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Report will help reveal truth on Sino-Indian border clash: Military spokesman

Liar ,liar. After getting exposed. And all this you can reply.

Snake charmer indeed is your title fit for you, Indians.

The most shameless people are Indian and India is just a small fry country after all. :enjoy:
Yes, we the snake charmers. You the snakes. Hahaha.
You could have done better as a comeback.
Are the videos not humiliating enough for you people?

Some small semblance of shame is actually vital for the survival of a species. Your nation has been thoroughly exposed by these videos which China rightly drip fed to you via a syringe. They gave you time to behave maturely and seek a solution maturely and behind closed doors. But sadly, despite this benevolent act, Indians chose to jump up and down and dance with Sikhs bravely throwing scores of PLA troops off mountain tops and ITBP "commandos" heroically spearing dragons and goodness knows what other nonsense that Ajay Devgan and Akshay Kumar will act out in the forthcoming Bollywood production.

For this idiotic behaviour and the spurned opportunities, China has now rightly handed you a bitter harvest to feast on.

Pakistan should do likewise regarding a certain SU30 jet if you refuse to behave in a civilised manner.
PLA could have said 1, 2 , 3 or any number.
Let's take a moment to recall the numbers and names quoted by LEADING Indian media:

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Indian scum here are so vocal yet the Fascist Indian government and Indian Army are utterly mute.

Hey Indians, ask Modi to come on national TV and claim that you killed more than 4 Chinese soldiers.
No matter what happens indians already have a story for it to show it as victory
Indians have been doing fake news for years. Look at this photograph.


In one of their museums, they claimed that photos of PLA nurses assisting recovering Jawans was that of “locals helping Indian soldiers”. Maybe next time the PLA should break their captives’ legs so those bullshitters won’t make similar obfuscation efforts.
Thanks for admit you are snake charmers. Sorry, we are no snake.

We are snake slayer and thrash the charmer at the same time. :enjoy:
Nope. We've seen you run away far too often. But tell yourselves that if it makes you feel better. Hahaha
4 soldiers died because PLA and Global Times said so...even you don't believe them. Come come, let's be honest here.
What is my issue with PLA or Global times? I have none.

When PLA and Chinese media initially stated they have casualties, you Indians jumped on it and believed it as a proof of China losing an undisclosed number of soldires, and gladly used it to peddle your theory of 40x soldires. Now when they have finally disclosed that information as well, suddenly they are liars just because the numbers are less than India?

To date the Indian Army or govt has not claimed any number for PLA casualties, as well as not disputed the numbers being released now.
So why we shouldn’t agree with PLAs numbers when Indian govt and Army is not contradicting them?

Anyway if you have to prove PLA as liars, provide the counter evidence!! So far you or the Indian govt has provided nothing.

then why so many troop losses against INdia in Galwan??
How come losing troops make a country weak or strong- every Army involved in a conflict has loses. Be it Soviets, US in Vietnam etc.
Anyway the Indian govt or Army has never claimed any PLA casualties nor are they disputing these numbers as well. So four PLA casualties is what we can go with at this point.
PLA could have said 1, 2 , 3 or any number.
So can India, but Indian Army has never given any number for PLA casualties and is not disputing these as well. So it is a silent approval of their figures now.
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Well any number makes sense. Till yesterday it was ZERO. Today it is 4. PLA can pull any number from back.

They never said the numbers were zero, they did admit casualties bit refused to provide a number. Once deal with India has been finalized they are providing more information as well as the proof of Indian aggression that resulted in 4 PLA deaths.

Lets say china said 3 died yesterday. Do you have any questions to PLA?
They have not changed their numbers yet, when they do we will see and we can ask Mods to give you a positive rating on this revelation.
Till then take a chill pill and peace.
You are the one avoid the obviously. We prove Indian are not honest. Where is your video proof to show your version?

They don’t want to show their video because it will show the Indians were armed. This was a dirty, rotten, sneak attack planned well in advance by India. Utterly shameful act by the Indians.
They don’t want to show their video because it will show the Indians were armed. This was a dirty, rotten, sneak attack planned well in advance by India. Utterly shameful act by the Indians.

They don’t want to show the video because they had none after all of their phones were confiscated by the PLA.
Dear Indian members of BJPs media damage control center:

Instead of banging your head here, ask your own govt and military to provide clarity about PLA soldiers deaths, after all you are the second party involved in the conflict and your army should know how many soldiers they killed with their own hands, as it was a close hand to hand combat. To date Indian Army has not dared to claim the death of single PLA soldier; nor have they disputed the figures released by PLA now.

So instead of coming up with silly arguments here, first ask your own military and govt to come clean, after all you are a democracy who is transparent and bla bla bla.
Until we have counter facts officially (not unnamed media reports with no source or evidence) from India, there is no point in throwing tantrums here about PLA or Chinese media.
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