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Reply to Asad Munir's allegation on Imran Khan's flawed logic !!

but unless EDUCATION doesnot change the grass route reality, linking FATA to mainstream should be viewed with a critic's glasses. as there is a window that opens into Afghanistan, smuggling, human trafficking, kidnapping for ransom, assassins do take refuge in this area and that regional pakhtoonism is a constant concern as well, cannot delink this either.

But I am really looking forward to Imran khan's dream of Knowledge city in Mianwali to be the breeding ground of intellectuals, from the region.

I agree with you - FATA does have all those things these days, smuggling, human trafficking and drug trafficking.

However, you have to look at it in a historic perspective. All this crime was simply NOT emanating from Afghanistan before the US invaded and squatted in the place. Americans let this drug cultivation go on, they profit from it - the Afghans had almost completely stopped this drug cultivation. And there was no TTP criminal element, suicide bombings, and human trafficking - this was largely a peaceful place. The inhabitants are deeply religious people, they have proven this repeatedly. When hundreds of thousands of IDPs(Internally Displaced People) were rooted from their homes, other people sheltered them, they already had very little and are poor people, but they shared what they had to aid others in plight. They have repeatedly come to Pakistan's aid, liberating Azad Kashmir and Baltistan in 1948 when the Pakistan Army's British commander was refusing to do anything in Kashmir. They came to Pakistan's aid in 1965, and Lashkars(armed militia) from Waziristan came to help when Pakistan was invaded and the situation at Lahore and Sialkot became desperate.

It is a historic reality that the pre-Soviet Afghan government tried meddling in this area for decades. Ayub Khan had to tell the Afghan government that if Pakistan decided to retaliate for all their meddling, it would not even take one day for Kabul to be captured. At one point, the Afghan army snuck around a thousand of it's soldiers to create discord in these areas, expecting the native Pushtun population to aid them against Pakistan. And these tribals kicked these Afghans out. We cannot become insecure about this regional pakhtoonism and come down hard on our tribals, they have always been loyal. Even during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, Gen. Hameed Gul has repeatedly verified that the Soviet Union poured in TONS of ammunition, weaponry, and $$$ into this area. And not one single bullet was used here, there were no incidents of discord, and much to the Soviet union's frustration, all the weaponry would find it's way to Afghanistan where it'd be used against the Soviets themselves.

These people of FATA have been through some difficult times. Half of Afghanistan moved in with them, taking their jobs and burdening the small local economy, but they remained hospitable. Pakistan did not do much to help ease problems. Then the Americans came, and their plight continued, now with Pakistan doing nothing while people and children were being butchered over here - often with drones even taking off from Pakistani bases. Corrupt people like Musharraf got $$$, by selling Pathan blood.

It's about time we look at the bigger picture and help these people.
^^ I will reply you later on it :) just reserving place. thank

P.S. it started with the migration from Afghanistan in 80s that brought the drug culture in main lands of Pakistan. we can say that USA invasion continued the culture.

In no way I meant to discredit their contributions for Pakistan. I know the tribal history very well, and how they have safeguarded the western border all these years.

there is no doubt and there is no question about their loyalty to Pakistan. I know between the two wars it was a tourist attraction, especially the landi kotal stream engine trip.

the only thing that I was pointing at was that the new generation has been brought up in an environment where feeling are "now with Pakistan doing nothing while people and children were being butchered over here - often with drones even taking off from Pakistani bases. Corrupt people like Musharraf got $$$, by selling Pathan blood."(which is true) and minds are polluted with feeling of betrayal from the centre and religious extremism has grown, therefore to cure the wounds, its better to focus on local development, skill development, education and security instead of suggesting to migrate to other mainlands of Pakistan. the more the self sufficient the better the situation...
FATA was always accessible to other Pakistanis, even Imran Khan extensively toured the area, he's got many pictures from there in his book, "An Indus Journey".

I tend to disagree here.

As someone who has visited many nooks and corners of Pakistan, FATA was only accessible to people who had ethnic commonality with the Tribals.
Any other person was clearly seen as an outsider and was not comfortable.

Let us call a spade a spade.
Tribal society is a very closed society.
In my professional career, if i had to send a team to any agency it always had to have a local presence to avoid trouble, unlike other parts of Pakistan where i had no such concerns.

No need to force changes but making FATA part of Pakistan proper by giving them same rights is not a bad thing.
Political empowerment should be ensured in FATA.
In the long run, it is for the best.
As someone who has visited many nooks and corners of Pakistan, FATA was only accessible to people who had ethnic commonality with the Tribals.
Any other person was clearly seen as an outsider and was not comfortable.

My uncle and I visited and were completely untouchable only because he had some very good friends. I agree though FATA needs to be given attention to assimilate with mainstream Pakistani society.

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