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Report: U.S. Gives Israel Green Light to Assassinate Iranian General Soleimani


Apr 28, 2011
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General Qassem Suleimani, commander of Iran's Quds Force, 2015.AP
Report: U.S. Gives Israel Green Light to Assassinate Iranian General Soleimani

Al Jarida, a Kuwaiti newspaper which in recent years had broken exclusive stories from Israel, says Israel was 'on the verge' of assassinating Soleimani, but the U.S. warned Tehran and thwarted the operation

01.01.2018 | 13:30

Washington gave Israel a green light to assassinate Qassem Soleimani, the commander of the Quds Force, the overseas arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guard, Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported on Monday.

Al-Jarida, which in recent years had broken exclusive stories from Israel, quoted a source in Jerusalem as saying that "there is an American-Israeli agreement" that Soleimani is a "threat to the two countries' interests in the region." It is generally assumed in the Arab world that the paper is used as an Israeli platform for conveying messages to other countries in the Middle East.

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The agreement between Israel and the United States, according to the report, comes three years after Washington thwarted an Israeli attempt to kill the general.

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The report says Israel was "on the verge" of assassinating Soleimani three years ago, near Damascus, but the United States warned the Iranian leadership of the plan, revealing that Israel was closely tracking the Iranian general.

The incident, the report said, "sparked a sharp disagreement between the Israeli and American security and intelligence apparatuses regarding the issue."

The Kuwaiti report also identified Iran's second in command in Syria, known as "Abu Baker," as Mohammad Reda Falah Zadeh. It said he also "might be a target" for Israel, as well as other actors in the region.

That is when you demand Europe and China to isolate the nazis jews and nazis 'muricans. If they don't two options: huge wave of missiles at Israhell or end the JCPOA and begin enriching uranium to weapons grade.
Yes it's a good news :tup:. They stop bombing Afghanistan & Pakistan.

Ofcourse they were pissed as Pakistan was beating the crap out of them in Afghansitan through its proxy Taliban. Now the yanks have to crawl back to Pakistan and all this peace process is only happening due to Islamabad consent. How about that for power project? ;)

Coming to you lot, I am not being funny, Iranian expansion in ME and Afghansitan was only due to the interventions of America. You will come to your senses when America leave and all other regional players jump in.
Ofcourse they were pissed as Pakistan was beating the crap out of them in Afghansitan through its proxy Taliban. Now the yanks have to crawl back to Pakistan and all this peace process is only happening due to Islamabad consent. How about that for power project? ;)

Coming to you lot, I am not being funny, Iranian expansion in ME and Afghansitan was only due to the interventions of America. You will come to your senses when America leave and all other regional players jump in.
If it wasn't Yankees and their terrorist petro Wahhabi dictators in the ME Iran could establish Persian empire long ago... Perhaps not a phisycal empire but we could dominate all western Asian countries by our culture and since we're a oil rich country they would obey us easily. The taliban and all terrorists orgnazations in the world are actually created by Yankees and their godfather British.
believe it or not, as powerful and charismatic as Soleimani is.... His loss would be mostly felt on a morale level. iran proxy operations are not a 1 man show. period.

taking out Soleimani would break an unwritten code among political/,military leaders in the world.

they simply do not directly kill each other for fear of retaliation. a French prime minister in office might be powerful... but once he leaves, he doesn't want to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life from some intelligence operatives taking revenge on him.

taking out Soleimani means iran is going to do everything it can to take an American general(s) in return. Its a dangerous game where everyone loses and nobody wins.
believe it or not, as powerful and charismatic as Soleimani is.... His loss would be mostly felt on a morale level. iran proxy operations are not a 1 man show. period.

taking out Soleimani would break an unwritten code among political/,military leaders in the world.

they simply do not directly kill each other for fear of retaliation. a French prime minister in office might be powerful... but once he leaves, he doesn't want to look over his shoulder for the rest of his life from some intelligence operatives taking revenge on him.

taking out Soleimani means iran is going to do everything it can to take an American general(s) in return. Its a dangerous game where everyone loses and nobody wins.

I don't see why Iran would gun for American generals exclusively when it would be the Israelis that killed him. Meaning, logically, Iran would have to go after Israeli generals and assassinate them. I'm not saying that Iran shouldn't hit American generals in retaliation but if the Israelis pull the trigger on Soleimani then it should be the Israelis who pay the price for their actions primarily.
Ofcourse they were pissed as Pakistan was beating the crap out of them in Afghansitan through its proxy Taliban. Now the yanks have to crawl back to Pakistan and all this peace process is only happening due to Islamabad consent. How about that for power project? ;)

Coming to you lot, I am not being funny, Iranian expansion in ME and Afghansitan was only due to the interventions of America. You will come to your senses when America leave and all other regional players jump in.

what are you blabbering about? Iran is humiliating these other so called "regional players" and frankly the only reason the likes of saudi arabia etc are still around is because of the Americans protecting them. Once they leave, who will protect them?
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what are you blabbering about? Iran is humiliating these other so called "regional players" and frankly the only reason the likes of saudi arabia etc are still around is because of the Americans protecting them. Once they leave, who will protect them? pakistan? :lol: pakistan is a failed state that can't even protect itself. Don't confuse arabs using your kind as cannon fodders with them needing you for survival. They use you as cannon fodders because they see your kind as lower than them.

I agree with you about Saudi Arabia but idk about Pakistan being a failed state. What exactly constitutes a failed state?

Can you Iranians, Turks and Pakistanis just have cordial conversations that don't resort to petty insults?

And here we go......
My comment was not meant as an insult but as a fact. Some of these people are deluded, being "cordial" will make little difference anyway.

Ok, fair I guess but what makes Pakistan a failed state exactly? I'm asking out of curiosity mainly.
I meant to put "on the verge of", I edited it originally then removed it. They are hardly in control of their own country with terrorists running around everywhere etc. Their control of their borders is almost non existent (on Iran's side anyway). To me any government/country that has this little level of control and security cannot be classed as a functioning state.

That's a fair statement given your perspective. I would also be highly critical of a nation that couldn't monitor their borders effectively or employ adequate internal security to round up terrorists and movements seeking to cause damage (we Americans have these issues in ABUNDANCE). But, whether or not this classifies a nation as "failed" is something that I will read up on.
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