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RED ALERT: Putin Threatens to Use NUCLEAR WEAPONS If Ukraine Joins NATO

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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RED ALERT: Putin Threatens to Use NUCLEAR WEAPONS If Ukraine Joins NATO Through Their TAKEOVER and ATTACKS Crimea

Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened French President Emmanuel Macron during their meeting yesterday against the backdrop of the Ukrainian crisis that if Ukraine joins NATO and tries to regain Crimea by military force, Europe will automatically be forced to enter the war against Russia.

Putin also said that the combined European military capacity is superior to the Russian one, but in return, the Russian nuclear power exceeds the rest.

"You won't even have time to respond to us," he added.

Putin's statements are very strong regarding nuclear weapons. Europe does not possess even 10% of Russia's nuclear power.

According to the statistics of the Institute for International Peace and Security in 2020, the number of Russian nuclear warheads reached 6,375, while the number of European nuclear warheads reached only 505, 290 of which are owned by France and 215 by Britain.

“I want to stress it one more time,” Putin said. “I’ve been saying it, but I’d very much want you to finally hear me, and to deliver it to your audience in print, TV and online. Do you understand it or not, that if Ukraine joins NATO and attempts to bring Crimea back by military means, the European countries will be automatically pulled into a war conflict with Russia?”



Putin also said that the combined European military capacity is superior to the Russian one, but in return, the Russian nuclear power exceeds the rest.

This proves that Putin has over played his hand and has cornered himself.

Putin is looking for a face saver to withdraw. Will Germany and France deliver it?
I think Ukraine will join NATO down the line but they will not attempt to retake Crimea..

Putin realizes withdrawing will boost the Americans and re-energize them...

But nonetheless Putin will withdraw with a bitter taste of what coulda and shoulda
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This proves that Putin has over played his hand and has cornered himself.

Putin is looking for a face saver to withdraw. Will Germany and France deliver it?
They'll probably want to do exactly that, at this point it's better to de-escalate and give some kind of concession. It's the US that won't bend or compromise.
I think Ukraine will join NATO down the line but they will not attempt to retake Crimea

Putin will ask to recognize annexation of Crimea as legal, removal of sanctions and autonomy for the Eastern provinces.

That is the best deal he can get.

They'll probably want to do exactly that, at this point it's better to de-escalate and give some kind of concession. It's the US that won't bend or compromise.

US will push NATO membership to Ukraine as part of the deal
Putin will ask to recognize annexation of Crimea as legal, removal of sanctions and autonomy for the Eastern provinces.

That is the best deal he can get.

I think he could get Crimea but the eastern part is tricky but nonetheless Putin gained nothing out of this even if they gave him that..

He basically gained nothing because Ukraine is part of west now and they are on his borders the expansion has occured.. Ukraine is even one of their biggest Assets for the west and they have reinforced Eastern Europe meaning Putin got nothing at the end his still encircled..

He wanted to change the dynamic but it was unsuccesful Crimea he already has it they can't give him something he already has for exchange of nothing
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I think he could get Crimea but the eastern part is tricky but nonetheless Putin gained nothing out of this even if they gave him that much..

He basically gained nothing because Ukraine is part of west now and they are on his borders the expansion has occured.. Ukraine is even one of their biggest Assets for the west and they have reinforced Eastern Europe meaning Putin got nothing at the end his still encircled

Putin should have waited for the Nordstream 2 to be operational before making this move.
I think Ukraine will join NATO down the line but they will not attempt to retake Crimea..

Putin realizes withdrawing will boost the Americans and re-energize them...

But nonetheless Putin will withdraw with a bitter taste of what coulda and shoulda
Doubt they will ever let Ukraine join NATO, it will get some designation like MNNA; Major Non-Nato Ally the way Qatar was just designated. Ukraine will probably have to agree to a Finland type of neutrality vis a vi Russia. Putin is bluffing but he is getting old and wants to secure his legacy.

Europe doesn’t want to fight Russia for Ukraine. Ukraine is not worth it for them. Cheap oil and gas are more important. The US wants to Co-opt Russia to deal with China the way China was co-opted in the 80s to deal with the Soviet Union.
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He should just go for the invasion and get it done with and set an example --
He’s trying to find a way to have his cake and eat it too. He wants a buffer state in Ukraine without having to face the consequences of a war. The ball is the US court as to what kinds of accommodation the US is willing to offer. Being to harsh on Russia will drive them into China’s hands.

This is why China pre-emptied and agreed to shore up the Russians, to prevent a capitulation to the West with a oil deal (and probably some other kinds of deals for mineral discounts and the like) to allow Russia to buy time.
He’s trying to find a way to have his cake and eat it too. He wants a buffer state in Ukraine without having to face the consequences of a war. The ball is the US court as to what kinds of accommodation the US is willing to offer. Being to harsh on Russia will drive them into China’s hands.

This is why China pre-emptied and agreed to shore up the Russians, to prevent a capitulation to the West with a oil deal (and probably some other kinds of deals for mineral discounts and the like) to allow Russia to buy time.

Didn't Russia & China already form a military alliance recently.
In fact, the purpose of USA is to make hot spots in Europe, cooperate with the US dollar interest rate increase in 2022, and let the US dollar return to USA. Therefore, Russia does not want to fight, France does not want to fight, Germany does not want to fight, and the EU does not want to fight. Only USA, Britain and the Ukrainian government controlled by USA want to fight.
The EU is not a fool. When the EU was founded in 1993, its GDP was higher than that of USA, and the euro began to challenge the status of the dollar. But the EU was inexplicably involved in the Yugoslav war, the euro continued to depreciate, and now the EU's GDP accounted for only 70% of that of the USA, the euro has also lost its ability to challenge the dollar. The EU is not a fool, how can the EU fall into the same pit. The war cannot be fought, so China is not even interested in withdrawing overseas Chinese from Ukraine.

BTW: USA just wants Europe and Russia to go to war, and USA is not prepared to fight Russia itself. USA has only 3000 people in Ukraine, and its investment is symbolic. After Afghanistan and Iraq, USA has no time and money to spend with Russia. If USA recklessly participates in a war again, even if USA wins Russia, it will lose the hegemony of the world.
He’s trying to find a way to have his cake and eat it too. He wants a buffer state in Ukraine without having to face the consequences of a war. The ball is the US court as to what kinds of accommodation the US is willing to offer. Being to harsh on Russia will drive them into China’s hands.

This is why China pre-emptied and agreed to shore up the Russians, to prevent a capitulation to the West with a oil deal (and probably some other kinds of deals for mineral discounts and the like) to allow Russia to buy time.

Issue is multi-fold. He backs down it gives the west more time to reinforce and build an effective Ukranian Army armed to the teeth and make it out of reach for Russia to mess with. This in-turn would be bad for China, and their seeing it happen in Taiwan as well. If Russia wants to avoid the same fate, they'll need to strike a multi-front attack and dismantle the current Ukranian regime. They'll also have to ignore the civilian casualties as its collateral damage.
Russia is a weak power without the nukes. Remember they struggled to fight the Chechens.

Yes, in the 1st Chechen War but remember the 2nd Chechen War they massacred them and now look at Checnhiya they were humbled.
One thing Russians are good at is using brute force, and once they release the dogs of war its game over before going nuclear. Let's be honest no one will go nuclear over a country like Ukraine.
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