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Reply to Colonel Harish’s open letter to General Kayani


Okay, so it is therefore primarily a political problem, where the army would go in to fight but the GoP doesn't wish them to.
What made you assume that the Army 'wants' to go and fight or the GoP doesn't 'wish' them to or vice versa?

Why would the GoP not want them to fight?

Ask the govt :)

BTW, how old are you?
So for fear of loosing an election, the PPPP risks loosing the country?
They don't really care.They will fly to Dubai or some other country.If you read history of PPP Governments you will be shocked.They have raped Pakistan thrice.OTOH, I was watching TV and Imran Khan (another political party chairman) has again started one man show...he says if operation restarts...TI will launch Tahreek that PA is killing own people on US payroll..What is wrong with him? IMO Army must hire good PR Firm so that people dont listen to these traitors.
So you believe the army doesn't want to fight?

I would guess about thirty or more years older than you. Hint: you can look it up on my profile

Well, had you read my post a bit more carefully you should have seen the words vice versa in the end. i was just being hypothetical, but you missed all the fun. That's why i was asking about your age:azn:

P.S. Well whether you are older or not, no one is going to know that. So chill!
Okay. NATO has done poorly in Afghanistan primarily because it has been under-resourced and because it has been unable to strike at the training and re-equipping sites in the FATA.
The difference however is that NATO has engaged the Taliban and taken the fight to them and continues to do so. The Pakistan Army has in the words of its commander 'disengaged' and only the FC is left to fight. Soooo, your turn.

Ok PAKISTAN ARMY HAS done poorly because it is under resourced because of ironically all the SANCTIONS PUT ON US IN THE 1990s.....and the PAK ARMY has disengaged because we have a bill of $34BILLION spent on WOT and we got only $11BILLION....so instead of thanking us for fighting "THEIR WAR" the world is threatning us.....so i don't blame the army but i do BLAME THE GOVERNMENT....for not putting this point across to the world properly...and also telling the world that pakistan TALIBAN staging post is in afghanistan...and when in 2004 we wanted to put up a fence on the border NATO and the US strictly said no can't do!!!! :tsk:
I guess, nobody wants to turn the topic into a pi$$ing contest.
To start with, both these letters are well qualified to serve as sanitary paper with immediate effect. No professional army officer would indulge into this kind of communication, ally or foe notwithstanding.

As to what's happening in the frontiers, I don't think that the PA commanders have learnt anything from Bajaur, else, Buner wouldn't have been swarmed with the Talibs. The only respite is that they have started retreating. However, everybody related to Pakistan and its destiny has the rights to question the PA as to why did it happen in the 1st place. A taxpayer has rights to know that even after paying his fair share for the betterment of the country, why has its army allowed non-state actors to seize control on territories whych belong to Pakistan and not any foreign mercenary? All territory which are parts of Pakistan are sacrosanct and HAVE to be protected, exactlly why we raise and maintain an Army. You can't really keep blaiming the FCs day and night and twice on Saundays.

Edit: Pari, nice to see you here.
I don't think that the PA commanders have learnt anything from Bajaur, else, Buner wouldn't have been swarmed with the Talibs.
I really don't see how you can drag the PA into the Buner escalation by the Taliban.

The PA was not deployed in Buner, nor was it asked to deploy by the GoNWFP after the Taliban entered Buner.

With all due respect, this sort of analysis is rubbish, designed to push exactly the kind of 'sanitary paper' agenda that Colonel Harish did in his letter.
I guess, nobody wants to turn the topic into a pi$$ing contest.
To start with, both these letters are well qualified to serve as sanitary paper with immediate effect. No professional army officer would indulge into this kind of communication, ally or foe notwithstanding.

As to what's happening in the frontiers, I don't think that the PA commanders have learnt anything from Bajaur, else, Buner wouldn't have been swarmed with the Talibs. The only respite is that they have started retreating. However, everybody related to Pakistan and its destiny has the rights to question the PA as to why did it happen in the 1st place. A taxpayer has rights to know that even after paying his fair share for the betterment of the country, why has its army allowed non-state actors to seize control on territories whych belong to Pakistan and not any foreign mercenary? All territory which are parts of Pakistan are sacrosanct and HAVE to be protected, exactlly why we raise and maintain an Army. You can't really keep blaiming the FCs day and night and twice on Saundays.

Edit: Pari, nice to see you here.

I think you would know well about the quality of the sanitary papers, perhaps because of services for the solid waste management department of the area where you live. Just see that who started that? We believe in a slap for a slap and a kick for a kick. I am sure that you are not a Pakistani tax payer so I suggest you to park your fanny outside the Pakistani premises please

the problem is pakistan lacks a LOBBY like ISRAEL or INDIA....no one in the west knows that Pakistan is paying so much for the war and getting in return so less....and how do u defeat a opposition trained by the US armed by the US and depicted as heroes in the 80s....and how do u expect a country that was reeling from sanctinos until 9/11...it lacks military hardware to engage a battle hardened enemy!! the world keeps saying do more...PAKISTAN should lobby to the world that THE WORLD SHOULD DO MORE!!!
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