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Reports of Noshki FC HQ under attack

All the high IQ Intelligent, analysts & journalists on this thread: What do you observe in regard to Intelligence, response & OP in this picture? Lets question the intel failure later.

All the high IQ Intelligent, analysts & journalists on this thread: What do you observe in regard to Intelligence, response & OP in this picture? Lets question the intel failure later.

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May I.... IF THEY KNOW WHERE THEY ARE LIVING then why they don't just do a simple drone strike on them I mean they can't even fence a border since 2014 ?
There is a large difference between insurgencies of TTP and Balochs. The later has a strong ethnic element and it is as old as Pakistan is. It raises it's head time and again. First peak was in 1970s. This need to be tackled very carefully, otherwise it can go totally out of hand. I believe that our Establishment is on right track. While countering the insurgency, we can't alienate a large populace. Since, the operations have to be calibrated carefully, we will have to bear larger number of casualties. Clean-sweep type operations would be counterproductive.
Pakistan is lacking on the media war, if you can control perception, you can even have people believe in things which are not true, and then physically act on it, this is what India is desperately trying to do.

It doesn't matter if there's no real insurgency in Balochistan, or if there's no desire to be separate, but with enough chatter regarding it and foreign powers funding proxies for attacks, even the people themselves will begin to believe it and go along with it based on lies.

We need Balochi people making videos talking about the atrocities of these terrorists making their life miserable, and how the general populace does not believe in them. Make videos like these go viral, and spread it everywhere. You have to counter this narrative build up, and we have the most powerful way to do so, literally have the Balochis themselves.

A Twitter hashtag going viral with a video of them cursing the terrorists, crying, strictly opposing them and siding with Pakistan can destroy this narrative and bring support to the army. Put English subtitles, and watermark the videos so they cannot be stolen by propaganda accounts. It will allow for heavier operations and larger scale support.

We need to break their narrative down on the media.

@PanzerKiel Sir, a suggestion if you could pass this on to the right people...
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The exact reasons as why people are so clueless about Pakistan Military. Having a British Flat explains as how much do you value money in this regard. The offer is not made service without pay. How much do you risk like your life against that Pay and join the ranks? How much of your family will be ready to endure such pain of loss of son, brother, husband for this pay? How much you dare to lose anything for this pay? My dear friend! talk is cheap like that. Stop being on high horse and taunting our Jawans like this. Don't even bother to explain such of your behaviour.

You continue to believe in holy cows, i will criticise where it is required. We have lost 80,000 people to this war against terrorists and the major reason for that is the failure of political, military and law enforcement leadership. We have not learnt lessons, the same mistakes are made.

At the start of the war against TTP and TNSM we sent soldiers into the meat grinder, ill equipped, ill trained, the terrorists would scramble away and then hit the troops in posts and checkpoints. It took years of heavy military and civillian casulties to develop an effective military COIN strategy. Even then law enforcement capability was non existent until recently. Back then we appeased TNSM and their demands for shariah in FATA, and today we have been issuing peace deals with TTP. Do you think the military leadership who even meets celebrities such as Michael Owen and Amir Khan does not interefere in the making of such pathetic political strategy? It took 20 years to build a fence along the Afghan border.

Look at the parellels in Balochistan today. Plenty of men being killed, lots of hubrus about martyrs and brave mothers. What are those mothers supposed to do? What choice do you leave them with when you sell the lives of their sons cheap?! No new strategy, Still no fence with Iran, political supporters of Iran and BLA free to do what they like, no reach to take out dissidents abroad or at home, no evolution in tactics, equipment kept for parades and moustache twirling at Eastern border. Same mistakes being made again and again and you like to sit there talking about martyrs and bravery and keeping up morale. F**k morale, we need a culture of identifying and correcting failures, not putting on a brave face on it all.

Why are you and other people jumping down the throat of people like Zarvan who are legitimately criticising? Why are you afraid of identifying and addressing failures?
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whats the latest news regarding fencing? how much is remaining on the iran border?
May I.... IF THEY KNOW WHERE THEY ARE LIVING then why they don't just do a simple drone strike on them I mean they can't even fence a border since 2014 ?

