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Recent List of "Doomsday Scenarios for Earth" according to Scientists.


1. Intelligent technology: A network of computers could develop a mind of its own. Machines could direct resources towards their own goals at the expense of human needs such as food and threaten mankind.

2. Cyber attacks: Power grids, air traffic control, banking and communications rely on interconnected computer systems. If these networks collapse due to action by enemy nations or terrorists, the paralysis could result in society breaking down.

3. Engineered infection:A man-made super virus or bacteria with no antidote escapes the lab or is released by terrorists. Millions die.

4. Food supply sabotage:Efficient distribution networks mean many Western nations have only 48 hours worth of food stockpiled. Any disruption would result in panic buying and riots.

5. Extreme weather: As the Earth continues to warm a tipping point is reached and the process snowballs, resulting in irreversible and worsening natural disasters.

6. Fast-spreading pandemic: International travel means a new killer virus, mutated from animals, could travel the globe in days, wiping out millions before a vaccine can be developed.

7. War:Growing populations put a strain on water and food resources. Nations will go to war to protect or capture these precious supplies.

8. Nuclear apocalypse: Nations with atom bombs launch targeted strikes leading to all-out warfare and global loss of life. Also fears nuclear warheads could fall into terrorist hands.

9. Asteroid impact: A giant asteroid is believed to have killed off the dinosaurs. Some fear a similar impact could do the same for mankind.

Science superheroes and famous thinkers form 'doomsday' society to save humanity from asteroids, pandemics - and itself | Mail Online

@desert warrior, @scorpionx, @he-man, @Alpha1, @neehar, @Srinivas, @Indo-guy, @PlanetWarrior, what is yours opinion about this? and which one is the post probable according to you?

The whole idea is to reduce the population of world to get it in manageable quantity. Why go for destructive methodologies. Easiest way is to get world birth rate to below 1.5- 1.8. In very short time world population will start reducing. Wars take decades to reduce population by a couple of 100 thousands. In this case it will be under 5 years results will start showing.
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With leaders like obama 7 and 8 are possible.
It took mankind some 30 years to create ARVs after the AIDS virus first manifested itself. Whatever makes you think that if a supervirus which is capable of killing in say 2 days comes about, humanity will be able to discover a cure immediately ?

True finding cure for Virus is a painfully slow process . But even the most potent virus will not be able to vipe out the humanity or life on earth ....Few will always survive .

Even with HIV ....all exposed do not acquire infection....small minority of people are naturally resistant to HIV . Despte repeated exposure they do not acquire infection .

So any such biological weapon may create catastrophe ...but humanity will persist through handful of survivors .

Changing the course of evolution ....!
Asteroid Impact is the one which is unavoidable if the asteroid is big and has lot of momentum.

Human can avoid remaining options.

Even with current technology most of the asteroid impact can be mitigated ....what use is the megaton nukes that we posses.

NASA already has surveillance programme in place ...off course incidents like meteor explosion in Russia last year can escape those surveillance programmes . But unlikely that large asteroid capable of annihilating life on earth will escape such surveillance .


1. Intelligent technology: A network of computers could develop a mind of its own. Machines could direct resources towards their own goals at the expense of human needs such as food and threaten mankind.

2. Cyber attacks: Power grids, air traffic control, banking and communications rely on interconnected computer systems. If these networks collapse due to action by enemy nations or terrorists, the paralysis could result in society breaking down.

3. Engineered infection:A man-made super virus or bacteria with no antidote escapes the lab or is released by terrorists. Millions die.

4. Food supply sabotage:Efficient distribution networks mean many Western nations have only 48 hours worth of food stockpiled. Any disruption would result in panic buying and riots.

5. Extreme weather: As the Earth continues to warm a tipping point is reached and the process snowballs, resulting in irreversible and worsening natural disasters.

6. Fast-spreading pandemic: International travel means a new killer virus, mutated from animals, could travel the globe in days, wiping out millions before a vaccine can be developed.

7. War:Growing populations put a strain on water and food resources. Nations will go to war to protect or capture these precious supplies.

8. Nuclear apocalypse: Nations with atom bombs launch targeted strikes leading to all-out warfare and global loss of life. Also fears nuclear warheads could fall into terrorist hands.

9. Asteroid impact: A giant asteroid is believed to have killed off the dinosaurs. Some fear a similar impact could do the same for mankind.

Science superheroes and famous thinkers form 'doomsday' society to save humanity from asteroids, pandemics - and itself | Mail Online

@desert warrior, @scorpionx, @he-man, @Alpha1, @neehar, @Srinivas, @Indo-guy, @PlanetWarrior, what is yours opinion about this? and which one is the post probable according to you?

Extreme weather is the most likely scenario.

Given the fact that Ice age cycle in well proven. It is only matter of time that earth will face another Ice age taking toll on current flora and fauna .

just as Jurassik and Dinosaur era came to an end ....Humanity faces extinction in face of either man made climate change or natural cycle of Ice Ages ....
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Even with current technology most of the asteroid impact can be mitigated ....what use is the megaton nukes that we posses.

NASA already has surveillance programme in place ...off course incidents like meteor explosion in Russia last year can escape those surveillance programmes . But unlikely that large asteroid capable of annihilating life on earth will escape such surveillance

A highly momentous(huge) asteroid even it was broken can do damage. Ice age was also an after affect of asteroid impact.
A highly momentous(huge) asteroid even it was broken can do damage. Ice age was also an after affect of asteroid impact.

Indeed but it may not wipe out humanity . humanity can still survive such impact !

Armageddon type asteroid impact mitigation mission can be taken with short notice today . Given capability of rockets and missiles today .

Our ability to survive by changing environment through technology may allow us to survive the harsh changes ....off course its all play of ifs and buts !
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