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Report: Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi and three other IS commanders poisoned by assassin

Turkey has 36 million Tourists annually with a big portion muslims plus it has one of the biggest borders with Syria, before the wall was built it was hard to controll it now its widely shut down thanks to the wall on most critical sections.

And now to Ammonium Nitrate, as you posted those have been used as fertilizer, pkk is still using those in their bob attack does it mean it supports pkk?

Those are not evidences but a bunch of assumptions.

That's actually evidence that all those foreign jihadists came to Syria through Turkish borders, that's not an assumption but evidence. Now you can say that Turkish officials had no clue that was going on and couldn't secure the border, that's a different discussion that goes more in depth though that's hard to believe.

As for states and evidence. It's easy to circle around evidence and name it an accusation/assumption without any proof, especially when it comes to politics given that officials has so many people working underneath them. Whatever is shown you and anyone can easily shrug it off as accusations and assumptions. This is why there's judges that decide, a side on state level will barely ever admit to something even when there's enough evidence to suggest it.

Before 2013 the FSA also used to work with ISI (pre-ISIS), in 2013 they took Raqqa, here again the FSA shared weapons with them prior to the takeover. Don't you think that co-operation against Assad was reason enough for Turkey not to stop foreigners entering Syria, in other words they have pulled a blind eye to that for years.
That's actually evidence that all those foreign jihadists came to Syria through Turkish borders, that's not an assumption but evidence. Now you can say that Turkish officials had no clue that was going on and couldn't secure the border, that's a different discussion that goes more in depth though that's hard to believe.

As for states and evidence. It's easy to circle around evidence and name it an accusation/assumption without any proof, especially when it comes to politics given that officials has so many people working underneath them. Whatever is shown you and anyone can easily shrug it off as accusations and assumptions. This is why there's judges that decide, a side on state level will barely ever admit to something even when there's enough evidence to suggest it.

Before 2013 the FSA also used to work with ISI (pre-ISIS), in 2013 they took Raqqa, here again the FSA shared weapons with them prior to the takeover. Don't you think that co-operation against Assad was reason enough for Turkey not to stop foreigners entering Syria, in other words they have pulled a blind eye to that for years.
Jihadists going throught Turkey does no where prove a willingly support for isis in anyway, the sheer number of foreigners alone makes it impossible to detect everyone, the last statistics point out that 30'000 foreigners could be stopped in joining the war in Syria.
By your logic Iraq is one of the biggest supporters of isis since one of the biggest portion of their fighters are Iraqis or came from Iraq.
Not to mention their weapons and financial sources.

You are assuming something based on foreign jihadi numbers coming throught Turkey which is the only half way firm argument for your claims, but it is what it is, a assumption and not an evidence.

An evidence would be to show me pictures of Turkish made weapons being used by isis, and im not talking about a couple magazines captured or smuggled from somewhere.
And this while fighting them?

See folks as said no matter what Turkey does, such people will always claim its Turkey thats supporting isis, even if Turkey finished them tomorrow they would probably say Turkey did this just to hide their trace.
some people have anti-Turkey agenda especially because of Erdogan, the failed coup attempt and the progress of Turkey on many fronts ....If you have enemies in this world,,,think you are doing something good for you..if don't it have any enemy...it means you are not worth it ...bigger the enemy, the more is the importance..
Jihadists going throught Turkey does no where prove a willingly support for isis in anyway, the sheer number of foreigners alone makes it impossible to detect everyone, the last statistics point out that 30'000 foreigners could be stopped in joining the war in Syria.

By your logic Iraq is one of the biggest supporters of isis since one of the biggest portion of their fighters are Iraqis or came from Iraq.
Not to mention their weapons and financial sources.

You are assuming something based on foreign jihadi numbers coming throught Turkey which is the only half way firm argument for your claims, but it is what it is, a assumption and not an evidence.

An evidence would be to show me pictures of Turkish made weapons being used by isis, and im not talking about a couple magazines captured or smuggled from somewhere.

Pulling a blind eye to terror activities (allowing IS a gateway to the rest of the world for recruits as well as exports of their stolen goods) through Turkey does not equal to support? I see many Turks claim how Syria used to support the PKK, yet all Syria did was pull a blind eye to PKK operations and allow them to roam freely like Turkey did with IS, I don't recall they armed them, that equals support though doesn't it. Some things have to be done in a covert way as they aren't acceptable.

Iraqi gov and IS have no link of support except that some inside the Iraqi gov sabotage operations against IS with the help of other actors, mainly Erdogan. This comparison is different, this comparison you just made equals to the PKK extorting Turks for finances and uses the homes of Turks (Kurds) to hide within the civilian population. In both situations the states are fighting against this, not pulling a blind eye to any of it.

When we have high level officials admitting that states have financed IS it becomes hard to believe that all of this has happened whilst Turkey which as you agree was the gateway for IS recruits was completely unaware.
Pulling a blind eye to terror activities (allowing IS a gateway to the rest of the world for recruits as well as exports of their stolen goods) through Turkey does not equal to support? I see many Turks claim how Syria used to support the PKK, yet all Syria did was pull a blind eye to PKK operations and allow them to roam freely like Turkey did with IS, I don't recall they armed them, that equals support though doesn't it. Some things have to be done in a covert way as they aren't acceptable.
First you was talking as if Turkey delibrately smuggled fighters into Syria and now saying turning blind eye equals support.
Especially a couple years ago the refugee traffic on the border was immense, for exsample 250'000 Kurds crossed the border in one day when isis was attacking kobane, its very easy to sneak throught the border under such circumstances.
The traffic on the border was/is isnt one sided theres people going on booth directions, only a fraction of them were jihadis to begin with.

