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Restricted Mobility of Indian missiles

Stop feeding the trolls on both sides, should be pretty obvious that the more you respond, the faster and harder they 'climax'. In the end all you are contributing to is a waste of bandwidth and Kleenex for their screens and keyboards.

what you see in the photos and videos are development trials not the actual missile as a system.
I with all my knowledge and common sense can say that all the missiles developed under the integrated guided missile program has a proper launching platform from Agni to Astra.

what you see in the photos and videos are development trials not the actual missile as a system.
I with all my knowledge and common sense can say that all the missiles developed under the integrated guided missile program has a proper launching platform from Agni to Astra.
Source of your claim any pictures, why DRDO so shy to show my dear they displayed the original plateform.
Intelligence and staletile easliy hunt down massive missile.
Once you've hunted it down what are you going to do then? A lot of India's ICBMs can be launched from well within Indian territory where there is absolutely nothing you can do to touch them.
Once you've hunted it down what are you going to do then? A lot of India's ICBMs can be launched from well within Indian territory where there is absolutely nothing you can do to touch them.
We are discussing the launch platforms which is not all terrain capable.
We are discussing the launch platforms which is not all terrain capable.
And why does it need to be?
The fact is there are sufficient suitable roads all over India that can handle these Agni V trailers and Pakistan (and China) would still be within range. You only need an all terrain vehicle/TEL when you have short range missiles that need to be moved closer to the borders (and thus over rough ground) so as to be useful.

The basic premise of this entire thread is asinine.

The Agni V can move along a highway in Goa and target Pakistan.

Obviously Agni-5 will be on one of the 'Major roads" as a vehicle of this size cannot be in Rural roads. Not many roads in India can take a vehicle of this size,and even then it will be a slow coach.


Agni TEL trying to hide under a bridge :D
One of the more stupid points to make because these:

This is the later version with crew accommodation on the TEL


Aren't going to fit under low bridges either.
And why does it need to be?
The fact is there are sufficient suitable roads all over India that can handle these Agni V trailers and Pakistan (and China) would still be within range. You only need an all terrain vehicle/TEL when you have short range missiles that need to be moved closer to the borders (and thus over rough ground) so as to be useful.

The basic premise of this entire thread is asinine.

The Agni V can move along a highway in Goa and target Pakistan.

One of the more stupid points to make because these:

Aren't going to fit under low bridges either.
We don't need to go under bridges bypass obstacle by going off road :enjoy: facts can't be change by calling other members stupid. DRDO run by stupid.
this whole thread is based on imaginations and GIMP, i need not to post any source for my claim.
What made you convince to believe that a country that can build off road vehicles for other systems can't make one for A-5?
this whole thread is based on imaginations and GIMP, i need not to post any source for my claim.
What made you convince to believe that a country that can build off road vehicles for other systems can't make one for A-5?
out of stupidity. All Russian ICBM mounted on TELs they are quite capable to go off road.
On the other hand Pakistan has invested in both Missiles and TELs.
This is the older version of Shaheen -2 TEL,very basic and no crew accommodation.


This is the later version with crew accommodation on the TEL


The chinese do come up with good copies of Russian and Ukrainian missiles and trucks..but most of their vehicles are crap.
out of stupidity. All Russian ICBM mounted on TELs they are quite capable to go off road.
why do you need to go off road in the first place if you have road network big enough?
Don't you think it will be easy to spot a TEL or anything man made from space in the jungle or desert or along a river than on the road where thousands of vehicle are moving? Also as someone already said earlier, the russian example is relevant in Indian context as we don't have an enemy of the stature of USA. Mind China is not our enemy but a competitor.
On the other hand Pakistan has invested in both Missiles and TELs.
This is the older version of Shaheen -2 TEL,very basic and no crew accommodation.


This is the later version with crew accommodation on the TEL


Congrats for your forces TEL.

It's not difficult to produce or procure TEL. .

As and when required we ll do so..
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@Ifrit @shaheenmissile How road mobile is DF-31

This is what Saurav Jha says as to why India uses ordinary/civilian looking TELs.

But the transporter erector launchers (TELs) deploying these missiles differ from the Russian MAZ series vehicles. While road mobile TEL's deployed by Russia are designed for cross country mobility in that country's vast forested hinterlands and for quick exits from their shelters in case of garrison basing, India's road mobile missiles will be randomly based across India's road network consisting of everything from a highway to perhaps even a Class II road.

The idea is to deploy camouflaged TEL's that would look like every day semi-trailer trucks at least when viewed from above. Thus concealment in addition to road mobility is a cornerstone of India's future land based missile force. As Avinash Chander then Chief Controller Missiles and Strategic Systems, DRDO (and now Director General, DRDO) put it in an interview to Frontline in April 2012.

You can stop on the roadside on the highway, launch from there and go away. You can stop the traffic for five minutes on either side, launch and go away. Your ability to move, your options to launch and your operational flexibility increase manifold. You have a reduced reaction time. Everything is already prepared. Just make the missile vertical in three minutes, and the launching takes another few minutes. So you stop, launch and go off.

Saurav Jha's Blog : The Indian move towards MIRVs

Indian national highway and State highway are spread across 2 lakh kilometers.
And how are satellites going to differentiate between civilian good carriers and these military TELs?

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