No. Something to get clearly from picture. This is not living somewhere else.
You continue to believe in holy cows, i will criticise where it is required. We have lost 80,000 people to this war against terrorists and the major reason for that is the failure of political, military and law enforcement leadership. We have not learnt lessons, the same mistakes are made.

Criticism V/s propaganda to downgrade our martyrs, are different. Do not take your posting privileges for granted. Keep blaming & maligning Institute under the guise of criticism is not welcome here neither your judgment about people is warranted at all. Reach GHQ to complain. That is clear like any day.

I don't usually post on threads that get so many posts so quickly since it is more like Twitter and less like PDF, but I wanted to make an important point that most if not all replies are missing.

Everyone wants:
1. More military resources dedicated to Balochistan.
2. More assertiveness in dealing with Iran.
3. More assertiveness in dealing with UAE.
4. More assertiveness in dealing with India.
5. More socioeconomic development in Balochsitan.

But you know why Pakistan can't do those things to the level of other powerful nations? It's the economy stupid.

Yes we have managed to build a military that punches above its weight in terms of resources. But the nation standing behind it is poor and hungry and has no international clout. In this day and age international clout comes through trade relationships (which come from actually being able to trade).

Do you think Iran and the Arab gulf countries prefer to work with India because of emotional reasons? No. Its economic reasons that trump everything. Why does the world ignore Kashmir? It's the economy stupid.

If we had an economic leg to stand on we could actually have the international clout to do some of the things suggested by members here. If we had a robust economy that the world depended on do you think we wouldn't be hitting our enemies OPENLY wherever they were? Turkey can create a buffer zone in Syria and nobody bats an eye. We like to dream of hitting enemies like Israel but forget how they have the world by the balls and we are in IMF program after IMF program.

It is my opinion that once Pakistan's economy picks up and Pakistan becomes an important trading partner for its neighbors and the west, then Pakistan can be more forceful in the protection of its interest. This is basically what the national security policy is saying but it remains to be seen what effect that has on our state.

Given our current one way economic dependence all we can hope to do is barely operate within our borders (it costs a lot of money to do military operations) and be the nice guy or else the world wont play ball with us.

Conclusion: Get a robust economy. It will help with this among many other things.
A GBU or Mk-84s are not long lasting solutions. And military solution is also not going to last longer.
Sigh. We are Losing the narrative war.
All the special ops, the secret drone strikes, mean jack shit if you lose it.
They have their places and so do all the other things we do, but we need to be seen to be hitting back.
Look at the UAE. Complete joke of a military.
They went and bombed some sand in the Yemeni desert 15 minutes after the missile attack. It did not matter that it was ineffective. What was the matter was that they were shown to be offensive.
We need that. Yes, smart bombs are not a long term solution, but right now frankly we look weak and paralysis. That invites challenge and and makes our citizenry despondent.
Hit them hard and be **seen** to be hitting them hard.
Can someone plz clarify, isn't FC Bloachistan is not Frontier Constublary but Frontier Corp and is part of PakArmy?
Ever since bajwa and imran came into power things have gone to shit. When your only focus is one person Nawaz sharif and his family no wonder capacity building and army kinetic action will weaken. Bajwa has politicised the armed forces while taking sides and things have gone soft unfortunately.
It is imperative that we see a change in command otherwise the army itself would become volatile. I have high suspicions Bajwa will get another extension.
I don't usually post on threads that get so many posts so quickly since it is more like Twitter and less like PDF, but I wanted to make an important point that most if not all replies are missing.

Everyone wants:
1. More military resources dedicated to Balochistan.
2. More assertiveness in dealing with Iran.
3. More assertiveness in dealing with UAE.
4. More assertiveness in dealing with India.
5. More socioeconomic development in Balochsitan.

But you know why Pakistan can't do those things to the level of other powerful nations? It's the economy stupid.