The situation got under control only after the wall, its impossible to secure a 800km Border with check points every couple hundred kilometers, in addition to this the smuggling routes are on remote areas where patrolling isnt easy, thats where the wall came into the game.

And about Syrian support for pkk, they didnt only allow them to attack Turkey from Syrian soil but also gave shelter to öcalan and only sent him away when Turkey threatened with war, so lets not downplay Syrias role here.

All this a side, Turkey was pledging for a buffer zone on the border for like 3 years or so but nobody wanted to help Turkey, isnt that shooting in your own foot when you are in fact supporting isis, why would you want foreign solders to roam around in a area where you offer support to terrorists?

Talk about sane person thinking logically.

Not to mention that supporting a group like isis wouldnt help you in any way except a lot of problems in international politics, i see absolutely no benefit for Turkey to support a group thats fighting its own proxies like FSA.

When we have high level officials admitting that states have financed IS it becomes hard to believe that all of this has happened whilst Turkey which as you agree was the gateway for IS recruits was completely unaware.
Id like you to quote me those high ranking officials stating that Turkey financed isis, and dont come up with Biden, hes known for his dumb speeches, he apologized for his remarks immediately.
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Hope least this bastard baghdadi gets severe upset stomach till the day he gets caught alive
First you was talking as if Turkey delibrately smuggled fighters into Syria and now saying turning blind eye equals support.
Especially a couple years ago the refugee traffic on the border was immense, for exsample 250'000 Kurds crossed the border in one day when isis was attacking kobane, its very easy to sneak throught the border under such circumstances.
The traffic on the border was/is isnt one sided theres people going on booth directions, only a fraction of them were jihadis to begin with.

The situation got under control only after the wall, its impossible to secure a 800km Border with check points every couple hundred kilometers, in addition to this the smuggling routes are on remote areas where patrolling isnt easy, thats where the wall came into the game.

And about Syrian support for pkk, they didnt only allow them to attack Turkey from Syrian soil but also gave shelter to öcalan and only sent him away when Turkey threatened with war, so lets not downplay Syrias role here.

All this a side, Turkey was pledging for a buffer zone on the border for like 3 years or so but nobody wanted to help Turkey, isnt that shooting in your own foot when you are in fact supporting isis, why would you want foreign solders to roam around in a area where you offer support to terrorists?

Talk about sane person thinking logically.

Not to mention that supporting a group like isis wouldnt help you in any way except a lot of problems in international politics, i see absolutely no benefit for Turkey to support a group thats fighting its own proxies like FSA.

In my first reply to you on this thread I said 'pulling a blind eye'. I always said turning a blind eye, it's unrealistic to put people in a truck and ship them to Syria if that is what you mean with smuggle. The Syrian border is lawless, pulling a blind eye is all that was needed to give them access, it was in their interests as IS fought the SAA and Kurds.

That buffer zone is not in Syria's interest anyway, just erdogan wanting to expand his territory. If that were to come true he wouldn't have needed IS either, it would mean the coalition would massively ramp up support to the opposition to take out Assad.

You can believe that the Turkish gov was completely toothless against jihadist recruits inflow, I don't believe that
In my first reply to you on this thread I said 'pulling a blind eye'. I always said turning a blind eye, it's unrealistic to put people in a truck and ship them to Syria if that is what you mean with smuggle. The Syrian border is lawless, pulling a blind eye is all that was needed to give them access, it was in their interests as IS fought the SAA and Kurds.

That buffer zone is not in Syria's interest anyway, just erdogan wanting to expand his territory. If that were to come true he wouldn't have needed IS either, it would mean the coalition would massively ramp up support to the opposition to take out Assad.

You can believe that the Turkish gov was completely toothless against jihadist recruits inflow, I don't believe that
I wouldnt call it pulling blind eye but wrong priorities which is proven to be wrong politics but this is another story.
Its still far from support.

isis fighting ypg and assad might be in interest of Erdogan but them fighting against the only group he actually supported (FSA) is a worse option since i'd prefer the territory to be controlled by my own proxy instead of a group that already kidnapped my citizen and attacked my country i.e. a uncontrollable entitiy.

And the rest of your post about buffer zone is again a assumption.
ISLAMIC State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is at death’s door after being poisoned by a mystery assassin in Iraq, it has been reported.

Three other senior jihadis were also afflicted by the toxin in Al-Ba’aj, southwest of Mosul — Islamic State’s biggest city in Iraq, The Sun reports. The four have reportedly been rushed for treatment at a secret location.

FARS, an Iranian news agency, say that IS is now arresting several suspects to find out who has struck a blow at the terror group’s self-proclaimed ‘Caliph’.

Rumour assasination or simply a bad curry would be a cosmic joke if after all the efforts the top four of daesh were taken out by food poisoning
Ahmm so hashisheens still exist in farce
Lately there are news that isis leaders escape prior to oncoming Mosoul operation. This can be a diversion to make the escape or bagdadi can be sitting in raqqa or in some other third country. It is too early to claim something since it is close to a rumor without proof. What can be said is as the Mosoul operation delays isis higher command will make further escape attempts and also isis will try to get more support from whomever it is supported by.
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