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Reducing the trust deficit


Feb 19, 2011
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United States
India and pakistan have been rivals in the region for the better part of their existence. Both are heavily militarized and have always been weary of each others intention. We are all aware of what has transpired in last 50 years which has caused this great abyss between people of the two country.

I have had the opportunity to educate myself on this forum from the contribution of well educated members here , there are a large quantity of members here who have better political viewpoints than the current crop of politicians in both the country. If we could have a thread where we could suggest the grievousness and their solutions by members of both sides.

What according to you are the steps that can be taken to solve the trust deficit between these two nation. What essentially I am implying is how can we solve Kashmir Issue, Terrorism, water issue, demilitarization, covert intelligence operation by both countries, trade etc in such a manner that is acceptable to people of both the countries.

to begin with , what are the immediate steps that Indian establishment can take to reduce Pakistani concerns.
its third time sir same topic same threads opened already :D and yes i give suggestions already
Government of India doesn't have the mandate of people of India to show any flexibility on the issues which are dear to Pakistan. Reasons are Pakistani sponsored terrorism in parts of India. Bring the perpetrators of Mumbai's carnage to justice ...GOI can then only show a lot of flexibility on the issue of Kashmir and water. It is basically pakistan's duty to do that an compulsion on her. All the doors for prosperity will get open.
Bharat has to stop supporting terrorist groups such as TTP and BLA. Until that happens, we can't make any progress.
LOC as IB,take back UN resolutions,Autonomy to kashmir under indian constitution,trade b/w both part of kashmir,removal of forces from civil areas,no interference in baluchistan against pakistan from afganistan,water issues must be resolved.

Government of India doesn't have the mandate of people of India to show any flexibility on the issues which are dear to Pakistan. Reasons are Pakistani sponsored terrorism in parts of India. Bring the perpetrators of Mumbai's carnage to justice ...GOI can then only show a lot of flexibility on the issue of Kashmir and water. It is basically pakistan's duty to do that an compulsion on her. All the doors for prosperity will get open.


You kidding me? "All the doors for prosperity will get open" ??!! Are you feeling OK? Do we need bharat's help to become prosperous?

You kidding me? "All the doors for prosperity will get open" ??!! Are you feeling OK? Do we need bharat's help to become prosperous?

lets address terrorism first, are the people of pakistan willing to unilaterally end all support to militant groups active in kashmir inside their border. Indian establishment has always denied the support to BLA and we dont have thier training cams inside India. Indian people do not donate towards jihad in kashmir unlike what pakistanis have done in the past. Indian youth do not volunteer to go fight in balochistan unlike pakistani youth that does.

So can people of pakistan once and for all end all terror activities against India and in return we can reduce Indian military presence in jammu and kashmir to build an environment conducive to begin talks and drawing out a solution for this problem???
There can be no realistic chance of any friendship whilst India holds on to Kashmir a Muslim majority state. I used to be relaxed about Indians and have friends who are Indians. But some Indians on this forum have taught me that Pakistanis and Indians can never on a state to state level. It will take some time but with China's assistance Pakistan will split India into several smaller countries and then maybe we can look to a peaceful and prosperous future.

I know we have extremists in Pakistan but its a relatively small percentage. In India a party like BJP that spouts venom against Muslims and Pakistan actually manages to get elected.
let me explain...by prosperity I meant for both India and pakistan not for Pakistan only. The dividend of peace is enormous. The Political will is lacking on both sides. Our gov. can't give concession to Pakistan untill and unless mumbai's perpetrators brought to justice. if you do that it is a win - win situation for both the country.
There can be no realistic chance of any friendship whilst India holds on to Kashmir a Muslim majority state. I used to be relaxed about Indians and have friends who are Indians. But some Indians on this forum have taught me that Pakistanis and Indians can never on a state to state level. It will take some time but with China's assistance Pakistan will split India into several smaller countries and then maybe we can look to a peaceful and prosperous future.

I know we have extremists in Pakistan but its a relatively small percentage. In India a party like BJP that spouts venom against Muslims and Pakistan actually manages to get elected.

your every word here is wrong.
Bjp was the first party who offered for talks with pakistan even after kargil.but you wont understand it as you are not made to understand it;)
There can be no realistic chance of any friendship whilst India holds on to Kashmir a Muslim majority state. I used to be relaxed about Indians and have friends who are Indians. But some Indians on this forum have taught me that Pakistanis and Indians can never on a state to state level. It will take some time but with China's assistance Pakistan will split India into several smaller countries and then maybe we can look to a peaceful and prosperous future.

I know we have extremists in Pakistan but its a relatively small percentage. In India a party like BJP that spouts venom against Muslims and Pakistan actually manages to get elected.

who will assist whom ? :lol: between enjoy this song

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your every word here is wrong.
Bjp was the first party who offered for talks with pakistan even after kargil.but you wont understand it as you are not made to understand it;)

I learned here on this forum how much hatred you Indians really have for us. I now trust Indians less. That's not to say that all Indians are bad but when it comes to Pakistan a lot of you are full of venom and don't pretend you are not. Don't insult the memory of the murdered Muslims of Gujrat trying to make out that BJP and Modi likes are friends of Muslim and or Pakistan.
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