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Rejecting an alleged miracle of Ghous Pak Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jillani leads to being beaten up by charged crowd

What the heck is that


I had the same reaction when I heard this stuff the first time too. :lol:
Obviously there's a general consensus on which Hadiths are considered correct to the time period and sayings of the prophet Muhammad PBUH

Brother as @M. Sarmad pointed out earlier that hadees could be a source of history etc but there's no consensus about it even among the different off shoots of a same jurisprudence claiming it to be an inspiration from The Almighty like Al Quran, coz, had that been the case Allah Swt must have preserved it and there had been not a single contradiction in it .

Do they not then reflect on the Quran? Had it been from anyone other than Allah, they would have certainly found in it many inconsistencies.
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One of the tenets of the great sheikh was to show love to those who may disagree with you. Here we see beatings today.
It’s also true that people have twisted things and in the name of the pious sheikhs people do all sorts.
Imam Malik (ra) said if you follow Sufism without shariah you risk falling into shirk. Also if you follow Islam without spirituality you will lack full vigour of faith.

But to call people mushrisks is insane you should be fearful of your Iman. The Prophet(saws) clearly said I do not fear major shirk of my ummah. Yet we have people who claim to know more. You will be held to account of the day of judgment for all you say.
They also have their own salat, "namaz-e-ghousia" approved by mainstream Hanafi brelvi mullahs .
Jeeeesus christ, man!!! :eek:
Sry, I mean Ghos-e-Paak, man!!!!! I didn't know that.

On a slightly serious note,

@M. Sarmad , bhai, is this true? I feel like this is so serious I should hear Barelvis out too. What's this all about? Is it offered as a sunnat of Ghos-e-Pak?
The Prophet(saws) clearly said I do not fear major shirk of my ummah

Brother there's no such "political muslim" specific guarantee coz if we go by the hadees , The messenger was also reported to have said something to the effect that, you shall be following the jews and christians to the lizard hole.

But I agree with your stance on takfir and fatwa wars.

Jeeeesus christ, man!!! :eek:
Sry, I mean Ghos-e-Paak, man!!!!! I didn't know that.

On a slightly serious note,

@M. Sarmad , bhai, is this true? I feel like this is so serious I should hear Barelvis out too. What's this all about? Is it offered as a sunnat of Ghos-e-Pak?

And those advocating in favour of this namaz have been and are given prime time both on national and private news channels.

Jeeeesus christ, man!!! :eek:
Sry, I mean Ghos-e-Paak, man!!!!! I didn't know that.

Invoke only The Almighty
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You might not believe it or not but miracles exist pal I am a living witness to such acts you can only experience for yourself to have an opinion but if you do find yourself in such a scenario know it will only further strengthen your faith.
Yes just like how you miraculously failed to understand my post.

The guy got a beating which is wrong but we don't know what he actually uttered that incited people to violence

But then again these neo-wahabbies drones are he'll bent on destroying the centuries old Muslim culture of adab n respect and peace through their arrogance and takifir towards major scholars and saints.

So It's ok to smack some sense into them every once in a while 😄

I doubt that anyone on this thread is wahabi but we do see Shias and Sufis presenting their extremist ideologies brilliantly
I respectfully disagree to what you are implying -----.

This verse not only clearly talks about the numbers but also the timming of the Salat

(11:114) And establish the Salat at the two ends of the day and in the first hours of the night.[113] Indeed the good deeds drive away the evil deeds. This is a Reminder to those who are mindful of Allah.

As for the percentage of charity, This verse has explained it all

Al Anfal verse 41

And know that anything you obtain of profit – then indeed, for Allah is one fifth of it and for the Messenger and for near relatives and the orphans, the needy, and the traveler, if you have believed in Allah and in that which We sent down to Our Servant on the day of criterion – the day when the two armies met. And Allah, over all things, is competent.

the Muslim priesthood in cohorts with the royalty of the day applied poetic standards to Al Quran for manipulating /changing the meaning of the word 'Ghanimtum' as spoils of war and many others ,which isn't factual as then what would the title of the Surah means ? Or is Allah Swt using two separate words for conveying a same meaning , I don't think so.

Didn't Allah Swt warn in the Quran not to take His words as poetry?

Should I seek other than Allah as a lawmaker when it is He who has brought down to you the Book fully detailed? 6:114

We did not leave anything out of the Book. 6:38

This is not a fabricated hadith, but an authentication of what came before it, a detailed account of all things, and guidance and mercy for people who believe.12:111

'wa zulafam minal layl'

in the verse 114 of Surah Hood also means near the night as in fajar time when the white thread of light starts becoming apparent from the darkness but after sunset .

No wonder this qoum will never be successful and we have such kind of leaders.
Hypereligosity….is that a word? It should be….to describe our society.
Jeeeesus christ, man!!! :eek:
Sry, I mean Ghos-e-Paak, man!!!!! I didn't know that.

On a slightly serious note,

@M. Sarmad , bhai, is this true? I feel like this is so serious I should hear Barelvis out too. What's this all about? Is it offered as a sunnat of Ghos-e-Pak?
@Mentee , never mind. I googled and found this. Shocking stuff.
Namaz-e-Ghausia tariqa
After Maghrib sunnat rakats, Offer 2 nawafil.
After that, walk 11 steps towards Iraq (towards Ghaus-e-Pak's mausoleum, I suppose)
Recite this dua that refers to Ghaus-e-Paks as "Yaa qazi al-haajaat" (used for Allah SWT)


While I was at it, I also found a lot of other things like Khana Kaaba would come to baghdad and do tawaf of Ghaus-e-Pak

Disclaimer: There is a lot more. I don't want to share everything here. Please be considerate of the saints' honor if you want to criticize these stories.

Hypereligosity….is that a word? It should be….to describe our society.

Invoke only The Almighty
Yeah, that was a joke on Islami bhai's expense. Nothing more.
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