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"Red Flag" exercise called off due to US budget cut

No Link-16 no AWACS compatibility..and nope these secured information sharing networks are as secret as the Illuminati's HQ. NO way around the set conditions either unless we wanted the US to analyse emissions and signatures from the Bars radar on the MKI with impunity. A few Russians would have dropped dead due to that.

Well , I thought there must be a secure workaround by that , severely limits your potential to perform if you aren't able to communicate ... Illuminatis HQ , you say ? :D Nah , many things we think to be secret aren't so secret , my friend ...

The limitations were imposed by the IAF itself, since it did not want to reveal much about the capabilities and signal ranges of the highly secretive BARS radar.

No , it might have been imposed by IAF too , but the Red Flag organizers impose some as well ...
Well , I thought there must be a secure workaround by that , severely limits your potential to perform if you aren't able to communicate ... Illuminatis HQ , you say ? :D Nah , many things we think to be secret aren't as secret , my friend ...

Its not meant to have any work around, IAF's Afnet and Link-2 system with the IACCCS work similarly. No plug-ins, work-arounds.
Well , I thought there must be a secure workaround by that , severely limits your potential to perform if you aren't able to communicate ... Illuminatis HQ , you say ? :D Nah , many things we think to be secret aren't so secret , my friend ...

No , it might have been imposed by IAF too , but the Red Flag organizers impose some as well ...

It is a categorical fact that the IAF sent the MKIs to RED FLAG 08 with their radars set in "TRAINING MODE" ie OFF. This was mandated by the IAF and had nothing to do with the restrictions imposed by the USAF but entirely by the fact the IAF wants to keep as many of its aces up its sleeve as possible. The US even admitted this.
It is a categorical fact that the IAF sent the MKIs to RED FLAG 08 with their radars set in "TRAINING MODE" ie OFF. This was mandated by the IAF and had nothing to do with the restrictions imposed by the USAF but entirely by the fact the IAF wants to keep as many of its aces up its sleeve as possible. The US even admitted this.

Not to mention how sad the Russians would feel if they found out we were into "Kiss and tell"- the BARS is the best they have in operation since the IBRIS ain't flying with no force.
No , it might have been imposed by IAF too , but the Red Flag organizers impose some as well ...

I was talking specifically of why IAF did not use the combat mode of the MKI's radars. If a certain USAF F-15 pilot is to be believed, the french air force came there specifically to snoop on and collect electronic signatures of the Indian aircrafts.

USAF critiques Indian SU-30 Red Flag actions

The French pilots flying the new Dassault Rafale appeared to be there to collect electronic intelligence on the Indian aircraft, contends the USAF pilot, who wears an Air Force Weapons School graduate patch.

The French were originally going to bring the older Mirage 2000-5 until they discovered the Indians were bringing their new Su-30MKIs, the pilot says. They then switched and brought their Rafales with more sophisticated electronic surveillance equipment.

Once at Red Flag, "90 percent of the time they followed the Indians so when they took a shot or got shot" they would take a quick shot of their own and then leave," he said. "They never came to any merges," which starts the dogfighting portion of any air-to-air combat. He asserts that French pilots followed the same procedure during Desert Storm and Peace Keeping exercises. When U.S. aircrews were flying operations, the French would fly local sorties while "sucking up all the trons" to see how U.S. electronics, like radars, worked, according to the pilot.

The USAF would also not have wasted the opportunity to collect elint about one of the most powerful Russian platforms to date.

I don't think there are any limitations imposed by the organisers, because red flag is tailored to be as realistic as a real war. That's the whole point of the exercise, to provide a very realistic battle scenario. In fact, sometimes it is described as being more difficult that a real war.

During the aerial phase of the 1991 gulf war, one young pilot quipped after flying a combat mission and dogfighting with Iraq's best at the time, that the mission was "almost as difficult as red flag".
This was mandated by the IAF and had nothing to do with the restrictions imposed by the USAF but entirely by the fact the IAF wants to keep as many of its aces up its sleeve as possible. The US even admitted this.

Answers my question ...
more of former than latter . Only a stupid displays his all cards .Wise men keep their cards close to their chests .

well any one not to going to display their best to others. but missed opportunity is missed to gain a experience. why not latter. is our pilots that much under skilled when compared to US.
It must be a big disappointment to IAF as it has been training hard for the last two years to participate in 2-weak long exercise to wash-off the embarrassment of 2008. Had it not cancelled, IAF would have fucked the **** out of USAF in Red Flag 2013..I guess USAF got scared and called it off blaming budget cuts :)

Yes, big embarrassments .... the whole world knows that the IAF performed very well against the worlds best AF.

And keep blaming everything on conspiracy theories...
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