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Recent Urban development in Bangladesh

Estation hehe

Even village people can pronounce STATION!!!

Bhai most of the Bdeshi youtubers are hopeless. They don't even make an effort to correct the pronunciation. Forget about them, look at the TV channel reporters, they are as bad.
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Granted we should not insult.

But uneducated people should learn how to pronounce standard Bangla or English before proudly putting up their garbage VLOG creations. It cannot be "ja-khushi-tai" situation where we propagate bad pronunciation practices. Lately this has been an epidemic of sorts.

Half-educated morons being proud of their half-educated status and expecting jobs and wealth with it.

For example, some small town guys put up VLOGs which really are unacceptably pronounced. Talking about VLOGs by supposedly educated guys from Patuakhali and Barisal.

I am not even talking about Hero Alam types whose Bangla pronunciation is atrocious (where we don't have better expectation in any case). Chhotolok being proud of their uneducated chhotolok habits when they should try better.

These vloggers utter words like "Ekosthaney" and "Ekoi" (in addition to what @PadmaBridge bhai pointed out) which should be pronounced "Eksthaney" and "Ek-ee".

They should correct their Bangla before putting these VLOGs up as a laughing stock for the rest of the world.

One can come from a humble background, however they should always strive to improve their pronunciation and speaking style.

And I will never understand why some people utter non-standard words like "Shei shundori" (very pretty).... I mean what-the-freak ?!?

Where did these non-standard words come from?


These morons are responsible for spreading poor standards the way Mullahs spread superstition.

Any old idiot nowadays has a YouTube channel - spreading nonsense!

Mocking them might actually shame them into improving their skills or stopping them from becoming “bloggers”.

Bro lets not mock people's pronunciations, it lowers confidence in them. Here chinese are confidently saying english in their own way, which makes no sence but slowly the become better. Lets not demoralise the less fortunate.

Aren’t you a little snowflake!!!
Bhai most of the Bdeshi youtubers are hopeless. They don't even make an effort to correct the pronunciation. Forget about them, look at the TV channel reporters, they are as bad.
Granted we should not insult.

But uneducated people should learn how to pronounce standard Bangla or English before proudly putting up their garbage VLOG creations. It cannot be "ja-khushi-tai" situation where we propagate bad pronunciation practices. Lately this has been an epidemic of sorts.

Half-educated morons being proud of their half-educated status and expecting jobs and wealth with it.

For example, some small town guys put up VLOGs which really are unacceptably pronounced. Talking about VLOGs by supposedly educated guys from Patuakhali and Barisal.

I am not even talking about Hero Alam types whose Bangla pronunciation is atrocious (where we don't have better expectation in any case). Chhotolok being proud of their uneducated chhotolok habits when they should try better.

These vloggers utter words like "Ekosthaney" and "Ekoi" (in addition to what @PadmaBridge bhai pointed out) which should be pronounced "Eksthaney" and "Ek-ee".

They should correct their Bangla before putting these VLOGs up as a laughing stock for the rest of the world.

One can come from a humble background, however they should always strive to improve their pronunciation and speaking style.

And I will never understand why some people utter non-standard words like "Shei shundori" (very pretty).... I mean what-the-freak ?!?

Where did these non-standard words come from

There was a time when I was in Uni, we friends use to make fun of peoples accent. Mocking, laughing behind their back was the norm. Same goes for Bangla, though the uni I went in BD, there were not many who had bangla pronunciation problems. But during that period speaking Bangla with an english accent became a thing. I came across a lot of people specially working in fashion industry and media who did that then. You can easily assume that they cant speak english just trying to belong to certain class and trying hard.

But after moving to overses I have become more tolarent when I saw people from different parts of the world are speaking with their accents confidently. Just look at Indians, its so funny the way the pronounce but they are so confident. Then I came to realisation, its just a language and for any native english speaker every other person speaking would sound like an accent regardless how good you are.

Another story that I have is, my mother is well educated but she lacks confidence in speaking english. As my children only speak english (unfortunately) she initially was hesitant, worried about making mistakes. I had to give her the confidence, that she obviously knows how to write, so she just has to practice speaking. Also gave her example of rohingas living in sydney, who are uneducated but can make a conversation. its only practice and you wont learn if you do not make mistakes.

We as a nation easily judge others on their shortcomings. We need to change this mindset. If a vietnamese person can speak english that sounds like someone kicked their balls, who are we to mock our own kind. Listen to googles Indian CEO, if he was in my Uni, everyone would have made fun of his accent.

And on Bangla, This guy Dr. Salimullah khan is a person I rate very highly. He on his lecture talks abouabout "প্রমিত বাংলা". He mentions as different areas have different dialects, the dialect of Nadia, West Bengal was taken as a standard. Thus we today say noakhaila, borishaila, comilla language is ক্ষেত । Imagine if borishaila was made the standard!!!! Everyone would try to speak like them. So lets not find ways to lookdown upon others.

Another thing we raise is the quality of youtubers. Unfortunately you and me we only represent 5% of Bangladesh. The majority of Bangladeshi are from lower economic background. They will not enjoy what we find fun. They would relate to people like hero Alom, creame আপা। Hense they get millions of followers. We just need to accept this.

You can't expect your driver or servant to watch hollywood movies and enjoy. They will obviously watch Bangla sakib khan movies and enjoy.

Till socio economic change comes, this unfortunately will continue.
Bhai let's come back to the topic of the thread and contribute some urban development posts.
The white-grid building in the middle of the picture is ABC Tradeplex, in Dhanmandi. This oldest planned suburb of Dhaka (a Master Plan was drawn in 1959 and Project undertaken earlier in 1949) has seen quite a few new commercial mid-rises added and thankfully, they are aesthetically rather pleasing so far. People like living in the area as it is home to tens of thousands of upper-middle class families of repute and have contributed to Dhaka's rich cultural heritage as expected.



Extension of Dhaka Metro Line 6 to Kamalapur Rail Terminal & Logistics hub

Wartsila Bangladesh HQ, BTI Landmark, Gulshan












Shakur Residence, Nikunja-1








Criterion Nurun Nabi, Rd 81, Gulshan-2







Alter Architects And Associates' new project in BANANI:

3 floor with 5500 sqft. each floor is conceptualized to design with contemporary ideas of office and with a minimal ornamentation and materials with its own expression. composition of some breakout and interaction areas make the office spaces more connecting to user. In the whole office they tried to come up with an impression of joy, festivity and youth.








Alter Architects also designed a residential project recently, in only 3 katha of space in Nikunja.







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