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Renzi announces resignation after heavy referendum defeat

LA se Karachi

Jul 14, 2016
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Italian prime minister Matteo Renzi announced that he would resign on Sunday night after exit polls showed a heavy defeat in his referendum on constitutional reforms.


Photo: Andreas Solaro/AFP

Speaking from Palazzo Chigi at 00:30, the premier said he took "full responsibility" for the defeat.

"My government ends here," Renzi told reporters, confirming a promise he made early on in the campaign and which he later admitted had been a mistake, that he would resign if defeated at the polls.

The PM said he would officially hand in his resignation on Monday after the "extraordinarily clear" victory for the No camp. "I wanted to reduce the number of seats," said Renzi, referring to the reform which would have seen the number of senators cut significantly. "In the end, the seat which is going is mine."

Polls for national broadcaster Rai and the La7 television channel both gave the No camp as winners by a margin of at least 54 to 46 percent in Sunday's referendum.

One poll, from the IPR Marketing Institute for Rai, put No at between 57 and 61 percent.

The higher percentage came from the first poll based on actual vote count, suggesting that Renzi may be in for an even heavier defeat than predicted in initial exit polls. These had given the No camp a lead of between six and 14 points.

High turnout

Turnout was over 69 percent in the vote on constitutional changes which over the course of the campaign had morphed into a referendum on Renzi's administration and the prime minister himself.

The projected result was in line with what opinion polls had been indicating up until November 18th, after which the media were banned from publishing survey results. However, these polls showed up to a third of Italian voters undecided, and Renzi had said he was confident that a "silent majority" would back his reforms.

During the day his hopes were raised as turnout in the prosperous north of the country far exceeded that in the south - a pattern which was seen as a potential boost to the premier's survival hopes.

But it appeared in the end that voters on both sides were equally energized, leaving the balance of forces much as it had been at the start of the campaign.

About an hour after polls closed, Renzi sent out a cheery tweet, complete with smiley face, saying: "Anyway, thank you everyone. In a few minutes I'll be live from Palazzo Chigi. Long live Italy! PS. I'm on my way, I'm on my way."

In the press conference, though visibly emotional, he said: "Anyone who fights for an idea cannot lose."

'Victory of the people'

Opposition parties denounced the proposed amendments to the 68-year-old constitution as dangerous for democracy because they would have removed important checks and balances on executive power.

Spearheaded by the populist Five Star Movement, the biggest rival to Renzi's Democratic party, the "No" campaign also capitalized on Renzi's declining popularity, a sluggish economy and the problems caused by the arrival of tens of thousands of migrants in Italy from Africa.

The leader of Italy's far right Northern League, Matteo Salvini, framed the vote as a "victory of the people".

Salvini said Renzi should resign immediately and called for early elections; Renato Brunetta of Berlusconi's Forza Italia party had echoed the call for Renzi's resignation on Sunday night, but did not call for snap elections.

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen congratulated "our friend" Salvini on the result in a Tweet, while Salvini was clearly delighted by the result, posting: "Long live Trump, long live Putin, long live Le Pen, long live the Northern League!"

However, the No campaign was very much a cross-party effort, including several members of Renzi's own Democratic Party as well as all the major opposition parties. One MP from the No camp of the PD, Roberto Speranza, described the victory as "a beautiful page of democratic participation" and said: "we were right to defend our beliefs."

French far-right leader Marine Le Pen congratulated "our friend" Salvini on the result in a Tweet, while Salvini was clearly delighted by the result, posting: "Long live Trump, long live Putin, long live Le Pen, long live the Northern League!"

The lights are going out all over the Western World...
Already happening
You know what. I looked down at my circumcized member the other day in the bath and I thought "I ain't no Jew despite being circumcized" because if I was I would have shifted money to euros pre Brexit and then when pound plunged post Brexit bought pounds again. Made a killing without lifting a finger ...

Never mind !
You know what. I looked down at my circumcized member the other day in the bath and I thought "I ain't no Jew despite being circumcized" because if I was I would have shifted money to euros pre Brexit and then when pound plunged post Brexit bought pounds again. Made a killing without lifting a finger ...

