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Reference filed against Justice Waqar

no person in Pakistan should be above the law .......

"Should be" means nothing. The naked fact is that thousands of people, because of their power and/or wealth, are above law, in Pakistan.
i thought Imran Khan promised to end corruption within 3 months. LMAO

zardari, nawaz and the lawyers have all been charged.

blame Imran khans government for not bringing Nawaz Sharif to justice, i bet some fat envelopes were passed under the table.

Musharraf needs to be hanged to deter any other generals who lust for power and think they can overthrow the government and there will be no consequences for their illegal actions.

Its time the army looked after our borders and stayed out of parliamentary and judicial affairs which are none of their business.

If their was any justice in Pakistan then Musharraf the kuttay kay bacha and all those involved in the coup should have been hanged a long time ago.
Musharraf needs to be hanged to deter any other generals who lust for power and think they can overthrow the government and there will be no consequences for their illegal actions.

Its time the army looked after our borders and stayed out of parliamentary and judicial affairs which are none of their business.

If their was any justice in Pakistan then Musharraf the kuttay kay bacha should have been hanged a long time ago.

Yes. Corrupts are better. Corrupts found their power in the hands of patwaris. Patwaris got Briany in the hands of corrupts.

Law is law but when nothing is working properly, sometimes someone has to take control of the country to fix it, but hey patwaris didn’t receive briany anymore, they revolt against the guy who wanted to give to the people all what they needed to make their own briany themselves.

bryani eaters got their briany back in the hands of corrupts. At then both happy/happy.

And when USA bombs us, then all patwaris and corrupts cries fool fool our army is useless.

And our country, our beloved country, well third world grade country. Maybe we deserve it after all.
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Corrupts happy, bryani eaters happy.

"Biryani" is the foundation stone of democracy in Pakistan.:lol:
bro its personal Vendetta nothing more , NS is now in UK he can use his assets to create a clash between two Institution of Pakistan, for this very reason they invest in Judges and Top Lawyers in past .

Interesting angle that NS is allegedly doing this all now that he is personally safe from the Army's wrath in case Musharraf is really hurt.

Also, I am actually shocked to see how strongly Imran Khan govt has come out to support Musharraf!!

I had no idea that even senior judges in Pakistan were so incompetent and stupid until this Justice Waqar Seth opened his mouth with his comment about dragging a dead Musharraf's body to the D-Chowk! In hindsight, it is becoming clearer what was happening during the so-called Judges Movement back in 2007; that movement co-opted many in Pakistan to target Musharraf while behind the scenes it was Nawaz Sharif and his darling Justice Iftikhar surging ahead.
Interesting angle that NS is allegedly doing this all now that he is personally safe from the Army's wrath in case Musharraf is really hurt.

Also, I am actually shocked to see how strongly Imran Khan govt has come out to support Musharraf!!

I had no idea that even senior judges in Pakistan were so incompetent and stupid until this Justice Waqar Seth opened his mouth with his comment about dragging a dead Musharraf's body to the D-Chowk! In hindsight, it is becoming clearer what was happening during the so-called Judges Movement back in 2007; that movement co-opted many in Pakistan to target Musharraf while behind the scenes it was Nawaz Sharif and his darling Justice Iftikhar surging ahead.

NS wanted to go out only so he can finally play his final card, and he did .. now he trying to make these Judges , Adliya ke Shaheed , and wait until shit hits the fence than they come back to take the rest .

IK is not supporting Mushy, he is just trying for his country not to look some 8th or 9th Century barbaric tribal country. That judge is crazy , first he withhold 70+ Terrorist convictions and now he wants not just hang a ex-Army chief but drag his body , Little that he know before that happen he might be dragged into the streets, people see Army as their saviors and they proved time and time again .

His emergency was supported by a whole Govt, and even his Coup was supported by every major Political party including PPP , that is why I say its all a sham, and nothing but a failed attempt to create internal chaos .
Hope they have done proper work before filing reference and its not an act in jest !
I am actually starting to have questions about the law division and law ministry of this Govt.. On paper they look to be able and competent people but its not showing with their performance so far..
If a strong reference is not filed with valid grounds, it may just be thrown out by these judges who anyways seem reluctant to conduct accountability of their own profession people.
"Should be" means nothing. The naked fact is that thousands of people, because of their power and/or wealth, are above law, in Pakistan.
Yes. Corrupts are better. Corrupts found their power in the hands of patwaris. Patwaris got Briany in the hands of corrupts.

