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Remembering Kargil heroes: How Pakistani soldier Captain Sher Khan was acknowledged by India too

Oye, Germany and Japan were decimated during the same timeline you are taking about!
And look at them now (where they are) and look at your Pakistan....

You might want to read about the "Marshall plan" and how massive economic and technical assistance was given to post war West Germany, especially in the face of the new realities of the cold war. Germany received the equivalent of what is now $19.5 billion dollars of assistance in a three year time frame from 49-52 alone. Your comparison is not valid entirely.

Although I will acknowledge Pakistan should have done far better.

As for the thread, maximum respect to the Indian army for its recommendation. Both armies have acted with good professionalism. I've always found it great that we have never attacked each other's population centres or massacred prisoners of war, both things which the European powers readily did to each other during the Second World War.

I hope inshallah a war never breaks out again and no solider needs to die.
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85 personas más ricas del mundo tienen la misma riqueza que el 3,5 mil millones más pobres del mundo!
You might want to read about the "Marshall plan" and how massive economic and technical assistance was given to post war West Germany, especially in the face of the new realities of the cold war. Germany received the equivalent of what is now $19.5 billion dollars of assistance in a three year time frame from 49-52 alone. .

What about Japan?
Oye, Germany and Japan were decimated during the same timeline you are taking about!
And look at them now (where they are) and look at your Pakistan....

Germany and Japan received massive amount of aid in all forms... from billions of USD`s to military help.

Furthermore, both nations were founded as modern democracies with free markets

85 personas más ricas del mundo tienen la misma riqueza que el 3,5 mil millones más pobres del mundo!

What about Japan?

BTW: Japan was occupied by the USA until 1952 and only became a UN member in 1956
Germany and Japan received massive amount of aid in all forms... from billions of USD`s to military help.

Furthermore, both nations were founded as modern democracies with free markets

BTW: Japan was occupied by the USA until 1952 and only became a UN member in 1956

My Q on Japan is still outstanding, how they build the nation from scratch, when a Pakistani says 65 years are not enough to build his nation.

Germany and Japan received massive amount of aid in all forms... from billions of USD`s to military help.

Furthermore, both nations were founded as modern democracies with free market

Pakistan was also a free nation, why No help from Muslim block?
What about Japan?

You do you know from 1950 the US was giving procurement payments that amounted to 27% of Japan’s total export trade to help Japan's post war economy right? That's economic assistance that no one else received, bar West Germany. Which was again in part due to the new cold war realities i.e. Japan should be saved from communism.

Also you have to remember both countries were developed before the war. Even though they suffered destruction, the most important resource was and still is human capital. That's what builds nations. They had many of scientists, engineers, bankers and so forth. Pakistan was an agricultural economy, where the majority of people were illiterate and just coming out of the shackles of years of colonialism by the British empire. Very few were educated. Even after that Pakistan made huge strides and was termed as an "tiger" of South Asia. It saw decline in the 70's and onwards due to bad policies.

Now stick to the topic please. :-)
My Q on Japan is still outstanding, how they build the nation from scratch, when a Pakistani says 65 years are not enough to build his nation.

Pakistan was also a free nation, why No help from Muslim block?

Muslim block? Do you know where it stood 70 years ago compared to the USA? Or even today?

The reason is simple: 1.) Japan and Germany were advanced nations before WW2 but of course their destructive policies brought them nothing else but death and destruction.

2.) However, the Cold War eventually helped Japan and West Germany. The western allies wanted to prevent the spread of communism and so they built up West Germany and Japan from scratch and pumped enormous amounts of money and other forms of aid into those countries.
Hi, just entering some spices in your talk India give rs.20 crore to Pakistan as first instalment of rs.75 crore .

So basically Pakistan has financial help of Rs. 20 crore ( 1 Rupee = 1.2 USD in 1947 )

Basically 24 Crore USD . U can do it in millions if I'm not wrong .

