early America, the white people weren't naturally racist against other races, they were brought up to hate other races, which is the exact same thing happening in Japan. The young Japanese kids are being brought up with fabricated and distorted facts to hate the Chinese and Koreans.

It should be apply in same way for China. China backed Polpot to attack Vietnam and himself invaded in to Vietnam 1979, thousand of innocent Vietnamese were killed and wounded. Chinese people is brainwashed by propaganda of CCP. Now, it reported that china use weibo net in China, let extreme nationalists to promotion for war again Japan and Vietnam.
Yes, Deng Xiaoping is dead.

everyone will die``so are those vietcongs```and the difference is people are remembered but vietcongs are not``especially those orange agent affected ones

It should be apply in same way for China. China backed Polpot to attack Vietnam and himself invaded in to Vietnam 1979, thousand of innocent Vietnamese were killed and wounded. Chinese people is brainwashed by propaganda of CCP. Now, it reported that china use weibo net in China, let extreme nationalists to promotion for war again Japan and Vietnam.

can you vietcongs to get the idea that this is about Japan and its right wings?

if you you want talk about Chinese right wings, i can give you few heads up``they share the same feelings of all your neighbours``as they think you viets are disgusting ungrateful creatures
Right-wing voices appeared in Japan, it's no any strange in that islands.

In Yasukuni Shrine, it's very normal for Japanese to honor their ancestors.








Did they feel ashamed about this?No it means some honor for Japanese, so i say "F@CK U ALL, GO TO HELL !!!" just enjoy it.

Lol, what a joke. Look at the guys wearing WW2 uniforms. America should re-occupy Japan and arrest all Right Wingers.
Before going to Uni, I was in a intentional school in Shanghai for a couple years, and their were a lot of Japanese students. I can tell you these over zealot Japanese are a minority, every nations has their crazy dipshi!ts but unfortunately their government might be overruned by crazy dipsh!ts because of ignorance and brainwashing.

If you go up to a Japanese and ask them about WW2 they will say they have no idea what happened and the reason why such a vast majority don't know about their history is because if the ordinary person in Japan knew the full extent of what Japan did in the past, it may cause a major sh!tstorm, because the ordinary Japanese isn't heartless but the people in charge on the other hand are. If the ordinary Japanese people knew, then patriotism would be at a all time low, if patriotism is low then Japan can't keep its face and be militaristic.

The people in power in Japan need to keep the ordinary Japanese ignorant of what happened so the Japanese government can garner support from the people to continue being militaristic against China and rewrite their history to show Japan as a nation of "saints".

It's like early America, the white people weren't naturally racist against other races, they were brought up to hate other races, which is the exact same thing happening in Japan. The young Japanese kids are being brought up with fabricated and distorted facts to hate the Chinese and Koreans.
Thank you! I knew that.
I posed these pics here only wanna tell guys who plan to kiss japanese as$, how some Japanese ppl and Japan's politicians look at and treat past WWII history. They won't feel ashamed about mistakes of "Great Japan Empire" in WWII, Japanese only adore the Strong and pis$ off the Weak.

It's very normal a young japanese girl could say right-wing comment like that. Go on kissing Japanese as$, it's not China's business.
everyone will die``so are those vietcongs```and the difference is people are remembered but vietcongs are not``especially those orange agent affected ones

can you vietcongs to get the idea that this is about Japan and its right wings?

if you you want talk about Chinese right wings, i can give you few heads up``they share the same feelings of all your neighbours``as they think you viets are disgusting ungrateful creatures

Vietcong, former name was Vietminh has been fought against all kind of aggressors stepped in Vietnam's soil, including Japanese Nazi, France, USA, Khmer Rouge and China PLA.
What does "ungreteful" means when you kneed before your master Uncle Sam in Peking when Vietnam war is going on bloodyly in Vietnam, in contrast with slogan of China that US is paper tiger. China is used Viets to make dirty policy business with our enemy. Betrayer don't has a human moral to talking about human morality.
Chinese right wings ? yes, Deng's son is USA citizen now and corruption officials have been taken from China hug amount of money to US. This is a trick to cheating Chinese people don't take care about the money was stolen by "Chinese right wings".
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