Yes we have managed to build a military that punches above its weight in terms of resources. But the nation standing behind it is poor and hungry and has no international clout. In this day and age international clout comes through trade relationships (which come from actually being able to trade).

Do you think Iran and the Arab gulf countries prefer to work with India because of emotional reasons? No. Its economic reasons that trump everything. Why does the world ignore Kashmir? It's the economy stupid.

If we had an economic leg to stand on we could actually have the international clout to do some of the things suggested by members here. If we had a robust economy that the world depended on do you think we wouldn't be hitting our enemies OPENLY wherever they were? Turkey can create a buffer zone in Syria and nobody bats an eye. We like to dream of hitting enemies like Israel but forget how they have the world by the balls and we are in IMF program after IMF program.

It is my opinion that once Pakistan's economy picks up and Pakistan becomes an important trading partner for its neighbors and the west, then Pakistan can be more forceful in the protection of its interest. This is basically what the national security policy is saying but it remains to be seen what effect that has on our state.

Given our current one way economic dependence all we can hope to do is barely operate within our borders (it costs a lot of money to do military operations) and be the nice guy or else the world wont play ball with us.

Conclusion: Get a robust economy. It will help with this among many other things.
That’s a remarkably silly take, with respect. We have in the last 4 decade faces down TWO superpowers in Afghan and gone the dictates of the worlds strongest powers in foreign and security policy, all the while having a worse economy than we have now.
If what you said was true we would have not acted the way we did in Afghanistan, nor persisted with our nuclear program, inspire of some enormous international pressure.
I don't usually post on threads that get so many posts so quickly since it is more like Twitter and less like PDF, but I wanted to make an important point that most if not all replies are missing.

Everyone wants:
1. More military resources dedicated to Balochistan.
2. More assertiveness in dealing with Iran.
3. More assertiveness in dealing with UAE.
4. More assertiveness in dealing with India.
5. More socioeconomic development in Balochsitan.

But you know why Pakistan can't do those things to the level of other powerful nations? It's the economy stupid.

Yes we have managed to build a military that punches above its weight in terms of resources. But the nation standing behind it is poor and hungry and has no international clout. In this day and age international clout comes through trade relationships (which come from actually being able to trade).

Do you think Iran and the Arab gulf countries prefer to work with India because of emotional reasons? No. Its economic reasons that trump everything. Why does the world ignore Kashmir? It's the economy stupid.

If we had an economic leg to stand on we could actually have the international clout to do some of the things suggested by members here. If we had a robust economy that the world depended on do you think we wouldn't be hitting our enemies OPENLY wherever they were? Turkey can create a buffer zone in Syria and nobody bats an eye. We like to dream of hitting enemies like Israel but forget how they have the world by the balls and we are in IMF program after IMF program.

It is my opinion that once Pakistan's economy picks up and Pakistan becomes an important trading partner for its neighbors and the west, then Pakistan can be more forceful in the protection of its interest. This is basically what the national security policy is saying but it remains to be seen what effect that has on our state.

Given our current one way economic dependence all we can hope to do is barely operate within our borders (it costs a lot of money to do military operations) and be the nice guy or else the world wont play ball with us.

Conclusion: Get a robust economy. It will help with this among many other things.

Iran with all its global sanctions managed to defend its national interests far better than Pakistan

Srilanka with little to no economic clout managed to defend its national interests far better than Pakistan

Even IEA or Taliban of Afghanistan are far confident in defending themselves with literally nothing than Paksitan

The fact is that rulers of this country whether in uniform or without uniform simply don't care about the soldiers dying and economy has simply nothing to do with it
Give location of BLA hideouts and training camps in Afghanistan to Afghan Taliban, India is not only supporting BLA but is also supporting ISIS, as evident from one of the recent raid of Afghan Taliban in which they raided ISIS hideout and found BLA to be living among them. Also share intelligence of India's support to ISIS with Taliban, then see how they will take action against them. Also take Iran on board, share solid intelligence with them also, it is in Iran's self interest to not allow their land to be used against Pakistan, otherwise this could lead to enmity.
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