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Remembering Zahid Malik

Dawood Ibrahim

May 25, 2016
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Brig Tariq Khalil (Retd)

Alas Malik Sahib is not with us and has met his creator. May ALLAH bless his soul? He was an icon and a complete world in himself. He was a writer, scholar, lover of Pakistan and a nationalist to the core. A renowned journalist as he was, he was above all the lover of Quran. I met him about 30 years ago and instantly we became friends and since then we remained in touch till his death. In him I always found the pain when we discussed the state of affairs since eighties and how Pakistan has been slipping down. He was a practical person who believed in doing rather than giving mere sermons. It was with this urge in him that he established the Council of Nazria Pakistan. From that forum he made marathon efforts to create mass awareness about the objectives underlying the creation of Pakistan. When I am writing these lines I feel saddened that he is not with us, but that is the reality of life. His efforts from the platform of Nazria Pakistan made tremendous impact and many other organizations followed the suite and so as many newspapers started columns. His contribution towards understanding Quran and his work ‘Mazameen Quran’ made him eternal and Allah will grant blessings for this unique work. With translation in many important languages, the Message is now Global. Through extended approach towards diplomatic community he was beacon of light portraying the true face of Pakistani nation. He was not only centre of attraction in any diplomatic function but also his were the most sought for opinions in any crisis that Pakistan faced. A visionary indeed, he desired a prosperous and advancing Pakistan in every field. His approach on media matters was that media should be honest and portray the true picture and not hide the foibles of the leaders in search of favours. I found him following that principle till the last. It is that he believed, so am I, that CPEC is really a game changer and in that he continued to pursue his efforts to thwart the efforts of those who always following agenda of the enemies of the Pakistan, are coming up frivolous objections. Also he asked me to Join as founder member of 101 Friends of China, indeed it showed his faith in me and great honour for me. He would call me frequently and ask my opinion on strategic matters and whenever he organized a talk, discussion or seminar, he would call me, seek my opinion and most of the time appreciated my view. A great Pakistani in true sense who promoted Pakistan till his last breath. He was above all a superb human being with qualities of humbleness, a loving friend, affectionate father who instilled in all the good qualities he professed in his children. May Allah grant him eternal peace and higher place in Jannat.
—Via email


May Allah bless him
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