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Reject US aid, says Imran Khan

Imran doesn't need "vote bank", he needs "politically sensible brain cells" bank.

Have any of you Imranites ever worked with him on a political action committee? any political effort?

Have any of you ever KNOWN anyone who has worked on a "political" case where Imran was in the lead?

If you did, you would know that he is a great HERO philanthropist, but a
ZERO brain guy when it comes to running a political machine.

He is intolerant and dictatorial in his ways and thus no one worth some political clout stays with him, and therefore he is marooned to having a few lackeys around him who cannot gather few more votes than a tonga (or togga) party.

I know I know many of you think he is a Khalifa or God's second hand command guy, so we cannot and should not say a negative thing about him.

But you the keyboard thumpers get out of your AC comfy apartments in the West and come to Pakistan to work with him for few days. If you do not run away after a couple of days disillusioned due to the oppressive heat in Imran's brain, you would then qualify to say two words about vote bank. Until then it is all just hot air.

So bring it on your hate mail.


apart from your personal attacks on IK, PTI central executive committee takes the decisions, if you didnt know its okay.
condemnation... what else do you expect?

condemnation??? ha!

Even a street vendor can do the "condemnaiton" part.

This time Imran should go and blockade Jihadi mosques and mad-house-rasshas.

Then we'll see he has guts. Riding pro-Mullah waves is easy, confronting them is mighty difficult. no Mickey mousing there.
condemnation??? ha!

Even a street vendor can do the "condemnaiton" part.

This time Imran should go and blockade Jihadi mosques and mad-house-rasshas.

Then we'll see he has guts. Riding pro-Mullah waves is easy, confronting them is mighty difficult. no Mickey mousing there.

PTI policy is clear on it, that quit WOT and all this reactionary bloodshed will stop... that is why PTI is going to blockage the NATO supply route in Karachi...and further if drone attacks didnt stop, it will try its level best by protesting in islamabad.
Yeap. Every leader has lackeys around him.

Imran's lackeys are politically dumb. That's his problem. He doesn't allow politically savvy leaders around him. He is a cheap one-man political show.

Why would Imran Khan want leaders around him. Isn't he the leader?

How many of the other political parties have many leaders then?

(Almost everyone in PPP seems to agree with each other, why should IK be different in this way?)

please stop spreading constipated conspiracy theories.

Why is that a constipated one but the theory of ISI doing deals with him, not?
condemnation... what else do you expect?

well, comndemnation of the gov for being part of WOT or directly condemning the taliban? i know he has many bold messages to the gov on its domestic and foreign policies, has he had any bold suggestion to the taliban the same way he is treating the gov?
well, comndemnation of the gov for being part of WOT or directly condemning the taliban? i know he has many bold messages to the gov on its domestic and foreign policies, has he had any bold suggestion to the taliban the same way he is treating the gov?

the later was condemned...
While patriotic emotions are good, yet, given the economic situation that is currently Pakistan's lot, it will be difficult to reject aid from anywhere.

are you sure...we lived for ten years without any aid and an embargo on us...then after the nuke problem....i am pretty damn sure that if we reject aid,half of our problems will go away.....
and do you know where half of the aid goes???

Imran Khan needs good vote bank in rural areas, in KPK he has good reputation...but in rural Punjab/Sindh and Baluchistan he is hardly known!

If he won't get majority, the same sh!t will happen again, same PML(Q)/PML(N)/ PPP crap will join Govt in the name of collation.....

the whole of karachi does MQM,sindh does PPP,opunjab does PML....KPK and balochistan are areas...but if no punjab or sindh....then no nothing....although he may get punjab in years to come.
are you sure...we lived for ten years without any aid and an embargo on us...then after the nuke problem....i am pretty damn sure that if we reject aid,half of our problems will go away.....
and do you know where half of the aid goes???


Half goes to Swiss Banks rest goes to sons/daughters :sick:
Getting or not getting aid wont make a difference, economically.

If not getting aid, the difference is the so called leaders will be lack of money and they will suffocate to death, bringing forth a change (IMRAN KHAN).
Imran doesn't need "vote bank", he needs "politically sensible brain cells" bank.

Have any of you Imranites ever worked with him on a political action committee? any political effort?

Have any of you ever KNOWN anyone who has worked on a "political" case where Imran was in the lead?

If you did, you would know that he is a great HERO philanthropist, but a
ZERO brain guy when it comes to running a political machine.

He is intolerant and dictatorial in his ways and thus no one worth some political clout stays with him, and therefore he is marooned to having a few lackeys around him who cannot gather few more votes than a tonga (or togga) party.

I know I know many of you think he is a Khalifa or God's second hand command guy, so we cannot and should not say a negative thing about him.

But you the keyboard thumpers get out of your AC comfy apartments in the West and come to Pakistan to work with him for few days. If you do not run away after a couple of days disillusioned due to the oppressive heat in Imran's brain, you would then qualify to say two words about vote bank. Until then it is all just hot air.

So bring it on your hate mail.


Who talked about Hate mail and incompetence of PTI/Imran Khan, he is a bold person and a good administrator.....Instead of getting personal you should go out and see the ground realities.

When i talked about 'Vote Bank' i meant participation of common people from his side, The Feudal and 'Mizzara' System is the reason why we always get Leaders which don't deserve to win....You won't see 'politically sensible brain cells' in rural areas, where blindly following a local leaders have traveled from ages.
Can anyone explain me something:

We are an agricultural country right, And produce more than our needs?? Then why do some people in media say that if U.S cuts our aid, we have to eat grass?? HONESTLY!! Why??? :what:

Common pakistani man is eating grass anyway ... with double digit inflation every month now and power outages for hours . If we reject US aid the rich and mighty will also be eating the 'grass' ... so its that grass , Reject US aid .
Good Imran khan agreed! but like Imran khan many others says Cut off n dont get ... blaa bla!

Please provide proper "Solution" ....
well suddenly Imran is all over this Forum...someone must have a good reason for this too

abandoning american aid at this time would definitely rattle the diplomatic relations, which are already in shambles. Im not in favor of getting US aid or any foreign aid but on the other hand, we can not go fighting with everyone. we are stuck and we cant just get rid of all our problems at once. this aid has dented our self esteem. its easy money. standing on our own feet would certainly take some time. get rid of this menace but think slow and act responsibly.

I might be off topic here but i have few reservations about Imran

why emphasize drone attacks? yes, everyone knows what he did...why doesnt he do the same for karachi killings? why doesnt he do the same when bombs rip innocents? why didnt he block the supply lines after OBL incident? ppl dieing from drones are any different?

Is other's blood any cheap?

My heartiest sympathies with all innocent souls and they may RIP but this discrimination but its hard to convince.

and why doesnt he rally against MQM and pressurise govt.? whats stopping him?

khalid khawaja...raymond davis, stiff relations inbetween ISI and CIA, Army takes a stand and Imran stages a rally blocking the supplies...... he could have done this a long time ago. why now with this sudden intensity?

in so many other words, its just dancing to army tunes

p.s. pardon my ignorance if I mentioned anything contradictory
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