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Reports of Noshki FC HQ under attack

Thanks for the lovely pictures guys. They brought more joy than they really should have..

One thing that some people might forget is that we do not hide our casualties. We fight with honour. Unlike BLA who have been claiming "half century" lol. BLA a dishonourable enemy, just like their handlers. Anybody signing up for "Majeed brigade" next time should remember that you will come and be butchered down, for your handlers who will make false claims about you. They will lie about your achievements. Do you really want to give your life for those who are lying, you should think about what else they are lying about.

Come to think of it, we are surrounded by a bunch of dishonourable nations. The old AFG, Iran, India. All resorting to lies. Hopefully IEA will be better, but will have to see.

As far as BLA is concerned, they lie, we don't. BLA butchers civilians, innocents, we don't. We have the truth on our side, we are on the right side. Truth will prevail, we will win.
Well, problem is that everyone in this thread thinks they got some golden ideas to stop militancy which even military doesn't know.

Half of the people are betting on drones. Fact of matter is till date hundreds of thousands of terror attacks have happened all over the world. How many attacks are foiled or detected by drones ?. ZERO.

If a HQ is near populated area, near road, there is no way on earth a drone can detect between explosive laden car from a normal civilian car. Drones do not have x-rays, these cannot check which of the guys are terrorists, or which ones are only decoys sent to grab "drone's" focus while real party of terrorists carry out the attack on another location in same city.

Even if I agree for a moment that ok drones are the solution. then no body here seems to understand the scale we are talking about. To properly look down an area which is connected with populated areas a drone camera has to be focused down to few 100 meters. Otherwise, it will not be able to detect anything. You have to focus down to objects closely to see or monitor the behavior. That means even for a small village you needs 1000s of drones. Perhaps unlimited number for long Baluchistan border, and all routes within the province, villages etc. See below google map photos, one is of Nushki & other is of Dera Bugti. So I have zoomed at a level where only 10% of the city is visible and even then at this zoom you can't see anything, you will never foil an attack from this zoom level.. Drone operator will have to zoom down at particular location or object (that means all other area will be ignored) terrorists can bring multiple decoys to fool the drone.

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So instead of drones.. Why don't you guys suggest heavy fortification of the posts & HQs. Sensors right their on ground. Better assault rifles, sniper rifles, armoured protection and more.

See, I am not against drones but people suggesting that drone as utlimate solution are simply wrong.
Yes drones can be helpful if HQ is located at center of the desert. But on a populated centers no use at all.

Now we all know, india invested at Chahbhar port. They brought route from Afghanistan to Iran and through Iranian port as alternative to CPEC. Now since they were packed up in Afghanistan, the iranians / indians do not want CPEC to flourish as well. The indian agents through iranian border (likes of Kulbushan) are active. Only possiblity to nab it with full cooperation of Iran.. But, We are in center of AFG, Iran & India.. Each country do not want us to progress. We simply cannot fight each one of them at a time. I say Pak / China as to give monetary incentive to Iran, so it aligns its success with ours. This is against our emotions but practical way forward. Just tell Iranian regime, look if CPEC becomes a success, we will have a road connectivity with Chahbahar and will use that port as well for x amount of the trade. Otherwise, those greedy MFs won't stop shaking their tail to indian masters.

See the link detailing indian plans for Chahbahar: https://byjus.com/free-ias-prep/chabahar-port/
You cant compare live feed vs some random photos from google
There is huge difference in what can get when you actually use these resources properly why you think companies are sending billions into sending more satellites.
Military systems and cheap recreational drones have huge difference on what data they can provide heck.

Drones wont solve all of your problems but can provide better cheaper and quicker tracking or atleast give more time and information to armed forces to better tackle these elements, regular deployment of these drones in high threat areas or High smuggling areas as these weapons are not being made in Pakistan but are being bring brought from outside just cutting the supply chain itself will have huge impact.

