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Repairing Japan-China ties

LOL, friends? what a joke.




China can't into friends? :(


Time, time heals everything:


Wow that's a good one!

Ya right, the world for China & Japan is much bigger place than centuries ago. Like M&A in business world, companies merge in order to improve business or even just to survive in harsh markets. The two Confucius civilizations (as well as say Korea) should stick close to face new challenges!
Wow that's a good one!

Ya right, the world for China & Japan is much bigger place than centuries ago. Like M&A in business world, companies merge in order to improve business or even just to survive in harsh markets. The two Confucius civilizations (as well as say Korea) should stick close to face new challenges!

Should invite Mongolia too
Should invite Mongolia too

Hahahaha I'm sure of one thing.. Korea -both of them-, China, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam will all solve their bilateral problems some day and become very friendly neighbouring countries. But eventually all you guys will hate Turkey thanks to our "brilliant" foreign policy :) I guess I will migrate China or Japan afterwards :)
Should invite Mongolia too

Well said Taiwan bro!


May I side-track a bit, last time in Taipei I noticed the Map of ROC differs to that of PRC, the biggest difference is on Mongolia, see below. Well I read some background about it but if you want to share some viewpoints welcome to start a new thread and tag me, thanks!


Hahahaha I'm sure of one thing.. Korea -both of them-, China, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam will all solve their bilateral problems some day and become very friendly neighbouring countries. But eventually all you guys will hate Turkey thanks to our "brilliant" foreign policy :) I guess I will migrate China or Japan afterwards :)

All friends are welcome to visit or stay in China! Bro I wouldn't say there is much hate from Chinese towards Turkey, despite the two countries might have different views on the Uyghur issue. Foreign policy is an extension of domestic political needs, maybe it's realpolitik at work, I don't know, but there is no other emotional baggage between the two ancient civilizations. Let's hope both can get over with the only obstacle in Sino-Turkish friendship!
Will not work. I've seen this in the past and I think Xi realizes this so the famous nonchalant handshake with Abe earlier this year was the answer.

1. Japanese minister try to improve ties with China by visiting his counterpart
2. some breakthrough
3. Japanese politician visit Yakashuni shrine, say something stupid about China, etc
4. wash, rinse and repeat steps 1 to 3.
Hahahaha I'm sure of one thing.. Korea -both of them-, China, Japan, Mongolia, Vietnam will all solve their bilateral problems some day and become very friendly neighbouring countries. But eventually all you guys will hate Turkey thanks to our "brilliant" foreign policy :) I guess I will migrate China or Japan afterwards :)
Turkey has some strange ambition on Chinese land.
This make us feel annoying and ridiculous.
China is not a freedom and democracy country.
If you come to China,the communist wiil spy on your individual privacy.
I suggest that you can go to Japan.haha
That need a good Japanese leader like @Nihonjin1051 who understand China, it can be ... If Japan wanna be friend with China, China welcome Japan.

Soon in future Japan will face a choice, between U.S and China ... like 500-years ago Tokugawa Ieyasu made the choice between Imagawa Yoshimoto and Oda Nobunaga forces. The history just repeat again ! China can not force Japan to do anything or be friend with us, the only thing Chinese can do is to build a strong China ... then let Japan choose the good way. :coffee:

If Japan could stay with China at one side ... the world rule (at least in Asia) since WWII will be changed, and U.S could lose the important influence in Asia and back Hawaii islands. (Ur guys can troll me, but it's truth what i can see):partay:


Time, time heals everything:

Very good, that's our destiny between China and Japan.

I think China and Japan can not be friends unless China revenge herself. If China kills 36000000 Japan, then, they may be friends
That sounds like Japan need to nuke U.S twice too ... :sick:
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When the time is right, China should offer to extend the nuclear umbrella over Japan in exchange for the full withdrawal of US forces. The Japanese 'Self-Defense Forces' must stay in place, meaning no nuclear weapons, no ICBM, no SSBN, no strategic bomber and weapons of that nature. China will promise to keep the sea lanes open. Basically, everything stays the same except China is the new security guarantor in the region instead of the US.

