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Reform ISI, shift focus from India to terror: US to Pak

Let me say as u've said ISI's prime purpose is to keep INDIA tactically weak at its knees,in the same manner, one of the purposes of RAW is to keep pakistan tactically weak .But these day,ISI is unknowingly doing that job on behalf of RAW by its own self destructive policies and doing that nicely.

so nicely that whole world thinks pakistan as "epicenter of Terrorism and international migraine".

If thats the vision brilliant minds likes of u have for pakistan,all i can say is God save pakistan.

As long as Pakistan is epicenter of migraine for India, I applaud ISI for doing its job! You keep believing whatever the ''media'' reports! My vision for Pakistan far exceeds your perception of it. Pakistan is very much here, loaded with nukes to keep aggressors and regional bullies like India at bay! Thanks also partly to ISI, India's delusion of grandeur will remain jst that....a consistent delusion. After all you do live in the land of SLUMDOGS and the world gave you an Oscar for it because to the world that's who you actually are and will remain!

And please, unlike ISI your RAW is more of a pussyfoot joke of an intel agency then being a real and plausible line of defense for Indian interests!
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