One don't need to go to a madarsa daily to be a mullah.

Around 2007 there used to be some Tableeghis doing their Thursday gasht and coming to my house to pull me in their brainwashed murtad ghey jamaat. Among them were some software engineers - "IT kay log" as they used to call themselves. I would ask them simple questions like "Cats are being killed in our locality by the ever-increasing dogs so what can be done ?" They would look at each other with a laugh in their eyes. They claimed to be followers of Hazrat Muhammad who had a cat in his house called Muezza and once not to disturb her at prayer time when she was sleeping on his prayer robe, he took a scissors and cut the part around where she slept and he wore that torn robe to the prayer, but these kind of so-called Muslims, the Tableeghis, are the sort who will speed to their mosques on Fridays on motorbikes, three riders on one bike, while there is a cat on that very road being attacked by ten dogs but the Tableeghis won't know of Hazrat Muhammad's cat Muezza but they are in urgency in going to the Tableeghi house of idolatry - the mosque - and praying on the floor and getting a septic mark on their forehead which they display proudly. These Tableeghis are ritualists who only give mouth to prayer but not mind to Islam. They are no different than a Bhraman poojari who does 10 different ritualists to each god throughout the day.
Some Tableeghis in Bangalore were in IBM in I think 2011 where these "brothers" agitated, but not for establishing a workers union that would benefit all the workers regardless of their human-created birth religion but they agitated to get special prayer time during office hours and a designated place to pray in. They got it I think. But that was futile, the god they obsessively prayed to by disturbing and irritating others in the office and creating unnecessary hate for the actually-anti-ritualism Islam, that all-powerful all-knowing omnipresent "Muslim" god of theirs could not prevent the Hindu human managers of IBM-India from removing thousands of workers in continuous days where the workers were told to leave their company laptops on their desks and "leave the premises immediately" which left those Indian culture middle class wastrels crying. Among these thousands were our Tableeghi "brothers" who had ignored the welfare of all other workers, became selfish and prayed for themselves and competed with each other in ritualism-look by making themselves look ugly in that stupid mustacheless beard and that compulsive chanting of those fabrications and hear-says called hadiths. Kya faida hua daftar ko masjid banaakay ?
Did their god save them from expulsion in 2014 ? Did the managers look at their roohani prayer-obsessed faces and decide to not remove them but instead give them vice-president roles ?
The union described above is not any IBM-India workers union in but the original IBM-USA workers union
which too dissolved in 2016.