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Request: Change of User Name

Dear sir,
I have a rank of captain but I am more of an airforce guy, so I humbly request you to change it to an equivalent airforce rank if possible.
Thank you in advance.:victory1:

Go to your Account, Personal Details, then scroll a bit down that you will an option as RANKS so select the category of your interest, save changes and there you go.
Go to your Account, Personal Details, then scroll a bit down that you will an option as RANKS so select the category of your interest, save changes and there you go.
Thank you for taking the time out and replying to my silly question.:P
Please change my name to "QANAS MUSTAKSHAF " or "MUSTAKSHAF"

It's your name which helps me differentiate between these two Arabic alphabets ف ق . :)
But I'm sure you miss out on a lot of tags because ppl find it difficult to tag you.
It's your name which helps me differentiate between these two Arabic alphabets ف ق . :)
But I'm sure you miss out on a lot of tags because ppl find it difficult to tag you.
Not difficult but impossible.
@WebMaster Dear sir , plz ab to name change karden ap , I have requested soooooo many times. My name is too big. Could you kindly change it to WarFariX plz
Seems like you want to start getting tagged again?

I have changed majority of the usernames.
Thanks webby,I think I was only one left with that name,
changed it because that's not understood by many.
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