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Restoring Nepal as Hindu State: shutdown enforced by hindu group

Whats the difference between Hindu Nature of Nepal and a Nepal as a Hindu State?

Do you support such status for Nepal? if yes then what are the reasons?

Would you have asked the same type of question, if the country was going to become a Islamic country ?

Let me put the same questions to you. Do you support the status of your country being an Islamic country ? If yes what are the reasons ?
Would you have asked the same type of question, if the country was going to become a Islamic country ?

Let me put the same questions to you. Do you support the status of your country being an Islamic country ? If yes what are the reasons ?

I asked him because he was approving the idea somewhat so i was asking him to clarify my understanding of his statement.

What is wrong in asking that ????????

As far as my country is concerned there is no question about we dont twist words :) we are very clear about our country.
Hindu nature of Nepal refers to the cultural, historical, and mythological entity of Nepal. The thinking and way of life of people of Nepal.

Hindu state, however, refers to a political status of Nepal.

Yes. I support "Hindu" status of Nepal, although the decision entirely rests on the people of Nepal.

The state of affairs in Nepal after the dissolution of Monarchy is a reason enough for the scope of this thread for my support to Nepal's Hindu statehood.

To give detailed reasons, I will have to go back to the summary of Nepal's history.

Fair enough clear reply so i thanked your post for that.

Now on the basis of above opinion of yours, may i ask do you support such status for India too? Keeping in view all the reasons like history, culture, rituals, mythological nature and all that of India.
Fair enough clear reply so i thanked your post for that.

Now on the basis of above opinion of yours, may i ask do you support such status for India too? Keeping in view all the reasons like history, culture, rituals, mythological nature and all that of India.

Sorry for butting in - But in my view Jana, its an apples to oranges comparison. Historically, India has been exposed to much more multi-religious influences than Nepal. And even India's contemporary society reflects those influences and is heterogeneous as a result.. So the question of declaring India a Hindu state doesn't even rise.
Very correct. Hinduism does not have any "forceful" laws, but only "voluntary" guidelines told in gentle verses. Those who follow them are Hindus and those who refuse to follow them are also Hindus.

Hinduism recognizes existence of 33 crore gods (330 million), a concept difficult to understand for non-hindus, but has a deep significance to it.

as per my knowledge there r only 3 crore.....there is only one supreme being as per vedas or gita...parabrahma...rest of the 3 crore were more like his angels or devtas as we call them are there to serve the will of the supreme..
Very correct. Hinduism does not have any "forceful" laws, but only "voluntary" guidelines told in gentle verses. Those who follow them are Hindus and those who refuse to follow them are also Hindus.

Hinduism recognizes existence of 33 crore gods (330 million), a concept difficult to understand for non-hindus, but has a deep significance to it.

Sir i am not trying to belittle you but it seems that when Mccaulay or whoever translated our Vedas have misinterpreted this number of gods thing.

U see the basic concept is we have 33 "koti" gods according to vedas,

this koti in sanskrit means not only the numerical 1 crore but also the word "gana" which means a group.

U might have heard the word "Sishyakoti" it does not mean the guru has 1 crore sishya's but a group of sishya's.

This means that there were 33 groups of devas as opposed to asuras, these 33 groups are like gandharvas, kinnera's , kimpurusha's etc.

The gods were called aditya's as a whole since they were born of aditi the first wife of Kashyapa Prajapati, and rakshasa's were called daitya's since they were born of diti (the wife Kashyapa Prajapati also i.e. second one)

This concept is too much for the comprehension of Westerners at that time so the number thing was given and our ancient texts have been ridiculed ever since as mythologies. If we ourselves give such info then we are not justifying ourselves. If u had not known this concept then its allright since one has to learn at some time.
Sorry for butting in - But in my view Jana, its an apples to oranges comparison. Historically, India has been exposed to much more multi-religious influences than Nepal. And even India's contemporary society reflects those influences and is heterogeneous as a result.. So the question of declaring India a Hindu state doesn't even rise.

Those influences are another thing. But keeping in view majority, the question was asked. Not necessarily that you support it was asking just his opinion :)

India More than Nepal, is considered rep of hindus or for that matter its a worldwide perception
Those influences are another thing. But keeping in view majority, the question was asked. Not necessarily that you support it was asking just his opinion :)

Trying to start a fire, weren't you?. :D

India More than Nepal, is considered rep of hindus or for that matter its a worldwide perception
It definitely is. And thats because of the 800 million or so Hindus living in the country and also the fact its the birthplace of that religion.
Those influences are another thing. But keeping in view majority, the question was asked. Not necessarily that you support it was asking just his opinion :)

India More than Nepal, is considered rep of hindus or for that matter its a worldwide perception

India has an unique diversity united by unique ideology of india or bharat. Many religions and faiths took birth here and many found their new home in the subcontinent. it has a rare fabric of diversity . i think we should strive to strengthen that quality of ours rather than adopting a single identity. it should be a home for spiritual, cultural and human values. it may sound a difficult one but not an impossible one.
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