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Rebuilding the army of Genghis Khan

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Well i am 100% sure about that i didn't say that Mongols invaded-captured your land. How i suppose to know where this azz-hurt comes from?

Oh yeah you are jokinz. ha ha ha so funny you monkey man.

As you said be a MAN dude not monkey-man. Maybe you do not get it but we are all laughing at you. Not your monkey jokes.

So be a Man.:cheers:

Lmao .. Where is the butthurt man? I mock everybody even my own ppl .. Coz it's funny .. Now that you are butthurt and calling me "monkey man" .. Let me tell your another story... The Mongols also exterminated Turks .. Anatolia was also "done" and so were central Asian states ...

As for monkey man.. My friend . We are also Horse people... Just like you.. Our land is much more desolate and harsh.. And for us honor is above death...

But jokes don't hurt anybody... I'm not insulting any "race" or ethnicity or even country...

So if you are so butt hurt over nothing.. Take a shower n cool down.. Act your age bro... Don't act like a 15 year old girl..:)

I won't talk crap to you bcoz you are 10 years older than me n I have nothing against you.., Infact my family supported the khilafat movement both materially Aswell as by sending men to fight.. My relatives also went (but we're not allowed past Afghanistan)...
So cool down.. Cox any azzwipe can throw insults .. And I'm sure you are better than that.

1. The concept of "Turkic" is based on the confederation of steppe warrior nomadic tribes. Its no neccesarely an ethnicity by tradional sense, but they are extremely closely related. Its because of this that alot of Turks consider Mongolians as Turkic, or in the greater view of scheme "Altaic". In the more recent alot of the Turkic tribes have integrated into local conquered terrority and inter married with the locals. As a result Turkic speaking people are directly considered Turkic as the boundaries would be hard to tell.

2. As i stated, the concept of Turkic in modern society is generally linguistic, but there is usually more to that. We are talking about shared traditions, culture, morales and values, social order and etc. At the same time its also quite vague.

If you want a good book to read upon the subject, i suggest you read this. Its extremely interesting and eye opening.
The New Central Asia: Geopolitics and the Birth of Nations - Olivier Roy - Google Boeken

3. We considered ourselfs central asian that settled and mixed with the locals. Ethnically we are most likely a branch of mongoloid race. People talk alot about ethnicity but AFAIK there are only 4 official ethnicity in the scientific sense Mongoloid, Negroid, Australoid and Caucasoid.

4. Not exactly. Soviet Union was like the dark ages to us Turks. So put blundly the Soviet union used to displace million upon millions of Turkic people. Prime example being that Crimea used to be Tatar Turkic, yet in the present is 90% of the population is Russian.

5. Most present ethnicities are derived from Mongoloid people in Asia. In almost every aspect Mongolian and Turkic tribes used to be identical. Just like Turkic tribes, Mongolian tribes simply used to be a confederation of nomadic stepp warrior tribes. When these two tribe confederation joined forces, the Mongolian-Turco empire was born. The single biggest empire on earth's history. Most Mongolians couldnt even distingiush themself from Turkic. For example most of Genghiz Khan's descendants prefered to be called Turkic.

Like? Mughals we're proud of their Mongol ancestory.. Even Hazaras (the descendants of the troops who invaded Afghanistan proudly claim Mongol heritage).. So I'm nog sure which Mongols claim to be Turkic ?

The Mongols destroyed all central Asian states.. Kangli,Tatar etc were also massacred...
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Lmao .. Where is the butthurt man? I mock everybody even my own ppl .. Coz it's funny .. Now that you are butthurt and calling me "monkey man" .. Let me tell your another story... The Mongols also exterminated Turks .. Anatolia was also "done" and so were central Asian states ...

As for monkey man.. My friend . We are also Horse people... Just like you.. Our land is much more desolate and harsh.. And for us honor is above death...

But jokes don't hurt anybody... I'm not insulting any "race" or ethnicity or even country...

So if you are so butt hurt over nothing.. Take a shower n cool down.. Act your age bro... Don't act like a 15 year old girl..:)

I won't talk crap to you bcoz you are 10 years older than me n I have nothing against you.., Infact my family supported the khilafat movement both materially Aswell as by sending men to fight.. My relatives also went (but we're not allowed past Afghanistan)...

Like? Mughals we're proud of their Mongol ancestory.. Even Hazaras (the descendants of the troops who invaded Afghanistan proudly claim Mongol heritage).. So I'm nog sure which Mongols claim to be Turkic ?

The Mongols destroyed all central Asian states.. Kangli,Tatar etc were also massacred...

The Mongolian destroyed and rebuild. Majority of the Mongolian army were Turkic to begin with. Why do you think Post-Mongolian empire khanates and states are directly considered part of Turkic history.

Golden Horde - Batu Khan - Kipchak Turks
Batu Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kipchaks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Golden Horde - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chagatai Khanate - Chagatai Khan - Chagatai Turks
Chagatai Khanate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chagatai Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chagatai people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timurid Empire - Timur - Timurid Clan
Timurid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Timurid Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Timur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have spoking with several Mongolian people in the past, all of them are convinced that the Altaic concept is real. The tradional, cultural, religious, social order and tribal model was nearly identical. They also claimed linguistic similarities. The connection between Turkic and Mongolians is undeniable.
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Iranics suffer inferiority complex about Turkics and Turkic descendants. First Arabs beat them in war, then the Turkics and Turko-Mongols became the leading race among Muslims.

