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Reports from 2011 that Pakistan has the capability to produce themonuclear weapons/hydrogen bombs

Well, since no one else has given you any thanks so let me thank you for this great revelation.
BTW its really heartening to watch that people are not giving thanks to deserving posts

discussing Electricity is irrelevant here on PDF. If you want join some low class civilian forums

Thank you. Much appreciated. This article is from over 5 years ago. I think Pakistan now has fully developed H-bombs and thermo-nukes within our arsenal that's why there has been a recent increase in fear-mongering in various articles all over the internet. This means that Pakistan won't suffer the same fate as the Iraqis and Afghans. Even though we have been listed for termination by the neocons/american elite in the "plans for a new american century" just as those nations were.
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Thank you Bro. Much appreciated. This article is from over 5 years ago. I think Pakistan now has fully developed H-bombs and thermo-nukes within our arsenal that's why there has been a recent increase in fear-mongering in various western/indian articles all over the internet. This means indian's conventional military superiority has been completely neutralized. Even if they spend over $500 billion a year on it.
Oh I forgot to give you real thanks
PS corrected
Well thermonukes are the need of the hour minding the size of India's metropolitan areas. It also marks the next logical step for Pakistan's nuclear program and also India claimed to have test at least one fission boosted device ( a crude form of thermonuke) in May 1998 thus it is natural for Pakistan to pursue themonukes and a device with same size and mass as fission device but with much higher yields thus making our missile delivery systems more effective and even allow to reduce the weight of warheads and thus increasing the effective range. But unfortunately Pakistan's pace of progress is slower than expected and it must be raised so as to address all the threats and also to maintain a credible minimum deterrence.

Our rate of progress is not slow. Everything we are doing is not publicly revealed. Just as we surprised and shocked the world in May 1998 with our nukes tests when they all doubted us, so we can do that again now if we revealed our TRUE capabilities. Revealing to the world that we have H-bombs and thermo-nukes will cause worldwide panic and fear. We don't want nations that are not our enemies to fear us.
Our rate of progress is not slow. Everything we are doing is not publicly revealed. Just as we surprised and shocked the world in May 1998 with our nukes tests when they all doubted us, so we can do that again now if we revealed our TRUE capabilities. Revealing to the world that we have H-bombs and thermo-nukes will cause worldwide panic and fear. We don't want nations that are not our enemies to fear us.
Disclosing everything and boasting about it kills element of surprise which is essence of any armed conflict. There are many hidden cards up the sleeve and we should let it be there.
How long have younbeen in this forum for d day or two perhaps ?

Do I travel abroad? Yes, I was born and raised abroad( irelevant) and nownaince I'm in pak I make frequent vists too.

Lol. Yes we can we act smart and not show nuke as silver bullet to everything, nothing is set on stone

Then you are living in 20 century because in 21st century people know two languages only economy and military might and if you know any one of these language then people respect you otherwise you will be obsolete.
Congradulation on the Hydrogen bomb and Thermo Nuclear weapon in advance keep enemy guessing
Then you are living in 20 century because in 21st century people know two languages only economy and military might and if you know any one of these language then people respect you otherwise you will be obsolete.
Yes I can see the might of north Korea lol. Your assumption is base on flawed notion. Using your own notion! How will yoummake military might when you have no economy to support it, since you're shwn as aggressor and a rogue nobody is willing to work with you. See how that works now ? At best with isolated economy you can become like north Korea
Yes I can see the might of north Korea lol. Your assumption is base on flawed notion. Using your own notion! How will yoummake military might when you have no economy to support it, since you're shwn as aggressor and a rogue nobody is willing to work with you. See how that works now ? At best with isolated economy you can become like north Korea

At least the North Korean's did not have their nation destroyed like the Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians & Libyans did by the americans. They're still there and can solve their economic problems another day. They have a choice. Those other nations mentioned don't.

Anyway, what's wrong with North Korea and it's people? Are they not human? Do they not have feelings? Do they not have the right to defend themselves, their women and children, their culture, their race & way of life? Kudos to them. Are we going to believe all the racist western propaganda against them? If so are we to believe the same propaganda by them against Pakistan/Muslims?
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At least the North Korean's did not have their nation destroyed like the Iraqis, Afghans, Syrians & Libyans did by the americans. They're still there and can solve their economic problems another day. They have a choice. Those other nations mentioned don't.

Anyway, what's wrong with North Korea and it's people? Are they not human? Do they not have feelings? Do they not have the right to defend themselves, their women and children, their culture, their race & way of life? Kudos to them. Are we going to believe all the racist and western propaganda against them? If so are we to believe the same propaganda by them against Pakistan/Muslims?
Agreed. How long can norths obsolete military machinenstand against its adversary??

How long can they sustain the attacks ? A sound economy lays the foundation of sound miltary.

Lokmat Japan and their economic might! It only took them few days to churn out defense stuff mfrom their industries
Agreed. How long can norths obsolete military machinenstand against its adversary??

How long can they sustain the attacks ? A sound economy lays the foundation of sound miltary.

Lokmat Japan and their economic might! It only took them few days to churn out defense stuff mfrom their industries

But do they have obsolete military technology or is it that they are hiding their true capabilities and we are only buying into western propaganda bs?

All I seek is the truth.

Your premise for a strong and powerful economy is correct. Totally agree. I think that is where Pakistan is trying to get to now.
But do they have obsolete military technology or is it that they are hiding their true capabilities and we are only buying into western propaganda bs?

All I seek is the truth.

Your premise for a strong and powerful economy is correct. Totally agree. I think that is where Pakistan is trying to get to now.
Yes it is very obsolete. The don't have enough industry to support hardware. Plus their aggresive posture such as threatening the countries with nuke every single time makes them very unfavourable place for conducting business, thus even reducing the chance of doing business and improving their industries. No need to talk about nuke capability of Pakistan . Hell I don't understand why dumb Pakistanis always keep blabbering about this issue. They are even making up quizzes on nuke of pakistan. Like seriously how dumb can onenget. But in case of Pakistani I guess the word infinite fits best
Yes I can see the might of north Korea lol. Your assumption is base on flawed notion. Using your own notion! How will yoummake military might when you have no economy to support it, since you're shwn as aggressor and a rogue nobody is willing to work with you. See how that works now ? At best with isolated economy you can become like north Korea

They don't fear US and US fear them. Can anybody do that? answer is no. Can US do anything wrong to them. Answer is no. They are respectable people and not like others.
They don't fear US and US fear them. Can anybody do that? answer is no. Can US do anything wrong to them. Answer is no. They are respectable people and not like others.
The fear of US is greater than the fear of their local population dying of starvation or being isolated to reality ?
The fear of US is greater than the fear of their local population dying of starvation or being isolated to reality ?

I will love to die like an honour person and don't want to live single day as a slave. What about you?

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