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Response to 'NATO' Military Message Video by Russia, China and Islam

bullsh*t FSA is pro NATO

There's many things wrong with the video but not that. No, they aren't pro-NATO. Most rebels are Islamist anyways.


-Iran+Hezbollah fight against the FSA.
-Egypt tries preventing arms from going to Hamas.
-Russia and China don't make any effort to arm Hezbollah/Hamas let alone give advanced technology to Iran.
-Hamas and Hezbollah aren't as strong as some people think.
-Russia and China aren't anti-Israel.

Most of those Muslim countries receive their weapons from NATO countries.

I only saw two Muslim nations in the video. Pakistan and Iran.
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The main thing is that NATO has a huge stock pile of weapons like from 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s which are useless for them. Just like Russia is providing free of cost their New and Old weapons to Syria and Iran. NATO should provide their 0s, 70s, 80s and 90s to Syrian rebels and Turkey along with Jordan free of cost.

What makes you think they want a rebel victory? The EU is very hostile to the rebels and the US barely supplies them with lethal aid.
I only saw two Muslim nations in the video. Pakistan and Iran.
I didn't watch the entire video anyway but in Pakistan's case most of its deadly conventional hardware is American supplied (F-16's, Cobra gunships, etc). The F-16's are the spearheads of our Air Force, but they probably wouldn't even take off the runway if ever there was a Pakistani-Nato confrontation due to the kill switches installed in them.
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I didn't watch the entire video anyway but in Pakistan's case most of its deadly conventional hardware is American supplied (F-16's, Cobra gunships, etc). The F-16's are the spearheads of our Air Force, but they probably wouldn't even take off the runway if ever there was a Pakistani-Nato confrontation due to the kill switches installed on them.

Good thing we have a few dozen JF-17s in our force.
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