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Rehman Malik stirs row, says weather may have killed Captain Saurabh Kalia


Aug 2, 2012
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Rehman Malik stirs row, says weather may have killed Captain Saurabh Kalia

NEW DELHI: Pakistani interior minister Rehman Malik on Friday said that he wasn't sure whether the Indian Army's Capt Saurabh Kalia "was killed by a Pakistani bullet, or the weather" during the Kargil conflict in 1999.

"When the fight is going on the border, we really don't know whether he was killed with a Pakistani bullet or he died because of the weather," Malik told reporters here on arrival on a three-day visit.

"I have not examined this case, it has just come to my notice very recently, but I will be very happy to see the father of the soldier, and shake hands and like to know what exactly happened," he added.

Capt Kalia was captured by the Pakistan army in 1999, during the Kargil conflict, and his brutally tortured and mutilated body was later handed over by Pakistan.

Capt Kalia's father NK Kalia recently moved the Supreme Court seeking its direction to the government to raise his son's case at the International Court of Justice at the Hague.

Kalia has been pressing the defence ministry, the army headquarters, external affairs ministry and the Prime Minister's Office for over a decade to exert pressure on Pakistan to punish those Pakistani soldiers who indulged in barbaric torture of his son and five other soldiers in violation of the Geneva Convention.

Rehman Malik stirs row, says weather may have killed Captain Saurabh Kalia - The Times of India
A good example of - often its better to keep your mouth shut rather than putting a size 9 into it.

Another politician with Foot - in - mouth disease.
This Low Life Interior Minister of Pakistan ( Rehman Malik ) was never elected. If he ran for an election, I seriously doubt his own mother would vote for him. He does Zardari's dirty work and so he is the Interior Minister.

This is funny..

Dont be so harsh on the poor fellow.

His after all ' His Master's Voice"
This Low Life Interior Minister of Pakistan ( Rehman Malik ) was never elected. If he ran for an election, I seriously doubt his own mother would vote for him. He does Zardari's dirty work and so he is the Interior Minister.

Same story here mate... we've got our share too....
Hey **** happens during war time.

Just sayin'.

Whether it's a bullet or the weather.
Indian members should remember this chap is one of the biggest clowns known to mankind, here is an excerpt from the NYT following the death of his friend and party member Salman Taseer here is what Mr. Malik had to say:

Government ministers and party officials indicated that they were dropping the campaign to change the blasphemy laws that Mr. Taseer had championed. No senior official would be drawn to comment on the religious extremist aspect of the killing at the funeral. Those who did comment, indicated a shift in the government position, by suggesting the killing was a political murder and a conspiracy, rather than a religiously motivated attack.

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureishi avoided all comment and merely expressed his condolences to the family when approached by journalists. The Interior Minister, Rehman Malik, went as far as to say he would shoot any blasphemer himself.
Hey **** happens during war time.

Just sayin'.

Whether it's a bullet or the weather.

Is it whether that shot bullet in the body of Captain Kalia :hitwall:

This what people of Pakistan was fed up, No wonder when some one from Pakistan said it is the work of animals :hitwall:
Did the "weather" cause cigarette burn all over his body? Did the weather puncture his eardrums?

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