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Relations with Pakistan are of utmost importance: Communist Party of China


Nov 26, 2016
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United Kingdom
BEIJING: The Communist Party of China has reiterated that ties with Pakistan are utmost for them and it is the only country, which the CPC considered as the all-weather strategic partner of China.

This was stated by Ma Xuesong, the Deputy Director-General of South Asia Bureau of CPC's International Department, while speaking to a delegation of Pakistani politicians, who visited its headquarters on Saturday.

The International Department is a functional organ of the Central Committee of the CPC, which looks after party's external affairs with other political parties in the world. Up till now it has established contacts and exchanges with more than 400 political parties and organizations in over 140 countries.

The delegation comprising lawmakers from six different political parties of Balochistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa is currently visiting China at the invitation of the IDCPC.

Sardar Yar Mohammad Rind, Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, Balochistan chapter, president thanked the deputy director and assured the Chinese government of their full cooperation on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).

We are of the firm view that the CPEC is bound to bring prosperity in the backward areas of Pakistan, said Rind adding that parties from the two provinces are here to assure you that we are fully committed to the implementation to the CPEC.

The opposition parties from Balochistan and KPK have reservations over the allocation of projects under the multi-billion dollar CPEC, a flagship project of the China's Belt and Road Initiative.

Voicing his concern over the criticism, Xuesong said that we feel hurt on the unfounded objections by certain quarters in Pakistan. Chinese companies which have invested billions of dollars there get worried when they receive so much opposition, he noted.

'There are more than 50 countries involved in the BRI but we preferred CPEC to be launched on the priority basis just because of our brotherly relations with you (Pakistan).'

Xuesong stressed that China has no ulterior motives, neither military nor economic as some South Asian countries blame. Our relations with India are not good. They ask us why are we helping Pakistan?

Zmrak Khan Achakzai, Awami National Party's MPA from Balochistan pointed out that non-implementation on the Western Route has unnerved the local people and they question that why the CPEC is only visible in Punjab.

Rind said our federal government is responsible for this confusion as it has not shared the details with other parties.

The Chinese official allayed the reservations of the lawmakers, saying the CPEC is still in its initial stages and there are several long-term projects under the umbrella, which will benefit whole of Pakistan and not one area or another.

It is very early to say that the project is not visible in other parts of the country, he said. The CPEC is just like a new born baby it has to grow up and then you will see its fruits.

Kifayat Ali of Qaumi Watan Party highlighted the issue of Pak-Afghan relations which is affecting the regional development and requested China's intervention to solve this matter. On this, Xuesong informed the meeting that Chinese foreign minister is fully aware of this and has been playing his due role to bridge the gap between Kabul and Islamabad.

Another QWP member, Barrister Syed Masroor Shah suggested to establish a dispute resolution mechanism between China and Pakistan to address the legal disputes arising out between the companies as the two countries operate in entirely two different judicial systems and litigations consume many years.

Xuesong appreciated the suggestions by Pakistani delegation to further strengthen the bilateral relations in the light of discussion between the two sides.

The Chinese are right to bring these parities to Beijing and address their fears. Now our parties need to act like grown-ups and spell out legitimate concerns and stick to those issues (and not ask for any bribes). To build goodwill, a few of the quickest projects should be fast tracked and started so the local people's fears can be allayed. For example medical clinics with good equipment in the major towns. making it a gift of a few million would go along way and prevent disruptions which would cost so much more. Its about good Public Relations.

but if reports the annual interest rate on the loans is down to just 1-2% then that will be a huge sigh of relief, and that above all should really be stressed. Good Job Ma Xuesong

p.s. for the smaller communities, work with local schools to train EMTs (Emergency Medical Technicians); job of the Pakistani Government. while the Chinese government could develop a Ambulance from a vehicle like the following. The only difference would be ruggized suspension so it can get into the small old city streets, as well as the mountains, and cross dirt roads. The goal should be a cost of under US $2000. Donate the first Thousand, an then build a factory in Pakistan to build a further 99,000 over the next 10-20 years. Slowly these ambulances will be the face of CPEC. if you see the good will Edhi build up with his ambulances, a similar system but on a massive scale can; adding one ambulance per 2000 people, to the current fleet would really change people's minds.


looks at the suspension on this vehicle
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