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Rejecting an alleged miracle of Ghous Pak Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani leads to being beaten up by charged crowd

Very well said.
Education is needed both on what constitute a shirk, differentiating Major Shirk and Minor Shirk, and also distinguishing Haraam from Shirk.
I don't have much hopes though from our society. How about we all rather than debating Islam actually first even go through the Translation and Tafsir of Quran to actually grasp even the shallow comprehension before we discuss the faith?

People rote learn and memorize the Quran even without actually knowing what they are reading.

Problem is certain people accuse Muslims of shirk and declare majority of the ummah as kafir and mushriks, this is one of the reason Holy War was declared against the Ottomans because he was declared as mushrik. Also the same Holy War is continuing around the world to erase shirk whilst Israel is expanding slowly.

But Allah almighty is watching, only Allah azzawajal has the real power.

Regarding education, it will take a long time, Muslims states were under occupation and slowly are rebuilding themselves but unfortunately the so called shirk destroyers are blowing themselves up 24 7. You cannot progress when hatred, division and killing is all over the place.
We follow Islam, whatever is allowed we do it
We can disagree on what exactly is within the scope of Islam and not but this topic at the moment is trivial for now as we have much bigger fishes to fry with people having incorrect Aqeedah, the fundamentals.
People are more interested in Shia Sunni bieng Kafir or not or the verse allowing 4 marriages than concept of Tauheed. And even in that same very verse, we Muslims are told to limit to only one in case we can't treat them equally yet rarely do people know that.

how mani fiqhs are there in what is called sunnism vs. what is called Shiaism?

good post cept for one seemingly small (but grave) error. PM me if you want to correct it
You may correct it here. We all are prone to mistakes and I shall humbly correct myself if found in error.
Haram is forbidden but shirk makes you a kafir. People don't know the difference.

Shirk makes you a mushrik and disbelieving in the commands ------ by intentionally refusing to observe , follow them make one kafir, a disbeliever. So , by that standard a quite large majority of muslims could be -------.
How about we all rather than debating Islam actually first even go through the Translation and Tafsir of Quran to actually grasp even the shallow comprehension before we discuss the faith?

Translation is fine but exegis will gonna mess your brain up. Al Quran is mobeen, clear and self explanatory . Hence why , the establishment of a direct contact between the Almighty and insaan, directly guidable person(he/she) -----
Apologies but your highly mistaken. If you take away the jahalat, the so called brelvis are very similar to the Turks, Africans, Indonesians, Egyptians etc, our aqeedah is one. The dodgy sufi sects are in fact fake people who are businessmen, the ulema issued fatwas against them but they exist because people love them, love to spend their money.
Unfortunately, that's not what I see in real life every day. These dodgy sects are now mainstream in Pakistan. If God-fearing Barelvis denounced these dodgy sects then they wouldn't have been anywhere near as powerful as they are today. Additionally, our so-called "Sufis" make the likes of Ibn Arabi look Wahabi. The old Sufism dead decades ago in Pakistan. This new so-called "Sufism" in Pakistan is a commercialization of Islam. People are asked to donate to these groups in order for their sins to be forgiven. Islam is supposed to be an anti-clergy religion but these bastards have established their own clergies and constantly promote them. I hate the fact that I am calling these bastards Sufis, I have nothing but respect for the true God-fearing Sufis.

Since I strongly believe in freedom of speech, I don't want to get rid of these people by force. However, I will continue to denounce them and all versions of Islam that are pro-clergy.
Shirk makes you a mushrik and disbelieving in the commands ------ by intentionally refusing to observe , follow them make one kafir, a disbeliever. So , by that standard a quite large majority of muslims could be -------.

Well this is what i am trying to warn the accusers of shirk. Its not to be played with. Also declaring Muslims as mushriks makes oneself a kafir if his claim is false. So why take such a big risk.
Translation is fine but exegis will gonna mess your brain up. Al Quran is mobeen, clear and self explanatory . Hence why , the establishment of a direct contact between the Almighty and insaan, directly guidable person(he/she) -----
Tafsir is needed many times but one can always be a learned scholar and understand the Quran through his or her own research and consultation of Hadiths and other books.
Most of the time, the verses are explicit and do not even need any commentary or explanation.
Thank you! as krash would have said: currently there are 5 not 4 mazhahib in Islam. therefore it would be fair and just thing to say all 5 (when referring to entirety of the Muslim ummat).
I stand corrected. I was talking of only the Sunni Madhabs as I have little information of the other last Madhab and did not want to speak something out of turn.
Tafsir is needed many times but one can always be a learned scholar and understand the Quran through his or her own research and consultation of Hadiths and other books.

