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Religious debates on other nations.

Religious in countries other than your own, allowed to discuss or not.

  • Yes, I would like to discuss other nations religious issues

    Votes: 4 30.8%
  • No, I prefer people minding their own business then it comes to religion.

    Votes: 9 69.2%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Diwali hopes dashed as poor Hindus denied financial help

Windjammer posted this on a happy diwali thread i dk why? :what:

---------- Post added at 09:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:21 PM ----------

Dude lets not go that road otherwise it will result in mud slinging match i seen post on minorities in India also

There are no threads on random domestic incidents of minorities in India.
I want to retain the right to start threads criticizing Wahhabism. The following are more political than religious, but I also want to be able to open threads criticizing Zionists, Christian fundamentalists, Hindu nationalists, etc...
There are no threads on random domestic incidents of minorities in India.

Thats because minorities are only 2% in Pak and India they make up much more higher % but i seen threads about orissa and gujarat and windjammer and hafiz threads are 70% about minorities.

Like i said if Pakistanis want to talk about minorities in India so Indian can also talk about minorities in Pak?

Thank you for starting this thread. I believe in general most people on both sides of the border are pretty chilled out guys. I think something happens when they come on here and perhaps become possessed and become internet global warriors and start getting very emotional and slagging off each other nations. There is very few members that have hatred for each other however one wouldnt think that judging by the anger in some of the posts. If its not religion then it will be poverty, if its not failed state it will be something else that they will find to have a go. Its an angle and ability to have a go at the "opposition". If only we could see that both our nations have major issues and they are not exclusive to one side we would go along way to calmness on the site.
Its not exclusive to one side. Even on these handful of posts we have managed to blame each other! Lets have a think guys. We all love being on here and thrive apon reading each others opinions - i appeal to all please engage brains before posting and remember there isnt much difference between us and we were one a few years ago! Some of us have families living in both countries. Treat people the way you expect people to treat you and enjoy the different opinions. By inflicting sadness and annoyance isnt a great way to spend an evening.
Well i have voted for "minding the own religion".

However, if there is some healthy debate about any religion, there is no harm in discussing that. But when any thread has been opened with an objective of defamation, it should not be allowed in any case. Every religion should be respected.
@bilalhaider There was thread just now on how Indian's treat it's muslims just 1hr ago i saw it. Now what if someone make thread on how Pakistan treat's it's Hindus and Christians?

This is my point on why such threads should be banned from PDF unless it for wishing people happy eid/diwali and also i don't mind on understanding one's religion.

My suggestion to the mods and Santro is why not have a specific thread on each religion?

Like Islam, Hinduism, Christianity etc so we can ask questions and talk about that religion in it's one thread
It will not change he fact that it is a troll thread. If my friends vouch for a thread that I make and it is a troll's heaven, people and administrators will see it. Me and my peeps will face the music and our reputation will be on the line. If someone misuses the privilege of vouching, take away the right of vouching just like you take away the right of posting new threads.

I know it will increase the administrator's load but not a bad price to pay the keep the quality of the forum right up there.

Another alternative could be harsher punishment where threads such as these are concerned..
Dual infractions?? light bannings? After all, nothing burns up a person more than not being allowed to post a fitting reply after being insulted.
Another interesting phenomena here on the PDF is, we are constantly bombarded by Indians starting threads about random domestic incidents (rape, kidnapping, expulsion, harassment, murder of people) in Pakistan, & expected to discuss them in a civil manner; but God forbid someone opens a similar thread about India, they only want to derail the topic, & start talking about Pakistan; rather than the topic at hand. Those threads become troll fests, & are closed/deleted. But there are many such similar threads about Pakistan that have not been closed or deleted, that I've constantly reported, but no action has been taken. These issues can only be tackled if we have more impartial & active moderation on this forum.
@bilalhaider There was thread just now on how Indian's treat it's muslims just 1hr ago i saw it. Now what if someone make thread on how Pakistan treat's it's Hindus and Christians?

This is my point on why such threads should be banned from PDF unless it for wishing people happy eid/diwali and also i don't mind on understanding one's religion.

My suggestion to the mods and Santro is why not have a specific thread on each religion?

Like Islam, Hinduism, Christianity etc so we can ask questions and talk about that religion in it's one thread

The thread on Indian Muslims has been deleted. The other one has been closed I believe.

That was nothing compared to the one-off domestic incidents you guys post, about every random murder, rape, expulsion, harassment, & every other incident about Pakistan.

I hope you can understand that there is a huge difference in the two cases.
Perhaps another option ,could be allowing such threads..but with strings attached..borrowing from Mabs suggestion.
The thread OP must ensure that the thread not be interpreted as flaming. Which means avoiding editing news reports or adding comments. Also, the administration will be a lot harsher on offenders in these threads. Which will help keep any emotions from boiling over and inappropriate comments being posted...lest the member get a dual infraction and most likely get banned.
It will also be upto the thread opener to be ready for consequences in case there is already a thread on that topic.. or a closely related one. Which means that the thread may get deleted without reason..at the least.. or the thread op will get a warning or infraction.

What say our struggling democracy?
The thread on Indian Muslims has been deleted. The other one has been closed I believe.

That was nothing compared to the one-off domestic incidents you guys post, about every random murder, rape, expulsion, harassment, & every other incident about Pakistan.

Come on yar you taking sides now i seen many threads from Pakistanis doing same thing about India so either we stop it totally or it will continue tik for tak i see no other solution
Another interesting thing is, we are constantly bombarded by Indians starting threads about random domestic incidents (rape, kidnapping, expulsion, harassment, murder of people) in Pakistan, & expected to discuss them in a civil manner; but God forbid someone opens a similar thread about India, they only want to derail the topic, & start talking about Pakistan; rather than the topic at hand. Those threads become troll fests, & are closed/deleted. But there are many such similar threads about Pakistan that have not been closed or deleted, that I've constantly reported, but no action has been taken. These issues can only be tackled if we have more impartial & active moderation on this forum.

See what I mean..desiman?? So who are we impartial to?.. Pakistanis, Indians... Ethiopians??
In any case.. this is not for this topic.
This is for the religious threads only..
So Ill close this thread now.. and look to the polls as indication of whether my last suggestion should be implemented or not.
Ok folks, Ill take the poll results that people like to mind their own business on religion in their country. But I also have to keep the forum quality in mind. So what we will be doing is letting people open threads on religion, whether in their own country or another's. But the thread starter has to keep in mind that if by any chance the language in his opening post is found to be offending(other than the article); an infraction will follow.
Moreover, interpretation of forum rules will be much harsher in those threads as will be the penalty.
Any attempt at flaming, trolling or else will get nothing short of a dual infraction.

However, to not have this as a feared topic.. discussions in a civil manner by all parties will be allowed.
No "this is my country and who are you to comment on this" prolonged discussions.. as they derail the thread and will result in infractions, its better to agree to disagree at any place on this forum.. and especially when it will come to topics such as these.
It is also better to listen to constructive critique instead of letting it bring down a glass house for your ego.

Lastly.. IT IS NOT NEEDED THAT YOU HAVE THE LAST WORD.. you may not AGREE with the viewpoint of a person.
And if that person is insisting on drilling it in, leave the discussion. If that person keeps repeating that mantra for no reason.. report it. But ALWAYS AGREE TO DISAGREE.. You have been warned.
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