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Remembering Kargil heroes: How Pakistani soldier Captain Sher Khan was acknowledged by India too

Yes, I dont need dumb apostrophies to remind me financial concepts thank you.

"apostrophies", evidently you also need to learn how to spell. It's "apostrophes" and they are not dumb. They are used for a purpose, which again you don't seem to understand.

67 Billion $ in 2011 inflation adjusted dollars vs 12 billion for germany, not counting the old military hardware donations to pakistan.

I went through the figures above, in my previous post for West Germany, and I haven't even included the help before establishment of the plan. Pakistan has received nowhere near that.

Read above... and whatever whiner.

Stick and stones. Your insults are laughable.
Yes, I dont need dumb apostrophies to remind me financial concepts thank you.

67 Billion $ in 2011 inflation adjusted dollars vs 12 billion for germany, not counting the old military hardware donations to pakistan.

Read above... and whatever whiner.

Sorry about that. Usually get to deal with overeager Pak bashers and hence the cynicism.
Oye, Germany and Japan were decimated during the same timeline you are taking about!
And look at them now (where they are) and look at your Pakistan....
Pakistan was not rebuilt under Marshal Plan like germany and was not under US administrators like Japan.
Plus the intellectuals and Universities of Germany and Jaoan were not burnt down. And there major industrial Infra was not wiped out on which they established the mighty emparial japan and Nazi Germany. This is no comparison.
We must have caught him, tortured and executed him like they tortured and killed our soldiers.
We must have caught him, tortured and executed him like they tortured and killed our soldiers.

Then what would've been the difference between us and those savages who indulged into such a barbaric act against humanity my brother??Indian Army consists of highly trained and professional soldiers and officers and not a bunch of savages.

A perfect gentleman in peace time,fierce in combat and yet humble and forgiving in victory - that's how a professional soldier should be.That's how they are trained in the Indian Army and that's why they garner so much respect in the whole world.
No. I don't have credentials to comment on the defence policies of other nations. I just meant that your idea is far from being sane.

Whose insanity killed Captain Saurabh Kalia?

Then what would've been the difference between us and those savages who indulged into such a barbaric act against humanity my brother??Indian Army consists of highly trained and professional soldiers and officers and not a bunch of savages.

A perfect gentleman in peace time,fierce in combat and yet humble and forgiving in victory - that's how a professional soldier should be.That's how they are trained in the Indian Army and that's why they garner so much respect in the whole world.

Q1: If you have to choose between "stopping another Indian from getting killed" and "getting respect from whole world" which one will you choose?

Q2 (Multiple Choice)
Why do you think we are having this conversation in English?
A. Because Britishers gained our respect.
B. Because Britishers kicked our timid ancestors' butt.
C. Because Britishers tamed Martians.

Q3: Russian soldiers raped their way into Berlin at the end of WW2, still whole world conveniently forgot that and only remembered the war crimes of the Germans. Why and How?
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I belong to the same village that Sher hailed from ...His tomb is a glory for the whole community...Sher was known for his dauntless attitude ...His course mates say about him that his strength was his limitless courage....He was a paragon for his juniors during combat :pakistan:
Oye, Germany and Japan were decimated during the same timeline you are taking about!
And look at them now (where they are) and look at your Pakistan....

wrong Germany had amazing scientific genius readily available as a nation and Industrial base before the war and it was latter on which manufacturing/Engineering power was built, look at noble prize produced by Germans before WW2 and quality of war machines, both India Pakistan had nowhere near this quality of Human Capital at time of creation in 1947 and above all national languages of both countries were not in even on same galaxy in terms of Scientific literature richness as German.
Whose insanity killed Captain Saurabh Kalia?

Again, I don't want to comment on the insanity of PA. I neither carry enough credentials nor do I have enough knowledge. However, what I can comment on is my personal opinion and I don't endorse your revolutionary "an eye for an eye" thoughts. I also appreciate that IA too doesn't endorse your thoughts. Of course, you are entitled to your own opinion.

Q1: If you have to choose between "stopping another Indian from getting killed" and "getting respect from whole world" which one will you choose?

I will choose to stop another Indian being killed but in no way I will do it in the way you mentioned.

Q2 (Multiple Choice)
Why do you think we are having this conversation in English?
A. Because Britishers gained our respect.
B. Because Britishers kicked our timid ancestors' butt.
C. Because Britishers tamed Martians.

None of the above. We are having this conversation in English because it's easy to write English with keyboards with english alphabets. I am sure we would be having this conversation in Hindi had we been conversing face to face.

Q3: Russian soldiers raped their way into Berlin at the end of WW2, still whole world conveniently forgot that and only remembered the war crimes of the Germans. Why and How?

History is written by victorious.
Oye, Germany and Japan were decimated during the same timeline you are taking about!
And look at them now (where they are) and look at your Pakistan....

Huh...look who is talking, as if
As a matter of fact - At the time of partition - Pakistan was way more economically prosperous than India - Today where you stand is just because of you own deeds don;t try to blame the pre/post-partition conditions for that! Even Bangladesh is performing better today than Pakistan - what's your excuse for that?

WOW....!! Amazing statement...either you simply don't know history or you are just pretending to be such ignorant...!! Mr, when Pakistan was born, all across the country there was simply no industrial infrastructure. British Raj deliberately kept those areas industrially, educational wise, technical skill wise backwards because specially Punjab and NWFP had Marshall races, which suited perfectly for the huge military machinery of British Empire to fulfill there requirements during WW I or II....!!! At the time of partition only 34 factories outa 921 in United India were present in Pakistan, outa which there were 17 cotton mills, 4 cement factories, 6 sugar mills were functioning....!! We built our Air Force from scrap yard if you believe it or not....!! The point is that if a new born country like Pakistan, which apparently had no chance no survival at the time of independence, can evolve so much with such highs and lows in its brief history and even than against all odds it's growing stronger and stronger. Democracy is functioning, institutions are gaining strength, terrorism phenomena is getting uprooted gradually, mutual trade in increasing between neighbors is increasing in volume, plus Pakistan is gradually getting in a position to take advantage of it's vital geo strategic location....!! And ohh please.....Bangladesh and Bengalis are your headache now as they are flooding in your country gradually due to lack of resources in their country...!! Don't try to compare apples with oranges please...!!
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