The blessing revealed upon Prophet Muhammad is self explanatory And unambiguous , which does not need words of men or the stories plaguing the 99.99% muslim exegis directly imported from the Israelite traditions . Even Al Quran warns about taking things out from the corrupted Torah for references/better understanding etc that's scriptural association.
Well this is what i am trying to warn the accusers of shirk. Its not to be played with. Also declaring Muslims as mushriks makes oneself a kafir if his claim is false. So why take such a big risk.
People take such a risk because they are ignorant. Ignorance might be bliss but not in this case. You expect too much from people who do not even observe fasting (both rich and poor do this) and pay no heed to usury which is declaring war against Allah and Muhammad SAW.

These folks who claim to love the Last Prophet soo passionately that they will beat you up on even misunderstanding and lynch you but the love is not that deep that they actually follow the life of Nabi SAW and pray five times a day. I don't think celebrating Eid Milad un Nabi once a year will exempt them from obligations or will result in their Kaffara of sins.
Unfortunately, that's not what I see in real life every day. These dodgy sects are now mainstream in Pakistan. If God-fearing Barelvis denounced these dodgy sects then they wouldn't have been anywhere near as powerful as they are today. Additionally, our so-called "Sufis" make the likes of Ibn Arabi look Wahabi. The old Sufism dead decades ago in Pakistan. This new so-called "Sufism" in Pakistan is a commercialization of Islam. People are asked to donate to these groups in order for their sins to be forgiven. Islam is supposed to be an anti-clergy religion but these bastards have established their own clergies and constantly promote them. I hate the fact that I am calling these bastards Sufis, I have nothing but respect for the true God-fearing Sufis.

Since I strongly believe in freedom of speech, I don't want to get rid of these people by force. However, I will continue to denounce them and all versions of Islam that are pro-clergy.

I honestly don't know much about the things your mentioning, not sure much it is spread, I know alot of jadu is done, fake peers, molvis, muftis etc. I condemn it but who is going to listen eh. Look at the amount of corruption, bribery, false testimony, lies is in Pakistan, This is something I witnessed in Ajk but the people don't care about Islam, they follow what benefits them or change sects if British rishta comes.
The blessing revealed upon Prophet Muhammad is self explanatory And unambiguous , which does not need words of men or the stories plaguing the 99.99% muslim exegis directly imported from the Israelite traditions . Even Al Quran warns about taking things out from the corrupted Torah for references/better understanding etc that's scriptural association.
If you even get a chance to study science of Hadith, you will realize that to authenticate and classify Hadiths and blessed saying of the Last Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Islamic Scholars needed to consult books and construct credible chain of transmitters and to study the personality of those who did transmit Hadith and other things.

I do agree that first comes Quran, than hadiths and then any other scholarly works. While the normal Islamic books are not as important as the other ones mentioned, we should not completely dismiss them. At least that is what I opine.
prostrating and kissing with the intention of worship or even respect is Haraam. You can consult any competent and reliable Mufti to understand it better.

There is also quite a difference between kissing the land as greeting and kissing the land and grave where someone is buried in vicinity.

I can quote some references for you to get a shallow understanding of the Islamic Fiqh (Jurisprudence) on this matter but it is more advisable that you consult with a learned Islamic scholar and books.

There is no difference of opinion in all 4 madhabs regarding kissing the grave or land and vicinity or bowing around them to be a sin.

I agree with you. However did he tell you he was worshipping the grave? I believe he issued a statement to the contrary.
Unfortunately people are so far away from Islam that they end up acting like idiots “defending “ Islam. The religion doesn’t need defending from any person. Best way to preach is to practice which no one wants to do. If someone believes in saints, it won’t harm other person’s religion nor will they be asked regarding other individuals. Small minded people who don’t have understanding of Islam preach hatred instead of educating the masses on how to become a better Muslim.

Let’s all focus on become a better Muslim and should stop preaching hatred.

Very simple test to determine who you should listen or seek advice from, they preaching hatred towards any sect - don’t listen to them. Educate yourself about life of our beloved Prophet (PBUH) and do what our Prophet (PBUH) would have done in situations you face in your daily life.
If you even get a chance to study science of Hadith, you will realize that to authenticate and classify Hadiths and blessed saying of the Last Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Islamic Scholars needed to consult books and construct credible chain of transmitters and to study the personality of those who did transmit Hadith and other things.

I do agree that first comes Quran, than hadiths and then any other scholarly works. While the normal Islamic books are not as important as the other ones mentioned, we should not completely dismiss them. At least that is what I opine.

what's the science behind hadees ?hearsay? Did the prophet or any of his companions or later 3-4 generations collected hadees except the Ahsanul Hadees , Al Quran ?

either consider hadees a part of Revelation or be done with it.
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