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Remain alert: The Chinese threat continues to loom along the LAC


Sep 26, 2018
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As the snow is melting on the Himalayas along the LAC, any PLA movement creates anxiety in the Indian Intelligentsia and ranks.

Stay Tuned guys we may have some more interesting months coming shortly.
ALERT ALERT ALERT... more exercises 100 miles away, followed by global times threat incoming

YET Indians have the peaks and vantage points, with view dep into China. :meeting:
RSS is deploying on the LAC
When the PLA captured Indian territories last year RSS were initially chest thumping to teach China a lesson. Later when they understood the gravity of the situation they all ran for the hills.
Ask your countrymen of origin, their SM is full of fear and nervousness. :enjoy:

Let's pretend they are my countrymen to placate; how is their owning the peaks still equate to fear?

I notice now that your narrative has changed from Daily Alerts for the last 6 months about how ' the Chinese are exercising 100 miles away and have massive inventory to unleash on India & ready to attack on moments notice '. To now saying last week 'This time they are now well prepared.
When the PLA captured Indian territories last year RSS were initially chest thumping to teach China a lesson. Later when they understood the gravity of the situation they all ran for the hills.
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At least 20 of them didn't run fast enough and were captured. The most important attributes of Indian military is how fast they run. Does Indian army give a medal for running fast away from an enemy that is equivalent to dodge a missile badge in Indian AF
Let's pretend they are my countrymen to placate
You are certainly not a Red Neck.
how is their owning the peaks still equate to fear?
They don't hold any peaks in Pangong Tso South anymore, many Indian defence analysts advised them to do the contrary.
I notice now that your narrative has changed from Daily Alerts
I only quote Indian sources, nothing has changed.
This time they are now well prepared.
It's good to adapt and improve, a commendable trait of a nation. Certainly, the PLA has made large strides in innovative training regimes and better hardware. I think you need to open your eyes!
just one example below from your source.
You are certainly not a Red Neck.

They don't hold any peaks in Pangong Tso South anymore, many Indian defence analysts advised them to do the contrary.

I only quote Indian sources, nothing has changed.

It's good to adapt and improve, a commendable trait of a nation. Certainly, the PLA has made large strides in innovative training regimes and better hardware. I think you need to open your eyes!
just one example below from your source.

I thought your keen personal interest in this conflict would make you a sort of expert on the conflict areas- but you've seemed to prefer to be a headline poster who just is looking for confirmation bias in the sources you look for.

For example, You quote Indian media when it suits your narrative. most of what you quote also seems to be typically considered as unreliable, or at least assume with a pinch of suspicion_ individual Twitter handles or youtube channels.

But if the same 'Indian' media says something opposite to your established biases, you call it fake news and rubbish. Kinda hypocritical, no?

Secondly, for someone who spends inordinate numbers of hours every day, scouring through what I can imagine are ten's upon ten's Twitter, youtube, and media sites alert(s) you've set up and or bookmarked, specific to the India-China conflict... You seem to think Pangong lake south was the sole location where the Indians had the only advantage - not bothering to even read the 70 plus articles you've posted, thoroughly, and evidently not caring to retain information around which 'points/bases' are being held by whom anymore.

@FOOLS_NIGHTMARE nightmare - I'll HELP YOU OUT THIS ONE TIME... Pangong lake area is NOT completely evacuated, they removed armored division, frontline troops at BASE/edge of the lake, BUT NOT FROM THE HEIGHTS... this is the same Indian media source and Indian ministry that stated it and you have cited in your past articles
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You quote Indian media when it suits your narrative. most of what you quote also seems to be typically considered as unreliable,
Such as?
But if the same 'Indian' media says something opposite to your established biases, you call it fake news and rubbish. Kinda hypocritical
Kinda elaborate when I specifically said that!
Secondly, for someone who spends inordinate numbers of hours every day,
Incorrect, I am only visible mostly on Thursdays and a few minutes the rest of the week.
You seem to think Pangong lake south was the sole location where the Indians had the only advantage
Yep, all your Channels, media outlets and SM bloggers reemphasized in not vacating the KAILASH range.
I thought your keen personal interest in this conflict would make you a sort of expert on the conflict areas
I never said I am an EXPERT, I am just a keen observer.
frontline troops at BASE/edge of the lake, BUT NOT FROM THE HEIGHTS
Since you are the expert which heights are they still holding!
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Sometimes one needs to see what they are doing with their lives. Your obsession with India is robbing you of your precious time. Use that time to learn something new or spend that time to play with your kids or simply meditate.

I have seen obsession but nothing like this-

go check the number of threads you have created over the last year. Mind boggling! really!

Take a break man! Not healthy!
Let me make it easy for you this is one of the clauses of the agreement,
"As part of Phase 1 disengagement, the Chinese must completely pull back to their post just east of Finger 8, where they even built a jetty in 2017. ... It is reliably learnt that India has vacated the peaks in the Kailash Range that were occupied by the IA in late August 2020 as a riposte to the Chinese intrusions"
Such as?

Kinda elaborate when I specifically said that!

Incorrect, I am only visible mostly on Thursdays and a few minutes the rest of the week.

Yep, all your Channels, media outlets and SM bloggers reemphasized in not vacating the KAILASH range.

I never said I am an EXPERT, I am just a keen observer.

You said you quote Indian sources, do you not post Indian media articles that favor your talking points?

Speaking of talking points, you and many here claim (I would agree) that china is a more powerful military power when comparing in the larger context of assets and tech they have...so how is that the greater Chinese power who claimed that Pangong lake as theirs - backed off and pulled back? In this context who is the one showing fear?

once again a keen observer would know
that Pangong lake was NOT the only peak/advantage the Indian army had

And a keen observer would have picked up that the among the reporting around the pullback from Pangong lake, it had a caveat that stated in the news that only armored divisions and frontline troops at the "edges of the lake" were pulled out, and the Indians did not remove those who occupy certain heights
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