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Remain alert: The Chinese threat continues to loom along the LAC

Let me make it easy for you this is one of the clauses of the agreement,
"As part of Phase 1 disengagement, the Chinese must completely pull back to their post just east of Finger 8, where they even built a jetty in 2017. ... It is reliably learnt that India has vacated the peaks in the Kailash Range that were occupied by the IA in late August 2020 as a riposte to the Chinese intrusions"

Let me make it clear you needed to read the caveat

" Troops are still holding positions on these strategic heights, they said on the condition of anonymity after the Chinese defence ministry announced in Beijing that the troops had started to disengage along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) near the salt-water lake.

The reports of withdrawal of the armoured elements from one of the multiple friction points in the East Ladakh sector comes nearly a fortnight after military commanders of the two armies agreed on January 24 to push for an early disengagement of their frontline troops."
You said you quote Indian sources, do you not post Indian media articles that favor your talking points?

Speaking of talking points, you and many here claim (I would agree) that china is a more powerful military power when comparing in the larger context of assets and tech they have...so how is that the greater Chinese power who claimed that Pangong lake as theirs - backed off and pulled back? In this context who is the one showing fear?

once again a keen observer would know
that Pangong lake was NOT the only peak/advantage the Indian army had

And a keen observer would have picked up that the among the reporting around the pullback from Pangong lake, it had a caveat that stated in the news that only armored divisions and frontline troops at the "edges of the lake" were pulled out, and the Indians did not remove those who occupy certain heights

Give a source from any Bakht media to confirm your assertion!
Thanks for your consideration.

Well I seem to be enjoying my part. Dont hate India or the Indians, just have a strong motivation to see India cut to size in my lifetime.

Whaaat...you say you don't hate India or Indians but want it to cut in size. That's an oxymoron. like saying- I don't hate you, I just want you to see death and misery upon you. lol come on man, who do you think is buying this stuff.

At least I openly say I despise China and the PDF Chinese
Troops are still holding positions on these strategic heights, they said on the condition of anonymity
Why condition of anonymity! quote me any reliable source. All your narrative seems like filling hot air to boast some lost MORALE.
Give a source from any Bakht media to confirm your assertion!

why do you quote articles from so-called the bhakt media when it suits you?

but since you asked...I did a 2-sec search. here's one of them. I have to go into a meeting now, I'll see if I can find others later

" Troops are still holding positions on these strategic heights, they said on the condition of anonymity... "
What's wrong with it don't your countrymen think the same about Pakistan.

Cant open the Link! Not a good start is it. :D

Suppose you want to know what we think of Pakistan, then look for a pew study on how American people think either favorably or unfavorably of several countries.

Clearly, this board could open it because it even shows an image and partial text from the article, as you can see within the previous post.

I will break the URL up...

(copy the link into the browser)https://www.hindustantimes.com/indi...hern-bank-of-pangong-tso-101612961371915.html
Let's pretend they are my countrymen to placate; how is their owning the peaks still equate to fear?

I notice now that your narrative has changed from Daily Alerts for the last 6 months about how ' the Chinese are exercising 100 miles away and have massive inventory to unleash on India & ready to attack on moments notice '. To now saying last week 'This time they are now well prepared.
when enemy will be few kms from dehli you delusion turds will be beating your 56inxh yindu boobies on internet trying to create positive perception! you turds have your heads inside modis *** and you dont see reality!

your economy is fked!
your army is turd!
your people are dying on streets!
but here we have this rss choot box besting his boobies like a brainless baboon!
https://www.hindustantimes.com [REMOVE THIS] /india-news/india-china-start-limited-withdrawal-of-tanks-from-southern-bank-of-pangong-tso-101612961371915.html
Sorry no luck ,but let me show you some facts.
As the snow is melting on the Himalayas along the LAC, any PLA movement creates anxiety in the Indian Intelligentsia and ranks.

Stay Tuned guys we may have some more interesting months coming shortly.
Shouldnt the heading be the complete opposite ??
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