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Reform ISI, shift focus from India to terror: US to Pak


Jan 17, 2009
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Reform ISI, shift focus from India to terror: US to Pak

Washington, March 14: The US wants Pakistan to reform its notorious Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, shift its focus from India to Afghanistan and train its troops in counter-insurgency to meet the terrorist threat at home.

Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani "recognises that he has an extremist threat in Pakistan", Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in an interview with PBS broadcast late Thursday.

"They've lost many, many citizens. And, in fact, if you look at the suicide bombings which have occurred over the last year or so, they've actually moved towards - and a couple of them have actually occurred in Islamabad.

"So he recognises there's a serious extremist terrorist threat inside his country," Mullen said when asked how he would get Kayani to use his military forces not in anticipation of conflict with India, but more in pursuit of forces that want to destabilise Pakistan.

"Clearly, the Mumbai attacks in India put him in a position where he had to focus more on the Indian border, and he has," he said adding, "I mean, he's a chief who's got threats coming from both directions."

But giving "a lot of credit" to former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Mullen said "they actually de-tensioned that border during President Musharraf's time, and in fact the tourism started to flourish, there was trade which started to flourish across that border.

"And all that got suspended with the Mumbai attacks," he noted. "So General Kayani knows what he has to do. He needs to move more troops to the west and he needs to train them in counterinsurgency."

Kayani "certainly is aware of the concerns that I have with respect to his intelligence agency, ISI", Mullen said.

"They have been very attached to many of these extremist organisations," he said warning that "in the long run, they have got to completely cut ties with those in order to really move in the right direction".

"ISI fundamentally has to change its strategic approach, which has been clear to focus on India as well as Afghanistan," Mullen said. "And I don't believe they can make a lot of progress until that actually occurs."

Kayani, he said, had appointed in Lt Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha, "one of his best guys", as the new director of ISI. "I'm encouraged with his views and I'm encouraged with how he sees the problem."

But "it's going to take some time to get at it inside ISI".
Not gonna happen.ISI primary function is to safeguard Pakistan's Interests which cannot happen if it stops spying in India..
Not gonna happen.ISI primary function is to safeguard Pakistan's Interests which cannot happen if it stops spying in India..

Its not just spying in India...Mullen is talking abouit active support for terrorist organization and funding them...allowing them to operate terror camps.And most importanly keep philosophy of Jehad alive and let the same psychy grow in pakistan society.

Let me say often repeated quote" its like riding a tiger, you can't dismount without being doomed"

Time is running out & pakistan must make some remedial steps very fast...
ISI's prime purpose is to keep INDIA tactically weak at its knees & its doing a good job at it! INDIA is our Enemy No. 1 and anyone who believes otherwise may very well live on another planet. ISI's secondary purpose is to keep Pakistan interests alive in the region. It is also doing that job well. All that nonsense noise of ISI being rouge or being a state within is simply a continual propaganda exercise by the likes of Indians and their cronies!

ISI's no different then but perhaps better in its job then RAW, Mossad, CIA, MI6 and other global intel agencies. Such statements from US tether more on professional jealousy then reality of having an intel agency in the first place. You want reforms, go join the Peace Corps or reform other more notorious agencies around the world before heading towards Pakistan's ISI.
Its not just spying in India...Mullen is talking abouit active support for terrorist organization and funding them...allowing them to operate terror camps.And most importanly keep philosophy of Jehad alive and let the same psychy grow in pakistan society.

Let me say often repeated quote" its like riding a tiger, you can't dismount without being doomed"

Time is running out & pakistan must make some remedial steps very fast...

ISI will do whatever is deemed in the interest of Pakistan which may very well be beyond the comprehension of the likes of your limited vision and brain scope! Like all agencies in the world, ISI is right to support all shareholders to further the tactical and strategic interests of Pakistan. Statements like 'time is running out......' do this or do that etc etc are mere planted whispers! :what:
ISI will do whatever is deemed in the interest of Pakistan which may very well be beyond the comprehension of the likes of your limited vision and brain scope! Like all agencies in the world, ISI is right to support all shareholders to further the tactical and strategic interests of Pakistan. Statements like 'time is running out......' do this or do that etc etc are mere planted whispers! :what:

Let me say as u've said ISI's prime purpose is to keep INDIA tactically weak at its knees,in the same manner, one of the purposes of RAW is to keep pakistan tactically weak .But these day,ISI is unknowingly doing that job on behalf of RAW by its own self destructive policies and doing that nicely.

so nicely that whole world thinks pakistan as "epicenter of Terrorism and international migraine".