Law is law but when nothing is working properly, sometimes someone has to take control of the country to fix it, but hey patwaris didn’t receive briany anymore, they revolt against the guy who wanted to give to the people all what they needed to make their own briany themselves.

bryani eaters got their briany back in the hands of corrupts. At then both happy/happy.

And when USA bombs us, then all patwaris and corrupts cries fool fool our army is useless.

And our country, our beloved country, well third world grade country. Maybe we deserve it after all.

i never said corrupt people are better but there is no point replacing one harami with another.

no point blaming NS or Zardari for Musharrafs death sentence. Mushy and his lust for power and glory only has himself to blame for that.
i never said corrupt people are better but there is no point replacing one harami with another.

no point blaming NS or Zardari for Musharrafs death sentence. Mushy and his lust for power and glory only has himself to blame for that.

No bro. You are wrong. Don’t use insult.
Musharaf is not what you stated. I never saw a harami fighting for our country.

We had nothing else as possible leaders except corrupts be it on NS side or AZ-Buttho. Nor on Mullah parties side.

At least Musharraf was the guy who said we should focus on education, he even wanted we produce a microprocessor!!!
Imagine one femto second that we were successful in making processors! Where we would be today !

At least he was thinking about Pakistan’s future.

You would have supported the mullah of jamaat islami instead ?
the decision is not unconstitutional. question was if the act of emergency and suspension of constitution was lawful or unlawful? and the majority decision was that it was unlawful.
there is a last avenue to contest that and it must be used for all affected parties. I think DG ISPR should consult military's legal team to appeal in time.

PTI govt represents the prosecution. I am unclear about its intentions it can be only summerized as confused.,
but Musharraf's lawyers (if he has any) should file for an appeal in supreme court without delay before the deadline passes and the judgement becomes absolute.

I read and hear a lot of rants and emotions from everyone but no mention if this decision is being legally challenged in the supreme court or not.

petition against the Honorable Judge Waqar is a separate issue and should not be personal. I urge people not to use slang and insults to express themselves regardless whoever is their target and whichever side of the fence they are, just review the message before posting. it will be great for forum that we remain decent and articulate in our arguments.

You are wrong on so many levels and points that I don't know where to start. I had a thread explaining the legal aspect, please read it.
This decision is wrong, detestable and a joke.
The most serious issue is the involvement of the EX CJ Khosa. So much so that he ended up explaining himself.
He didn't have to. There should never been any doubts about him. As a matter of fact there are grave doubts about his involvement. I can promise you if he was in any western country, he would have been prosecuted.
You would have supported the mullah of jamaat islami instead ?

He did that's why Imran Khan is Prime Minister of Pakistan
I had a thread explaining the legal aspect, please read it.

Share it with Musharraf.

Government will not go against the judiciary. It stands nothing but to lose in such circumstance.

It can refuse to carry out judicial order and resign or be ousted for contempt of court. These are the only two legal options for the government. It has won the case and was prosecutor in case.

The government has been in self destruct mode for 6 months

To claim that the constitution of Pakistan is somehow a sacred thing revealed by God is an act of rebellion against the Creator Himself.

It is a piece of paper conjured up by men, and increasingly used by other corrupt men to hide their corruption, treachery and evil.

The fact is that the Pakistani constitution is silent on treachery of cockroaches like Nawaz Sharif and Zardari and gives these thieves power and protection and has helped them spread injustice in the land.

I say burn that useless piece of trash and start to implement the laws of God Almighty by chopping off Nawaz Sharif's both hands and then his neck.
Share it with Musharraf.

Government will not go against the judiciary. It stands nothing but to lose in such circumstance.

It can refuse to carry out judicial order and resign or be ousted for contempt of court. These are the only two legal options for the government. It has won the case and was prosecutor in case.

The government has been in self destruct mode for 6 months

look at the verdict of Justice Khosa that If he will die due to blood cancer, bring back his corpse to home and hang his corpse at D-Choke for 3 days, isn't that's inhuman and unethics trend by our judiciary
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