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Rejecting an alleged miracle of Ghous Pak Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani leads to being beaten up by charged crowd

There is a difference between Umar RA and shirk peddling charlatans like this Ghaus character...

And no I don't hate shias,..
It's people who claim to follow Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jilani who are doing this. They are associating fairy tales with him (there may have been some real instances ) but most of this stuff originates in the fertile minds of molvis.

Similarly, someone wrote in his book that a person cam to Khawja Moeen ud Din Chishti R.A. to take bayt and he told him to recite the kalima but say "Chishti Rasulullah" instead of "Muhammad-ur-Rusoolullah. ". This is later justified as wanting to test that man's faith in his peer before taking bayt.

Now, it's the author of the book who wrote this crap.

It's not the saints' fault that our people worship them today.

Nope you are wrong on this one mate. People associate or fabricate a lot of weird stuff to these individuals during their lifetime and after their demise. We can't blame those individuals for that. Shias do the same with Ahlebayt (RZ). Going by your logic can we hate them too? Not any muslim can do that

So hate shirk and oppose it but without insulting any wali Allah
Yeah, those saints are probably turning in their graves (or the arsh, if we were to believe some people :lol: ) at what's being associated with them
Says the person supporting a cricketer who was on his knees at shrines to become PM.
Not a supporter of Immi, only thing I support politically in Pakistan is the break up of 250 year old Sepoy hegemony. And if it makes you happy, forget Khan...
Auliya performing Karaamat / miracles is something no one had ever denied, not even Ibn Taymiyyah (founding father of the Wahhabi/Najdi school of thought in Islam). His greatest student Ibn al-Qayyam has attributed some Karaamat even to Ibn Taymiyyah himself.

It's unfortunate to see clueless keyboard warriors ridiculing things/concepts that are beyond their intellectual capacity
Auliya performing Karaamat / miracles is something no one had ever denied, not even Ibn Taymiyyah (founding father of the Wahhabi/Najdi school of thought in Islam). His greatest student Ibn al-Qayyam has attributed some Karaamat even to Ibn Taymiyyah himself.

It's unfortunate to see clueless keyboard warriors ridiculing things/concepts that are beyond their intellectual capacity
Sure. Few people deny that. But the contentious thing is how to determine if a certain story was an actual karamat of the Wali or just something the molvi pulled out of his arse.

Such as the one a molvi told where Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani R.A. teleported a devotee from a mehfil into a forest because he had to take a dump, pronto.
All these Blasphemy issues are based on Ghalatfehmi...

There shouldn't be any law like this that can be used and abused for the personal agenda, badla and creating more divide.
Think of it this way, if both parties were armed, we would be having an entirely different conversation.

Hollywood glorified gun culture which was a fringe subset till then to an entire industry.
I agree. thats why I am of the opinion that one should never get involved in religious discussions that can lead to passions running high.
Let them be and stay out of trouble, verbal and physical.
All these Blasphemy issues are based on Ghalatfehmi...

There shouldn't be any law like this that can be used and abused for the personal agenda, badla and creating more divide.
Yeah, I doubt any sane person, esp minorities would knowingly commit blasphemy in Pakistan of all places.

I can see it being done in private gatherings but not in public which is what leads to allegations.
Sure. Few people deny that. But the contentious thing is how to determine if a certain story was an actual karamat of the Wali or just something the molvi pulled out of his arse.

Such as the one a molvi told where Hazrat Shaikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani R.A. teleported a devotee from a mehfil into a forest because he had to take a dump, pronto.

Whether such stories have any foundation in fact is beside the point. Many people (including the forefathers of most of us) believed in them, they converted to Islam because they were inspired by such stories/Karaamat of Auliya-e-Ikraam.

Bar-e-Sagheer Pak-o-Hind mein Islam bunyadi taur per Khanqahi Nizam k tehat hi phela hai, talwar k saye mein nahi..

You are free to dismiss what many others consider 'Karaamat' as mere exaggerations and imagination. But those Buzurgan-e-Deen who converted our forefathers to Islam deserve respect, not ridicule.
When people get into your face insisting you to eat 11-v Sharif, pay for it, chant ya flana bin flana wali to get a number of issues resolved and won't budge then what choice others got to respectfully evade the scene? Obviously they gonna quote some statements from those saintly figures own autobiographies to went it out .

Its the umpteenth time hanfis got exposed on camera super imposing their saints and ideals down other peoples throat using mob violence .

Why stir the pot? How about letting ppl be? Why get into ppl faces and argue with them about their belief? The golden rule of liberalism is laissez-faire.
Let ppl do what they want.

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