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Respect of Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) Bowl while delivering to Chechnya

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You dont respect the rules and regulations that he brought down with him, dont follow him in letter and spirit, Dont follow the Book that his and Your lord passed down to be the guide for all man kind for ever and always.Yet you respect a bowl that he might have drunk water in, or his hair which may or may not be his. Do you see how the muslim ummah has been led astray and these excuses are put there to incite obedience and fervour, yet the thing that demands obedience and following is being left behind. Subhan Allah---Indeed the ummah has been misled.
I love the prophet as much as anyone of you and when the time comes will gladly sacrifice myself, my family and all that i have for the glory of Islam and the Love of Allah SWT but I am sorry, I dont believe in these relics.

How can u say that u love him when you don't love the belongings of him......you don't give respect to things belongs to him.......then why you go to Makkah and while performing Hajj you kiss the "Hajrey Aswad".......its also belongs to Hazrat Ibrahim AS.....then stop kissing that Stone.......coz its just stone.....according to these "WAHABIS"
٣- جاء أحد سدنة الكعبة إلى أم المؤمنين عائشة رضي الله عنها فقال يا أمه - يناديها بأمومتها له ولسائر المسلمين - ماذا نفعل بكسوة الكعبة الخلقة بعد أن
خلعناها وكسونا الكعبة بكسوة جديدة قالت: قطعها ووزعها على المستحقات من نساء المؤمنين. قال إنهن يعتريهن ما يجب صيانة كسوة بيت الله من ذلك. ويعنى بذلك الحيض. فقالت إن هذا القماش لا يختلف عن الأقمشة الأخرى المباحة لهن وليس لهذا القماش - كسوة الكعبة القديمة - مزيد فضل ولا تخصيص بعد أن استغني عنه. فهذا من أم المؤمنين عائشة رضي الله عنها توجيه عملي على أن التعلق بالآثار لطلب البركة أو النفع أو دفع البلاء والضرر والتعلق بذلك منافٍ لتحقيق التوحيد وكماله.

????? ?????? : ??? ?? ???? ???????

This is what i mean.

But since it is related to religion i would leave the translation to someone Arabic on this forum to give the right translation.

Tariq or Mosa might help as both of them are more well versed with religious matters than me for sure.

3-One of the Ka'aba care takers came to the mother of believer Ayesha (May God's acceptance be upon her) and he said to her: Mother (calling her on her motherhood status to him and all Muslims) what do we do of the Ka'aba's clothing after we have taken it off and have given the Ka'aba a new one??. She said: Cut it equally and distribute it to poor women of Believers. He said: They will Nudify it (Meaning what is worn in the groin region and he means when women menstruate) and the clothing of the house of God should not be treated so. She said: This cloth is no different than any other cloth and this cloth (the old Ka'aba cloth) more honor or specialty after it had served its purpose and was gotten rid of.
This is from the mother of believers Ayesha a clear guide that one should never ask for anything from any remains to bring good or push away bad things and to cling on such things is against achieving complete monotheism.

---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 PM ----------

How can u say that u love him when you don't love the belongings of him......you don't give respect to things belongs to him.......then why you go to Makkah and while performing Hajj you kiss the "Hajrey Aswad".......its also belongs to Hazrat Ibrahim AS.....then stop kissing that Stone.......coz its just stone.....according to these "WAHABIS"

The black stone certainly is holy due to its origin. Ibrahim AS received this stone from God when he was building the Ka'aba from heaven itself however one does not ask the stone or carry a piece of it with him for even as mere as "Good luck" because only God is responsible for such things.
3-One of the Ka'aba care takers came to the mother of believer Ayesha (May God's acceptance be upon her) and he said to her: Mother (calling her on her motherhood status to him and all Muslims) what do we do of the Ka'aba's clothing after we have taken it off and have given the Ka'aba a new one??. She said: Cut it equally and distribute it to poor women of Believers. He said: They will Nudify it (Meaning what is worn in the groin region and he means when women menstruate) and the clothing of the house of God should not be treated so. She said: This cloth is no different than any other cloth and this cloth (the old Ka'aba cloth) more honor or specialty after it had served its purpose and was gotten rid of.
This is from the mother of believers Ayesha a clear guide that one should never ask for anything from any remains to bring good or push away bad things and to cling on such things is against achieving complete monotheism.

---------- Post added at 09:35 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:32 PM ----------

The black stone certainly is holy due to its origin. Ibrahim AS received this stone from God when he was building the Ka'aba from heaven itself however one does not ask the stone or carry a piece of it with him for even as mere as "Good luck" because only God is responsible for such things.

Dont quote random hadith, some of us are educated enuf NOT to trust anonymous quotes

---------- Post added at 12:41 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:40 AM ----------

BTW is the solid empirical evidence it actually belonged to the prophetSAW
We have the right to follow him, he is an angel compared to ur bald nawaz tharki
Keep your punjabi pride to urself, believe me i get enough of that at school

sorry dear i am not follower of your beloved bald nawaz tharki ;) my hero is imran khan he will bang all of your loved ones who are living in london and ruling karachi and destroying peace of pakistan ,
Who the **** are u to say this....that, this Bowl is useless..............how can u being a muslim (which i doubt) can say things belonging to Prophet Muhammad are useless........if you called them useless....then your faith is useless.
If you are a muslim and read the Holy Quran......When Bani Isreal they were fighting with along with Bakhat Nasar.....they kept a Box in front of them and asked the Allah to give them Success due to the blessing of that Box.....and you know what was in that box.....the things related to different Prophets (Stick ["Assa"] of Mussa AS) etc.....and Bani Isreal got success ..... coz allah gave them success due to that holy box.

