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Reports of fighting on In Sialkot, Narowal sector.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rumor in Iran that Iranian forces may strike Jaish al-Adl in Pakistan&#39;s Balochistan. I doubt Iran would have done it but after last night&#39;s events, Iran must be feeling encouraged. So question is, if it happens, how will Pakistani military react then? <a href="https://t.co/7l1ffp1Hqr">https://t.co/7l1ffp1Hqr</a></p>&mdash; F. Jeffery (@Natsecjeff) <a href=" ">February 26, 2019</a></blockquote>
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LOL some retards are reporting that Iran might fire a ballistic missile. I hope that people understand that firing a ballistic missile is not a cracker. If this happens, things are going to get really ugly. It is beyond an act of war.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rumor in Iran that Iranian forces may strike Jaish al-Adl in Pakistan&#39;s Balochistan. I doubt Iran would have done it but after last night&#39;s events, Iran must be feeling encouraged. So question is, if it happens, how will Pakistani military react then? <a href="https://t.co/7l1ffp1Hqr">https://t.co/7l1ffp1Hqr</a></p>&mdash; F. Jeffery (@Natsecjeff) <a href=" ">February 26, 2019</a></blockquote>
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that wil;l be the biggest favour Iran will do to Pakistan ..... as it will force us to behave as a NATION .....
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Rumor in Iran that Iranian forces may strike Jaish al-Adl in Pakistan&#39;s Balochistan. I doubt Iran would have done it but after last night&#39;s events, Iran must be feeling encouraged. So question is, if it happens, how will Pakistani military react then? <a href="https://t.co/7l1ffp1Hqr">https://t.co/7l1ffp1Hqr</a></p>&mdash; F. Jeffery (@Natsecjeff) <a href=" ">February 26, 2019</a></blockquote>
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heheh hahaha hehe hahah /////////// I demand and want BD to attack Pakistan too , After I-ran attack...…
@Atlas come on bro tag as many bd members as you want...… IT is golden time , you guys are welcome to attack , we will serve you different stories and let you birds go...….
@Imran Khan , @Indus Pakistan
According to my sources so many Indian soldiers have been killed by Pakistan Army that the body counter has broken down.

According to my another source so many Pak soldiers are killed that we have asked the left ones to go back bring some body carriers. Lol

This thread is such a stress buster.... everyone has a personal friend or a source in border area..lol
Qutuz threw away his combat helmet, so that his warriors could recognize him. He was seen the next moment rushing fiercely towards the battlefield yelling "wa islamah!" ("Oh my Islam"), urging his army to keep firm, and advanced towards the weakened side,Battle Of Ain Jalut, We fight for Islam
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