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Republic of Naswaristan

Hey what's up? Bored out of my mind........ :D

What am i suppose to do about it? Go watch a movie or something ...
You sound from khi like you from khi :D

I remember my friends who came from Khi to Lahore were like yaar lahore is green and all but no sea. Abay tafreeh ke bachay tumne dupki marni hai? :D Khi people man, funny with their weird urdu.

Have you ever noticed your ducks gone missing? Probably turned into duck feet soup and Peking duck!

Quack quack!

I am from no where actually- there isn't one city i have stayed in for longer than 3 years ... But i did live in khi for one year before lahore.. And i have a very good urdu ..
Dahhhhh...... I knew that already....... :D

What am i suppose to do about it? Go watch a movie or something ...

I am from no where actually- there isn't one city i have stayed in for longer than 3 years ... But i did live in khi for one year before lahore.. And i have a very good urdu ..
What am i suppose to do about it? Go watch a movie or something ...

I am from no where actually- there isn't one city i have stayed in for longer than 3 years ... But i did live in khi for one year before lahore.. And i have a very good urdu ..
When I was young - Yes ! :)

Then I moved on to Strategy (Generals, Warcraft III, Red Alert 2, DOTA) or First Player Shooters (MOHA, CS, Call of Duty) ! :)
i played a lot of grepolis -- had over 56 cities in my last continent -- had specialized manti nukes, brieme cities, attack ship cities carrying over 280ships and all --- just left the game - too time consuming
Grepolis by G.R.O.M - top players guides, statistics, tools, tactics, tricks and secrets: Perfect Nuke

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What am i suppose to do about it? Go watch a movie or something ...

I am from no where actually- there isn't one city i have stayed in for longer than 3 years ... But i did live in khi for one year before lahore.. And i have a very good urdu ..

You must be a military family or diplomats. My friend's dad serves as the Ambassador for Pak. They bounce after every 3 years. Shitty life i say, plus awesome as well.

Pros and cons perhaps.

This place seems dry, what is it missing? @Hyperion ?
I am well....in class though :( sigh

How are you Neptune and everything on your side, it's been a while since we last spoke.....How goes life?? :D

Wow.... how old were you btw. Well, its kinda flexible now. I had uni entrance exams last week. I want political science and apply to MFA as diplomat later. But yesterday a major called me from TNF HQ. told me there that there was a lack at naval officers. They asked me to apply to academy again in the first place. I dont know what to do. I have been asking some some grannies to what to do
You must be a military family or diplomats. My friend's dad serves as the Ambassador for Pak. They bounce after every 3 years. Shitty life i say, plus awesome as well.

Pros and cons perhaps.
@Hyperion ?

Its military here
Its just pros and pros ...
The only con is packing stuff up -its tiring and confusing and sad ..when you set your room and then having to take the posters, the pictures and the decorations off .some of the stuff breaks too
I am from no where actually- there isn't one city i have stayed in for longer than 3 years ... But i did live in khi for one year before lahore.. And i have a very good urdu ..

I know well what ya mean. It terribly sucks...The saddest part is not having an exact place which you can call it as home for yourself. You meet with good people after a short time, they're gone, they are thousands of kikometers away now. Forever.
Shame on you. You never fight with angels. They are dumb and hormonal, at the same time they are capable of 100x more compassion. Bad bad Aero.... :angry:

I had a 'fight' today, now im boycotted :confused:

Gotta run Lala..... see ya in a while!!! :wave:
Nothing.... worked on a code....... played with doggy......... had a coffee......... called sis....... that's about it.......

Congrats you are not bored anymore ...

I know well what ya mean. It terribly sucks...The saddest part is not having an exact place which you can call it as home for yourself. You meet with good people after a short time, they're gone, they are thousands of kikometers away now. Forever.

I like moving .. I get bored easily .its the "packing up the house" i dont like .. And if someone is really worth keeping their location doesnt matter ..my best friend has been in iran for 3 years now shes still my best friend
Yeah the home part is sad ..but i have claimed my grandpa's house as my home and there is nothing he can do about it... Muahahaha
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