We Chinese are result oriented people, we don't criticize the government just for the sake of being able to do so, we criticize the government for very specific problem or issue, like air population, water quality, education costs, poverty alleviation, food hygiene, commute traffic, healthcare issues.... if you go to the Chinese social media you can see the Chinese public criticize the government on very specific issues every day and the government really listens and most times quickly tries to get the problem fixed.
Of course most people don't openly call the overthrowing of the government cause we know that's stupid and will do no one any good, it's always easy to blame others but if you were put in their position you can't guarantee you can do it better. what we want is bring the house to order but not tear down the house we live in.
Don't tell me how Indian government listens, so called "democrazy" is just a showbiz, their elections are just populairty contests, people having no previous related administrative experiences and proven capability just got elected into the office overnight, actors, comedians, billionaires, athletes... what they could do the best is to make empty promises which are never meant to be delivered, decades old public woes stay unsolved and the whole politics are about figure pointing and cutting the rivals down by hook or by crook.
In the Chinese culture, we never like big talkers, we only support big doers.