Actually it is extremely wrong to ask for "success" from mere objects even if you are carrying the skeleton of Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلمwith you at all times. You see one of the Prophet's final advice before his death and while he was in the agony of death he kept saying "May God curse the Christians and Jews" three times and then said "May God curse them they have taken the graves of their prophets as mosques and worship places and have gone astray because of it" If this Hadith teaches us anything is that only holiness belongs to God and no"THING" else.

Also how did Noah's people first begun to worship stones and Gods?? They did it once they have made the graves of extremely devout people a shrine to ask for "Barakat" and "To give them success" they at first did not ask them directly for it they asked them that Barakat will come through them but in time people started considering THEM holy and thus the first act of Polytheism happened on earth so we are better avoid doing this their mistake.
Actually it is extremely wrong to ask for "success" from mere objects even if you are carrying the skeleton of Muhammad صلى الله عليه و سلمwith you at all times. You see one of the Prophet's final advice before his death and while he was in the agony of death he kept saying "May God curse the Christians and Jews" three times and then said "May God curse them they have taken the graves of their prophets as mosques and worship places and have gone astray because of it" If this Hadith teaches us anything is that only holiness belongs to God and no"THING" else.

Also how did Noah's people first begun to worship stones and Gods?? They did it once they have made the graves of extremely devout people a shrine to ask for "Barakat" and "To give them success" they at first did not ask them directly for it they asked them that Barakat will come through them but in time people started considering THEM holy and thus the first act of Polytheism happened on earth so we are better avoid doing this their mistake.

You retarded or something... Calling the Jasd e Khaki in urdu for the Pure(Pak) body of Prophet Mohammad PBUH as ....? his body is still like it what it was when he was alive... nobdy is asking the object for anything... people just love the belongings of Propet PBUH! The bowl is more sacred and worth it than the lives of millions of people to a common muslim...it cant bring us luck or anything i agree but it belongs to our beloved Prophet PBUH! Thus sacred and respectable for all muslims!
You retarded or something... Calling the Jasd e Khaki urdu for the Pure(Pak) body of Prophet Mohammad PBUH as ....? hes body is still like it was when he was alive... nobdy i asking the object for anything... people just love the belongings of Propet PBUH! The bowl is more sacred and worth it than the lives of millions of people to a common muslim...it cant bring us luck or anything i agree but it belongs to our beloved Prophet PBUH! Thus sacred and respectable for all muslims!

I agree with you that if I had I would most certainly put it in a special place and guard it very strongly. But I would not use it as a blessing because the Prophet himself would not have liked that and would have probably scream at me if I do.
sorry dear i am not follower of your beloved bald nawaz tharki ;) my hero is imran khan he will bang all of your loved ones who are living in london and ruling karachi and destroying peace of pakistan ,

I never said i 'love' altaf for his personality or righteousness - honor only belongs to Imran Khan
I'm just saying Altaf is the one who saved us from a mass genocide and is keeping our lives safe(literally) and doing the little bit of developement work that gets dont in karachi - I'm not saying their perfect, all i'm saying is theyre the lesser of the three evils in karachi
Ofc imran is the best, but he doesnt have the guns to protect us
And by the way I was giving an Example.
you people are arguing on a useless point . If someone give respect to this bowl then whats wrong in it . I know there are very small differences in point of view of different Fiqas but it does not mean that we start fighting on these small issues , everyone of us Loves Prophet PBUH and there should be no doubt in it . So we should follow the way Of Allah and His Prophet PBUH . We should follow the basic five PILLARS of ISLAM and leave rest of our deeds between us and Allah . For you is your deeds and for me are mine
you people are arguing on a useless point . If someone give respect to this bowl then whats wrong in it . I know there are very small differences in point of view of different Fiqas but it does not mean that we start fighting on these small issues , everyone of us Loves Prophet PBUH and there should be no doubt in it . So we should follow the way Of Allah and His Prophet PBUH . We should follow the basic five PILLARS of ISLAM and leave rest of our deeds between us and Allah . For you is your deeds and for me are mine

every one is scholar here thats the main problem :P
I never said i 'love' altaf for his personality or righteousness - honor only belongs to Imran Khan
I'm just saying Altaf is the one who saved us from a mass genocide and is keeping our lives safe(literally) and doing the little bit of developement work that gets dont in karachi - I'm not saying their perfect, all i'm saying is theyre the lesser of the three evils in karachi
Ofc imran is the best, but he doesnt have the guns to protect us

well ganja also developed punjab and lahore but we are not blind followers of him we want change in pakistan so we are supporting imran khan now secondly i know you guys dnt have any option except to vote MQM and you your self know very well how much pious MQM and altaf
every one is scholar here thats the main problem :P
when it comes to Islam everyone thinks that he is scholar . Islam is not a joke . when we argue on something and try to prove our point related to our own Fiqa we become selective and this is worst things . Islam teaches us to stay away from fitna among Muslims and be United . Islam is the religion of Muslims not shia , sunni , wahabi , braivli etc .
when it comes to Islam everyone thinks that he is scholar . Islam is not a joke . when we argue on something and try to prove our point related to our own Fiqa we become selective and this is worst things . Islam teaches us to stay away from fitna among Muslims and be United . Islam is the religion of Muslims not shia , sunni , wahabi , braivli etc .

I would rather you NEVER use the word "Wahabi" again because such a word and its meaning does not exist and is only the result of propaganda and lies. Thank you.
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