If thats the vision brilliant minds likes of u have for pakistan,all i can say is God save pakistan.
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The extremist problems are created by US proxy policies for too long and US proxies will continue unabated so till the time US does not decide to stop creating terror monsters it will continue. Now this does not mean US should force us to close our eyes towards Indian threats. We can not act like an ostrich towards the forever looming danger from bullying India.

US should stop interfering in world affairs through its terror creating organization CIA and then it should advice others.

For US ISI is the last resort against terror from CIA, RAW, India, Mossad, KGB and MI6.

countering terrorism within Pakistan is not the task of ISI, it is the responsibility of the police force and civilian government. FIA is responsible for looking after the affairs withing the country NOT ISI.

So US have no right to force us to reverse the order and make ISI or our army a mere police force.
lol dictating us? America will be going from AFG in just few yrs
countering terrorism within Pakistan is not the task of ISI, it is the responsibility of the police force and civilian government. FIA is responsible for looking after the affairs withing the country NOT ISI.

So US have no right to force us to reverse the order and make ISI or our army a mere police force.

ISI has been more than frequently involved in the domestic affairs and politics of Pakistan.
Safeguard Pakistan you need to look west, not east.

Oh please, are all you Indians as two-faced like you? Seems so.
The U.S. should not tell our powerful Intelligence Agency what to do and whatnot, this is yet another insult for crying out loud and our government better do something about these arrogant American demands.
isi will be their always to keep the indians away
So why cant pakistan have a civilian intelligence agency instead of a military intelligence agency as its main spy agency like its in the rest of the world? MI5, CIA, RAW etc... this would also reduce the possibility of coups etc..so common in pakistan and seperate the army from being overbearing unlike other countries.
Reform ISI, shift focus from India to terror: US to Pak

Washington, March 14: The US wants Pakistan to reform its notorious Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency, shift its focus from India to Afghanistan and train its troops in counter-insurgency to meet the terrorist threat at home.

Pakistan Army Chief General Ashfaq Kayani "recognises that he has an extremist threat in Pakistan", Admiral Michael Mullen, chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, said in an interview with PBS broadcast late Thursday.

"They've lost many, many citizens. And, in fact, if you look at the suicide bombings which have occurred over the last year or so, they've actually moved towards - and a couple of them have actually occurred in Islamabad.

"So he recognises there's a serious extremist terrorist threat inside his country," Mullen said when asked how he would get Kayani to use his military forces not in anticipation of conflict with India, but more in pursuit of forces that want to destabilise Pakistan.

"Clearly, the Mumbai attacks in India put him in a position where he had to focus more on the Indian border, and he has," he said adding, "I mean, he's a chief who's got threats coming from both directions."

But giving "a lot of credit" to former Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Mullen said "they actually de-tensioned that border during President Musharraf's time, and in fact the tourism started to flourish, there was trade which started to flourish across that border.

"And all that got suspended with the Mumbai attacks," he noted. "So General Kayani knows what he has to do. He needs to move more troops to the west and he needs to train them in counterinsurgency."

Kayani "certainly is aware of the concerns that I have with respect to his intelligence agency, ISI", Mullen said.

"They have been very attached to many of these extremist organisations," he said warning that "in the long run, they have got to completely cut ties with those in order to really move in the right direction".

"ISI fundamentally has to change its strategic approach, which has been clear to focus on India as well as Afghanistan," Mullen said. "And I don't believe they can make a lot of progress until that actually occurs."

Kayani, he said, had appointed in Lt Gen Ahmad Shuja Pasha, "one of his best guys", as the new director of ISI. "I'm encouraged with his views and I'm encouraged with how he sees the problem."

But "it's going to take some time to get at it inside ISI".

provide the link please
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