Main thing is thinking has to change and state has to accept enough is enough and they actually need to take responsibility by going against these organisations from top to bottom or step down.
This post of urs makes u sound like a 5 year old.
No one dies before their time. If the whole regt. Time is up than they will all die. On the other hand if its their time to live than no power on this earth can do fu@k all out it. They will carry on until its their time to die.

So if nothing can kill u before ur time n u only die at ur appointed hour....than wt better way to die as a Shaheed n get a free pass to jannah.
N if that doesn't float ur boat than nothing ever will.
All well and good in theory and in hindsight but I'm sure most, if not all of them, given the choice, would rather have gone back to their families and loved ones.
"No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making some other poor dumb bastard die for his country." General George S. Patton
Thanks for posting this.
This is what war is about.
Martyrdom is the consolation prize.
Well, problem is that everyone in this thread thinks they got some golden ideas to stop militancy which even military doesn't know.

Half of the people are betting on drones. Fact of matter is till date hundreds of thousands of terror attacks have happened all over the world. How many attacks are foiled or detected by drones ?. ZERO.

If a HQ is near populated area, near road, there is no way on earth a drone can detect between explosive laden car from a normal civilian car. Drones do not have x-rays, these cannot check which of the guys are terrorists, or which ones are only decoys sent to grab "drone's" focus while real party of terrorists carry out the attack on another location in same city.

Even if I agree for a moment that ok drones are the solution. then no body here seems to understand the scale we are talking about. To properly look down an area which is connected with populated areas a drone camera has to be focused down to few 100 meters. Otherwise, it will not be able to detect anything. You have to focus down to objects closely to see or monitor the behavior. That means even for a small village you needs 1000s of drones. Perhaps unlimited number for long Baluchistan border, and all routes within the province, villages etc. See below google map photos, one is of Nushki & other is of Dera Bugti. So I have zoomed at a level where only 10% of the city is visible and even then at this zoom you can't see anything, you will never foil an attack from this zoom level.. Drone operator will have to zoom down at particular location or object (that means all other area will be ignored) terrorists can bring multiple decoys to fool the drone.

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So instead of drones.. Why don't you guys suggest heavy fortification of the posts & HQs. Sensors right their on ground. Better assault rifles, sniper rifles, armoured protection and more.

See, I am not against drones but people suggesting that drone as utlimate solution are simply wrong.
Yes drones can be helpful if HQ is located at center of the desert. But on a populated centers no use at all.

Now we all know, india invested at Chahbhar port. They brought route from Afghanistan to Iran and through Iranian port as alternative to CPEC. Now since they were packed up in Afghanistan, the iranians / indians do not want CPEC to flourish as well. The indian agents through iranian border (likes of Kulbushan) are active. Only possiblity to nab it with full cooperation of Iran.. But, We are in center of AFG, Iran & India.. Each country do not want us to progress. We simply cannot fight each one of them at a time. I say Pak / China as to give monetary incentive to Iran, so it aligns its success with ours. This is against our emotions but practical way forward. Just tell Iranian regime, look if CPEC becomes a success, we will have a road connectivity with Chahbahar and will use that port as well for x amount of the trade. Otherwise, those greedy MFs won't stop shaking their tail to indian masters.

See the link detailing indian plans for Chahbahar: https://byjus.com/free-ias-prep/chabahar-port/
Great points. May I add another one? Remember, 3b$ worth of the Afgan drugs was found in a private port operated by the Adani Group in India. And, it came via Iran. Now, this trade, which happens to be one of the best for unaccounted profits in $, is being choked off.....
Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un.

Great job by our brave soldiers whose sacrifice allow us to live freely in our beloved country. Of course loss of life is expected in war but I am hopeful that the count on our end will continue to decrease while we wipe these cowards from face of the earth.