Never mind !

you should know the people, who know the people, who know the people who knows a Jew to give you the inside
Italy referendum: PM Matteo Renzi resigns after clear referendum defeat
December 3, 2016


Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi has resigned after suffering a heavy defeat in a referendum over his plan to reform the constitution.

In a late-night news conference, he said he took responsibility for the outcome. He said the No camp must now make clear proposals.

An exit poll for state broadcaster RAI suggests 42-46% voted to back reform, compared with 54-58% voting No.

The first projections based on the official count point to a wider defeat.

Early indications have the Yes vote at 39-43% and the No at 57-61%.

"Good luck to us all," Mr Renzi told reporters. He said he would tell a Cabinet meeting on Monday afternoon that he was resigning, and then tender his resignation to the Italian president after two-and-a-half years in office.

The president is expected to ask him to stay on at least until parliament passes a budget bill later this month.

Mr Renzi said the reforms he proposed would have cut Italy's bureaucracy and made the country more competitive.

But the referendum was widely seen as a chance to register discontent with the prime minister.


The No vote was supported by populist parties, and the referendum was regarded as a barometer of anti-establishment sentiment in Europe.

The populist Five Star Movement says it is getting ready to govern Italy now that Mr Renzi is resigning. "Starting tomorrow we'll be at work on a Five Star government," one of its leaders, Luigi Di Maio, said.

The movement, led by comedian Beppe Grillo, spearheaded the winning No campaign.

Opposition leader Matteo Salvini, of the anti-immigrant Northern League, called the referendum a "victory of the people against the strong powers of three-quarters of the world".

A striking victory for Italy's opposition

Matteo Renzi gambled - and lost.

His country's voters have told him - decisively - that they do not want constitutional reform.

The result of this referendum is a striking victory for this country's many opposition parties - led in this campaign by the populist Five Star Movement.

Five Star's immediate goal now will be victory in the next general election - and a rethink of Italy's relationship with the European Union.

But the next election is not due to be held until February 2018.

Italy's president may ask a caretaker from Mr Renzi's Democratic party, possibly the Finance Minister Pier Carlo Padoan, to serve till then.

There has been an immediate reaction from right-wing leaders in Europe.

The leader of Front Nationale in France, Marine Le Pen, tweeted her congratulations to the Northern League.

"The Italians have disavowed the EU and Renzi. We must listen to this thirst for freedom of nations," she said.

The euro fell against the dollar immediately after the exit polls came out.

There have been growing concerns over financial stability in the eurozone's third largest economy.

The turnout was very high by Italian standards - about 60% of the electorate cast their vote.

Nearly two-thirds voted in prosperous northern Italy but the turnout was much lower in the south.

What a No vote means

The No campaign in Italy has been spearheaded by the anti-establishment Five Star Movement, led by Beppe Grillo.

It wants a referendum on whether Italy should keep the euro.

Populist parties, including the Five Star Movement and the anti-immigrant Northern League.

The referendum comes in the wake of the Brexit vote in the UK in June, and coincides with the rise of the anti-immigrant Front National in France and populist parties elsewhere. It also comes less than a month after the election of Donald Trump in the United States.

Some 50 million Italians have the right to vote in the referendum - many voters are fed up with years of economic stagnation.

Source: BBC
Some would say that after far too many decades, they are finally coming on.

Well, I certainly don't think the rise of the far-right is something to celebrate. But I know that others don't necessarily feel the same way. Clearly, some do.
The lights are going out all over the Western World...

Many of these countries are saddled with enormous debt trying to fix their complex problems with populist parties who have no plan on how to run a successful state.

This in a world where they cant try to rip off the third world to fix their problems
Some would say that after far too many decades, they are finally coming on.
Some are idiots!
Many of these countries are saddled with enormous debt trying to fix their complex problems with populist parties who have no plan on how to run a successful state.

Well, I'm all for populism (economic populism, that is). But you're absolutely right that these parties and their leaders often have little understanding of the economy and how to run a country. There is far more to government than immigration and empty nationalist slogans.

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