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Resurgent Militancy- Kashmir Life

India is feared of Terrorists?? Hahahaha man if that was the case we would have left Kashmir long ago when terrorism was in heights. But see the scenario now, terrorists are reduced in few hundreds in the valley from few thousands.
These terrorism will make things hard for you guys and not for India. Govt willll have an excuse of terrorism and I fear Indian govt will never talk seriously over Kashmir issue. So ultimately you can draw your conclusion that who'll be loser. And let me clear you one thing that Indian security forces have got the experience of Fighting terrorism since the very begining.
We have crushed Khalistan totally and NE insurgencies to a state from where it can never be revive again.

we r not like khalistan or ne we have got support from pakistan. After u.s is gone frm afghanistan u gonna see boom in militancy and who knows if they take fight to india
junagarh and hydrabad acceded to pakistan then give these areas to pakistan we r ready to live with

India was invited in Junagarh by the Diwan of Junagarh Shah Nawaz Bhutto but Hyderabad never acceded to Pakistan.

son take history lesson then talk to me , when did india agreed plebesite

Before Hyderabad's integration with India, Pakistan was given different offers by Mountbatten on joint referendum in case of Junagarh, Hyderabad and Kashmir but Pakistan was too much adamant not to give up Hyderabad always proposing Hyderabad should be excluded from such proposals.
we r not like khalistan or ne we have got support from pakistan. After u.s is gone frm afghanistan u gonna see boom in militancy and who knows if they take fight to india

Khalistan got support from Pakistan too. And believe me no taliban can win war with Indian forces in Kashmir. Kashmir is not Afganistan.
we r not like khalistan or ne we have got support from pakistan. After u.s is gone frm afghanistan u gonna see boom in militancy and who knows if they take fight to india

To be brutally honest, Khalistan was much more of a headache. Your jeehaadi terroristos are akin to choir girls before them, so nothing to be worried about :coffee:, we will kill 'em and dump 'em in unmarked graves.
we r not like khalistan or ne we have got support from pakistan. After u.s is gone frm afghanistan u gonna see boom in militancy and who knows if they take fight to india
dont you think it will help india's cause if there is increase in militancy?
The longer the militancy sustains, the longer Kashmir remains under developed and jobless. The most coveted jobs in Kashmir are still government jobs and police force (hypocrisy?). Those who couldn't make it try stone throwing for quick money. So they are literally sore losers.
if India is occupying Kashmir then Pakistan is no different except that Kashmir acceded to India not to Pakistan.

BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmir: The origins of the dispute
Recent research, from British sources, has indicated that Hari Singh did not reach Jammu until the evening of 26 October and that, due to poor flying conditions, V P Menon was unable to get to Jammu until the morning of 27 October , by which time Indian troops were already arriving in Srinagar.

In order to support the thesis that the Maharaja acceded before Indian troops landed, Indian sources have now suggested that Hari Singh signed an Instrument of Accession before he left Srinagar but that it was not made public until later.

This was because Hari Singh had not yet agreed to include the Kashmiri leader, Sheikh Abdullah, in his future government. To date no authentic original document has been made available.

This is so called Treaty of Accession is a fraudulent and forged document, if you actually read the fraudulent document it is stunningly clear, it reads like an Indian script. Truth is there is no authentic Instrument of Accession signed by Hari Singh, nor was he present in Jammu on October 27, 1947 nor did he ever meet VP Menon.

Nonetheless, an entire generation of millions of people have been raised up on a lie about it's authenticity and actual existence, it is difficult to reason with minds so conditioned by their Government's indoctrination and lies. It is simply difficult and pointless to argue with people whose evidence and counter argument is a document that never really existed.

To this day no authentic Treaty of Accession with authentic signature has ever been shown nor produced for the world to see, and that is an indisputable fact.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/kashmi...ession-fraudulent-document.html#ixzz2Y0H7rOtw
BBC NEWS | South Asia | Kashmir: The origins of the dispute
Recent research, from British sources, has indicated that Hari Singh did not reach Jammu until the evening of 26 October and that, due to poor flying conditions, V P Menon was unable to get to Jammu until the morning of 27 October , by which time Indian troops were already arriving in Srinagar.

In order to support the thesis that the Maharaja acceded before Indian troops landed, Indian sources have now suggested that Hari Singh signed an Instrument of Accession before he left Srinagar but that it was not made public until later.

This was because Hari Singh had not yet agreed to include the Kashmiri leader, Sheikh Abdullah, in his future government. To date no authentic original document has been made available.

This is so called Treaty of Accession is a fraudulent and forged document, if you actually read the fraudulent document it is stunningly clear, it reads like an Indian script. Truth is there is no authentic Instrument of Accession signed by Hari Singh, nor was he present in Jammu on October 27, 1947 nor did he ever meet VP Menon.

Nonetheless, an entire generation of millions of people have been raised up on a lie about it's authenticity and actual existence, it is difficult to reason with minds so conditioned by their Government's indoctrination and lies. It is simply difficult and pointless to argue with people whose evidence and counter argument is a document that never really existed.

To this day no authentic Treaty of Accession with authentic signature has ever been shown nor produced for the world to see, and that is an indisputable fact.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/kashmi...ession-fraudulent-document.html#ixzz2Y0H7rOtw

govt of India put the copy of instrument of accession on it's website few years ago, there was an article in Hindu news paper about the publication of this document. I don't see anything in instrument of accession to believe it is entirely made up by Indian govt, mountbatten or raja never in there life after 1947 -48 claimed or complained anything against India regarding signing of accession document..so even if your argument of not signing the document in time is true , it is just technicalities, the intentions and willingness of raja is what matters more.. and he chosen to accede to India.
we r not like khalistan or ne we have got support from pakistan. After u.s is gone frm afghanistan u gonna see boom in militancy and who knows if they take fight to india

Brother, Kashmir was with us when Taliban was in total control of Afghanistan and Pakistan did not have bombings going on daily. Not to mention Pakistani economy was doing better and Indian economy not so much. So if you could not make a dent then when militancy was stronger, believe me, you are going to get your @$$ kicked royally again this time.
GET READY FOR RAGDO RAGDO PART 3 , first was in 2008 month long protests 70 innocent people martyred, second part was in 2010 6 months long protests in which 130 innocent people were martyred

we wouldnt mind martyring all the kashmiris. we care only about kashmir not kashmiris. they are welcome to be a part of india if they keep their tails from wagging.

thank you for acknowleding that whole kashmiris are mujahids

they are not mujahids they are teorrists
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