Is there a way we can improve our post/ bases to give our boys even more time to respond. Can movement sensors, night vision and heat sensors be placed on a high location that gives them a 360 view of the base? Or maybe they are already placed. Until we have these scums and their supporters in our country we need to come up with better ways of guarding our base .
Well placed shots to the head, to the weapon & arm....
heaven sake kill them with grace atleast
Really impressed with the placement of the kill shots, all of them have been shot above the neck region or in the arms (to disable the use of weapon) Goes on to show the quality of training of these troops. Remaining calm enough to remember their training while under heavy fire shows the highest level of professionalism of these soldiers. Very well done.
I don't usually post on threads that get so many posts so quickly since it is more like Twitter and less like PDF, but I wanted to make an important point that most if not all replies are missing.

Everyone wants:
1. More military resources dedicated to Balochistan.
2. More assertiveness in dealing with Iran.
3. More assertiveness in dealing with UAE.
4. More assertiveness in dealing with India.
5. More socioeconomic development in Balochsitan.

But you know why Pakistan can't do those things to the level of other powerful nations? It's the economy stupid.

Yes we have managed to build a military that punches above its weight in terms of resources. But the nation standing behind it is poor and hungry and has no international clout. In this day and age international clout comes through trade relationships (which come from actually being able to trade).

Do you think Iran and the Arab gulf countries prefer to work with India because of emotional reasons? No. Its economic reasons that trump everything. Why does the world ignore Kashmir? It's the economy stupid.

If we had an economic leg to stand on we could actually have the international clout to do some of the things suggested by members here. If we had a robust economy that the world depended on do you think we wouldn't be hitting our enemies OPENLY wherever they were? Turkey can create a buffer zone in Syria and nobody bats an eye. We like to dream of hitting enemies like Israel but forget how they have the world by the balls and we are in IMF program after IMF program.

It is my opinion that once Pakistan's economy picks up and Pakistan becomes an important trading partner for its neighbors and the west, then Pakistan can be more forceful in the protection of its interest. This is basically what the national security policy is saying but it remains to be seen what effect that has on our state.

Given our current one way economic dependence all we can hope to do is barely operate within our borders (it costs a lot of money to do military operations) and be the nice guy or else the world wont play ball with us.

Conclusion: Get a robust economy. It will help with this among many other things.

this is what people do not understand before chest thumping.

Edit: a little thing i would add is we are corrupt to core and people seek their own house, just can't compare ourselves to those nations who even in hard times proved themselves to be good to stand against such challenges.
Didn't let them to use it at all or have any chance. Very quick execution was it.
You see this is exactly the problem with Pakistan and its people, you are seeing some unused magazines but they still manage to kill our soldiers, keeping them from more damage does not negate that they literally failed, the news was out and in the open and it not just took lives but bad publicity for the country, we need pre-emptive measures to make sure that no more 5-6 team attacks on bases or Check posts, I will be proud when our forces will conduct operations based on Intelligence and kill them before they even left their sleeper cell.
Is there any indication how long the actual fire fight during the assault at naushki and panjgur actually lasted?

Im not talking about clearance ops.
The firefight is Nushki was much shorter and more easily repulsed, terrorists were prevented from gaining a foothold and there was a good counterattack against them. Panjgur on the other hand is a little blurry at the moment, it is reasonable to assume that in Panjgur, terrorists made much more headway and were able to establish fighting positions hence why fighting was heavier and more prolonged. At this moment of time there is no update from Panjgur on the current situation, last update yesterday said there was a clearance operation and some terrorists were holed up or at large. Can't give you any solid time estimate though given the fluidity of the situation.
Half of the people are betting on drones. Fact of matter is till date hundreds of thousands of terror attacks have happened all over the world. How many attacks are foiled or detected by drones ?. ZERO.
That is a big claim. Anyway, it is said that 3 out 5 attacks were nubbed in the bud, imagine if all 5 were, no news wd have surfaced.
Drones can be used to monitor LEAs patrolling, uninhabited area, borders, etc.Within cities, we need cameras feed and AI algorithms to detect any wanted person. Lastly, drone can act as CAS if a post is under attack.

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