And for prove it was actually 75 crore but recent claim of state bank of Pak i didn't added whole amount .
Pakistan was built from the scratch. It has faced every ups and downs in the shortest period of time unlike other nations who took even couple of centuries.... 50, 60 odd years are nothing in the timeline of a nation. Despite all the odds, all the barriers we are growing. You just simply can't compare India and Pakistan because of it's size, and position. And yes snake has it's own qualities towards the weaker ones...!! That's why we created Pakistan...!! As far as evolving is concerned, some Indian members here still whine a lot about 1947 partition, while some others have declared Partition as a blessing in disguise...!! Your country men's day dreaming of dismantled Pakistan till 2010, 11,12, 13,14 and so on hasn't become a reality yet. So please keep having day dreams...!!

As a matter of fact - At the time of partition - Pakistan was way more economically prosperous than India - Today where you stand is just because of you own deeds don;t try to blame the pre/post-partition conditions for that! Even Bangladesh is performing better today than Pakistan - what's your excuse for that?
Muslim block? Do you know where it stood 70 years ago compared to the USA? Or even today?

40 plus countries...

However, the Cold War eventually helped Japan and West Germany. The western allies wanted to prevent the spread of communism and so they built up West Germany and Japan from scratch and pumped enormous amounts of money and other forms of aid into those countries.

They did help Germany considering "white genes" factor.
They did help Japan conditionally, that it wont go for any Military complexes or nuclear ones...Hence the "CAP"
40 plus countries...

And what power did they hold back then? What power are they holding today? How unified are they?

However, the Cold War eventually helped Japan and West Germany. The western allies wanted to prevent the spread of communism and so they built up West Germany and Japan from scratch and pumped enormous amounts of money and other forms of aid into those countries.

They did help Germany considering "white genes" factor.
They did help Japan conditionally, that it wont go for any Military complexes or nuclear ones...Hence the "CAP"

They did not help Japan "conditionally". Japan surrendered unconditionally. And Japan was not really a huge area of interest for Stalin, unlike Germany and Europe in general, thats why Germany was a priority for the western allies.

And they did not help them more because they were white.... those Germans were the same people they were bombing back to the stone age until May 1945.
yeah, ......... between us and the pakistani savages

Your tastes are weird man! Weren't you sporting Hitler as your avatar pic till a few days back? And now this?:wacko:

In fact you should be the one doing moe reading.

Total aid and loans through Marshall plan was 13.8 billion dollars, split in 16 countries, not just west Germany.

If you compare that against what Pakistan has got by givng bases and help to US, you guys have got far more money.

Europeans used the money wisely to build their economy, you guys used it to build your military.

We all can see the result.

Have you considered the amount readjusted for inflation? A billion dollars in 1950 was 'worth' many times more than today.
They say it's a code of honour among soldiers, they recognize bravery and valour, no matter which flag they fight for. "This is a game where we wait to see when the valour will be recognised and that too by the opponent," Sheikh said.

Respect for soldiers on both sides. Civilians on both sides too need some sort of code on not abusing each others nations. You can call each other enemies but calling each other as terrorists or rapists is not honourable.

If you compare that against what Pakistan has got by givng bases and help to US, you guys have got far more money.
Europeans used the money wisely to build their economy, you guys used it to build your military.
We all can see the result.

True indeed. The amount of Aid given to Pakistan could have turned Pakistan into an Asian powerhouse both economically and in scientific fields.
In fact you should be the one doing moe reading.

Total aid and loans through Marshall plan was 13.8 billion dollars, split in 16 countries, not just west Germany.

If you compare that against what Pakistan has got by givng bases and help to US, you guys have got far more money.

Europeans used the money wisely to build their economy, you guys used it to build your military.

We all can see the result.

"moe" reading? At least proof read before you post.

Yes it was split, but West Germany received the largest amount after the UK and France. Do you even know that on top of that $13 billion more was given, even before the plan was implemented?

Us guys have got far more money, oh really? You obviously haven't got a clue about economics otherwise you wouldn't compare the $13 billion of then to the money Pakistan received. That would be now in today's money $148 billion, accounting inflation. I suppose now you are going to say that we received more than that now lol.

Pakistan did build its economy, but then I clearly stated that our polices were to blame.

I'll ask you again stay on topic or i'll call the moderators in.
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