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Reporter’s Execution Could Unleash U.S. Against ISIS


Jan 4, 2009
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United States
Obama, now please bomb these insects to hell and be done with it. Thank you.

Reporter’s Execution Could Unleash U.S. Against ISIS - Yahoo Finance

Reporter’s Execution Could Unleash U.S. Against ISIS

Reporter’s Execution Could Unleash U.S. Against ISIS

The release Tuesday of a shocking video showing the brutal beheading of American journalist James Foley by a representative of the Islamic State may wind up backfiring on the Islamic fundamentalist movement that has taken over much of Iraq in recent months.

The U.S. has undertaken limited bombing of IS targets in Iraq, which has helped the Iraqi Army and the fighters from the country’s autonomous Kurdish region, dislodge IS troops from some areas they had taken over, including the critically important Mosul Dam.

Foley, a talented young journalist who had spent years in conflict zones reporting on the human toll of war, was killed by a single member of IS, who appears on the video warning the U.S., in British-accented English, to stop attacking its troops.

“Obama authorized military operations against the Islamic State effectively placing America upon a slippery slope towards a new war against Muslims,” he said. The man, whose face was covered, also threatened to execute another American journalist, Steven Joel Sotloff, if the U.S. involvement in Iraq continues.

However, judging from the public outcry over Foley’s murder, it seems possible that support for President Obama’s limited efforts to impede the progress of IS, rather than being cooled, may be strengthened going forward.

The decision to recommit even limited American military assets to Iraq was criticized by politicians on the left and right. But an outpouring of disgust in both the traditional media and on social media Wednesday left little doubt that there is now a powerful strain of public opinion in favor of taking further action to rein in – and severely punish – the Islamic State.

To be sure, some warn that further U.S. engagement might be exactly what ISIS wants. But the idea that Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, is sitting in the desert playing three-dimensional chess with the U.S. doesn’t hold much water.

Related: Why Obama’s Mideast Policy Won’t Stop Genocide

What ISIS is trying to do, by all accounts, is establish an actual functioning Islamic state or Caliphate in the Middle East. It may be different from its neighbors in that its rulers intend to impose a centuries-old legal system designed to oppress millions of people. But it will not be different in its need for centralized institutions of government, transportation and energy infrastructure, and a more or less public set of leaders.

All these things are necessary for a functioning state. They are all, also, potential military targets if the U.S. were to decide to intervene against the establishment or the continued existence of the Islamic State.

The U.S. military has struggled with certain kinds of adversaries over the years. In living memory, the Viet Cong and Al Qaeda, for example, have been challenging foes particularly because they were less concerned about holding territory than they were with damaging American troops.

For the U.S. military, fighting established governments has been a very different story. Ask Saddam Hussein, or Mullah Omar. That doesn’t bode well for the future of ISIS.
I don't see how since the U.S. was already bombing them. And ISIS responded by beheading him.
I don't see how since the U.S. was already bombing them. And ISIS responded by beheading him.

"The decision to recommit even limited American military assets to Iraq was criticized by politicians on the left and right. But an outpouring of disgust in both the traditional media and on social media Wednesday left little doubt that there is now a powerful strain of public opinion in favor of taking further action to rein in – and severely punish – the Islamic State."

Source: Reporter’s Execution Could Unleash U.S. Against ISIS

It should not be that hard, the key is an inclusive govt. created by Abadi where Sunni's can get representation, which should then help turn Sunni tribes against IS. Then a combined national Iraqi Army can work as boots on the ground while the US Air Force can pound them from above. I have a feeling it will done in the next few months. The goal should be to push them out of Iraq, so they can go after Assad in Syria and when the two exhaust each other, a moderate FSA rebel coalition should then take over eliminating both.

Only problem and obstacle I see is Obama's decisiveness and willingness to act in a timely manner. He has done poorly so far and I am not sure if he will do any better in the future.
omg they beheaded the mighty white man and now they shall see the wrath of the glorious white power
omg they beheaded the mighty white man and now they shall see the wrath of the glorious white power

Obama is only half white and identifies more with Black African Americans.
America went in when there was no credible Iraqi threat to the region in 2003. The fake WMD propaganda fell face first. Now, when there is a legitimate threat, America is pretending to look the other way. I mean, how screwed up can your foreign policy be?
America went in when there was no credible Iraqi threat to the region in 2003. The fake WMD propaganda fell face first. Now, when there is a legitimate threat, America is pretending to look the other way. I mean, how screwed up can your foreign policy be?

Exactly. There were no active terrorist groups in Iraq before 2003, and no WMD's either, yet America was eager to invade.

Now that there are actually huge terrorist problems in Iraq, America doesn't want to do anything except sit back and missile a few targets without getting their hands dirty.
America went in when there was no credible Iraqi threat to the region in 2003. The fake WMD propaganda fell face first. Now, when there is a legitimate threat, America is pretending to look the other way. I mean, how screwed up can your foreign policy be?

Was ISIS really a legit threat? They didn't kill the reporter until we started bombing them. Its like we are creating the terrorists against Americans.
Was ISIS really a legit threat? They didn't kill the reporter until we started bombing them. Its like we are creating the terrorists against Americans.
If you care about genocide (and the US is treaty-bound to care) then yes they are a threat. They were directly threatening genocide, which is what got them bombed. Then the execution happened. It is their only response to bombing thus far.

There should certainly have been more interest from the rest of the world (<cough> Europe) about the pending genocide, but then, Europe only cares if you're killing the right Europeans (Balkans and eastern Europe don't count). If they kill some Dutch, German or French people, you might get a meaningful response.
Was ISIS really a legit threat? They didn't kill the reporter until we started bombing them. Its like we are creating the terrorists against Americans.

could it be like pentagon initially didn't bomb them because they didn't kill him?
If you care about genocide (and the US is treaty-bound to care) then yes they are a threat. They were directly threatening genocide, which is what got them bombed. Then the execution happened. It is their only response to bombing thus far.

There should certainly have been more interest from the rest of the world (<cough> Europe) about the pending genocide, but then, Europe only cares if you're killing the right Europeans (Balkans and eastern Europe don't count). If they kill some Dutch, German or French people, you might get a meaningful response.

Treaty bound? Since when? Don't remember saving people in Rwanda.

could it be like pentagon initially didn't bomb them because they didn't kill him?

Indeed, nor did the ISIS threaten the U.S. about drowning us in our own blood until we started bombing them. So Obama is to blame for what could lead to future terrorist attacks in the U.S. as well as the death of the reporter because of his actions.
Indeed, nor did the ISIS threaten the U.S. about drowning us in our own blood until we started bombing them. So Obama is to blame for what could lead to future terrorist attacks in the U.S. as well as the death of the reporter because of his actions.

ISIS would kill Americans whenever there is the chance, you bombing them is not the excuse for them to do so, do nothing and they will make an excuse.
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