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Nov 26, 2016
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German newspaper said the Sumar cruise missile was built in Iran and traveled around 600 km in its first known successful test.


A MILITARY truck carrying a missile and a picture of Iran’s leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei drives in a parade marking the anniversary of the Iran-Iraq war in Tehran. (photo credit:REUTERS)

BERLIN - Iran tested a cruise missile called "Sumar" that is capable of carrying nuclear weapons in addition to test-firing a medium-range ballistic missile on Sunday, German newspaper Die Welt reported Thursday, citing unspecified intelligence sources.

No comment was immediately available from Germany's BND foreign intelligence agency or from Iranian authorities.

The newspaper said the Sumar cruise missile was built in Iran and traveled around 600 km in its first known successful test. The missile is believed to be capable of carrying nuclear weapons and may have a range of 2,000 to 3,000 km, the paper said, citing intelligence sources.

Cruise missiles are harder to counter than ballistic missiles since they fly at lower altitudes and can evade enemy radar, confounding missile defense missiles and hitting targets deep inside an opponent's territory.

But the biggest advantage from Iran's point of view, a security expert told Die Welt, was that cruise missiles are not mentioned in any United Nations resolutions that ban work on ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons.

News of Iran's reported cruise missile test came hours after the White House put Iran "on notice" for its ballistic missile test and signaled that it could impose new sanctions, taking an aggressive posture toward Tehran that could raise tensions in the region.

Iran confirmed on Wednesday that it had test-fired a new ballistic missile, but said the test did not breach the Islamic Republic's nuclear agreement with world powers or a UN Security Council resolution endorsing the pact.

International sanctions on Tehran were lifted in January last year under a nuclear deal brokered in 2015 by Britain, France, Germany, China, Russia and the United States.

Under the nuclear deal Iran agreed to curb its nuclear program in exchange for lifting of most sanctions. According to a 2015 UN resolution endorsing the deal, Iran is still called upon to refrain from work on ballistic missiles designed to deliver nuclear weapons for up to eight years.

BERLIN - Iran tested a cruise missile called "Sumar" that is capable of carrying nuclear weapons
Its clear, iran wants their country to be bombed and sanctioned for next decade. When you don't own a nuclear weapon . why shout to the world that you have capability of nuclear weapon carrier missile.
This is what happened when you try to bully a sovereign ,capable nation.
Its clear, iran wants their country to be bombed and sanctioned for next decade. When you don't own a nuclear weapon . why shout to the world that you have capability of nuclear weapon carrier missile.
Its clear, iran wants their country to be bombed and sanctioned for next decade. When you don't own a nuclear weapon . why shout to the world that you have capability of nuclear weapon carrier missile.
show me a missile which is not nuclear capable.

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