Same offer goes to South Korea.

Either take this offer or face full scale war with a superpower China by the middle of this century.

Once the US is out of the Western Pacific, China and SCO should pivot towards the Middle East and take control of the global oil supplies. Also towards the vast natural resources (and Lebensraum) of Africa.
Of course there will be peace and cooperation. We still remember the time when Xi Jinping was just Vice President, and he made a courtesy visit to the Imperial Palace to see His Imperial Majesty, the Emperor. We know the pragmatism of Xi. :)


As we remember when Wen Jiabao visited the Emperor in a show of friendship and cooperation,


As do we remember when Hu Jintao graced the Imperial Palace with his visit His Imperial Majesty the Emperor,


As do we remember when The Imperial Majesty the Showa Emperor met China's Deng Xiaping ,


And we remember the wisdom that the great Deng Xiaoping had instilled in the great leaders of China such as Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao; the importance in entreating with Japan. Long shall this be. Xi Jinping merely maintains that continuity.

Soon in future Japan will face a choice, between U.S and China ... like 500-years ago Tokugawa Ieyasu made the choice between Imagawa Yoshimoto and Oda Nobunaga forces.

Whatever the decision, Zhongguo and Riben are destined to coexist with each other, especially when you consider the military conflicts in the past centuries. Full stop.

We have to wait until 2018 for the next general elections in Japan and even though a lot can happen in Japanese domestic politics in the meantime it seems that the LDP-Komeito coalition will remain steadfast until the elections. Having said that all major political parties, both the governing parties and the opposition know very well that it's best to avoid war as best one can.

The history just repeat again ! China can not force Japan to do anything or be friend with us, the only thing Chinese can do is to build a strong China ... then let Japan choose the good way. :coffee:

Of course, it's solely up to the Nihonjin to determine which way to go in the future.

I hope we can see more of this in the upcoming years.
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Whatever the decision, Zhongguo and Riben are destined to coexist with each other, especially when you consider the military conflicts in the past centuries. Full stop.

Yes, bro. I suppose its normal to have nationalism , sometimes ultranationalism, in both sides of the Sea of Japan. The nationalism in Japan builds political capital and gives Government the legitimacy to conduct necessary actions that can't be done normally without support of the base. The same is true for China, in the sense that increasing nationalism and popular support enables greater leverage for the Government. Its normal that both sides rally their bases, but what's also equally important is to see that for the past 70 some years since the end of the war, both sides have moved towards peaceful integration and cultural and historical understandings.

Japan and China are not infant nations, or nations founded out of the ashes of the end of the Age of Imperialism at the end of the 2nd world war. We are not referring to neo-state cooperation. We are talking about two ancient civilizations that have existed even before the rise of the Roman Empire. Japan is over 3 thousand years old, older than Judaism, than Christianity, than Islam, older than the Roman Empire, or the Golden Hellenistic Period. China is equally ancient, even greater, as she is over 5000 years old. Japan and China have been interacting with each other for over 3,000 years, and in that time period, there has been trade, there has been cultural impression, there has been political cooperation, as well as been some conflict.

I suppose folks are limited in scope of understanding because some look at Sino-Japanese relations in the lens of the 19th and 20th century only, or in the aperture of the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th and 20th centuries. When in reality these 4 centuries are just a drop in the bucket when referring to the over 3,000 years of shared history, cooperation, between the two countries. We have to take that into consideration, and know that prior to Japan's military adventurism int he 16th and 19th and early 20th centuries, there was unprecedented trade and cultural harmony between Japan and China. Almost 2500 years.

China and Japan share a common culture , a common race, a common work ethic, and a common history. I suppose in regards to the inter-state relations we have to see it that way. And being so close to each other, both have learn to get along, learn to find common ground and work on some political differences. I am optimistic because if leaders such as Deng Xiaping and Fukuda can get along and find common ground, then there's no reason why current and future leaders cannot do the same.

Anything is possible , i suppose.

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