This may mean that the original Turkic gene has higher potential than Iranic and Arabic genes. Turkey should work to set up fertility clinics to spread Altaic genes from nomads in Altai and other areas in Central Asia to all willing Sunni Muslim populations of the world who will then become ethnic blood allies of Turkey and other Turkic peoples. Designer genes is the wave of the future. Liquid nitrogen, frozen sperms and eggs, invitro fertilization will do the trick.
Iranics suffer inferiority complex about Turkics and Turkic descendants. First Arabs beat them in war, then the Turkics and Turko-Mongols became the leading race among Muslims.

This may mean that the original Turkic gene has higher potential than Iranic and Arabic genes. Turkey should work to set up fertility clinics to spread Altaic genes from nomads in Altai and other areas in Central Asia to all willing Sunni Muslim populations of the world who will then become ethnic blood allies of Turkey and other Turkic peoples. Designer genes is the wave of the future. Liquid nitrogen, frozen sperms and eggs, invitro fertilization will do the trick.
Please get back to watching p**n. Your absence is greatly appreciated.

Lets have a civilized discussion fellaz.
. .
I mock everybody even my own ppl ..

You can't do that whenever you want. I see no fun about this topic,thread too. You think that you are having fun but as you see we are not. "Jokes don't hurt" yeah but those low leveled and one step away of insulting type jokes may hurt.

You won't talk crap, neither am i. You must think twice before talking about ethnicity and race. Those things have no tolerate for having fun. Only the one here is you are acting like a little spoiled boy.

I am am very clear and no need to add extra for someone who has enough intelligent. I have no doubt you are one of 'em.
The Mongolian destroyed and rebuild. Majority of the Mongolian army were Turkic to begin with. Why do you think Post-Mongolian empire khanates and states are directly considered part of Turkic history.

Golden Horde - Batu Khan - Kipchak Turks
Batu Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Kipchaks - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Golden Horde - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Chagatai Khanate - Chagatai Khan - Chagatai Turks
Chagatai Khanate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chagatai Khan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Chagatai people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timurid Empire - Timur - Timurid Clan
Timurid dynasty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Timurid Empire - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Timur - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I have spoking with several Mongolian people in the past, all of them are convinced that the Altaic concept is real. The tradional, cultural, religious, social order and tribal model was nearly identical. They also claimed linguistic similarities. The connection between Turkic and Mongolians is undeniable.

1 question though.. All of these dynasties were Mongol ... Chugtai was the descendant of ghengis.. The kipchaks were "crushed" by Mongols.. Golden hordes again were grandsons of ghengis khan.

Timurids again were of Mongol origin (your link says the Mongol elite adopted Islam and Turkic language-) yet Baburnama (written in Persian) by Babur boasts Mongol heritage..

You can't do that whenever you want. I see no fun about this topic,thread too. You think that you are having fun but as you see we are not. "Jokes don't hurt" yeah but those low leveled and one step away of insulting type jokes may hurt.

You won't talk crap, neither am i. You must think twice before talking about ethnicity and race. Those things have no tolerate for having fun. Only the one here is you are acting like a little spoiled boy.

I am am very clear and no need to add extra for someone who has enough intelligent. I have no doubt you are one of 'em.

Can you point out where I joked about ethnicity in the entire thread? Or made any "low leveled jokes" about Turks ? Unless you worship dostum the Uzbek warlord accused of war crimes ?

Although I can point out your nonsense ... And yet I put up with it just Coz of your age and your country . Otherwise I'm not really known for "tolerance" either... Neither do I belong to some weak race like the Bangladeshi above ..

But yes I did say and I stand by the fact that central Asian states are satellite states of Russia .. Which controls them through SCO,occupies military bases in those countries,also is their main arms supplier .. And almost controls them economically aswell as having strong influence on their politics..

P.S; even Pak has "Turkic" races or those that originate from Turkic roots .. Aswell as Mongols .. So tell me about it.
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Imo being a Turk or Turkic is more of a cultural-linguistic thing not necessarily one about race. There are millions in Turkey who define themselves as Turks but are actually descendants of slavic-greek muslim refugees from the Balkans and have no genetic relationships to "Turks". Bulgarians could actually claim to be Turks because of the old Bulgarian empires that were established by Turkics but they don't define themselves as Turks so we don't see them as Turks where as we see balkan refugees as Turks which is fine.

AFAIK the word Turk first came about back in the Gok Turk empire where everyone living in that empires borders were labeled as Turks. We have a very broad definition of Turks, but we mostly see the people of the steppes to be Turks except for certain groups like the cossacks and some Iranic steppe people. We also through most people living in Turkey into the Turk group.
Iranics suffer inferiority complex about Turkics and Turkic descendants. First Arabs beat them in war, then the Turkics and Turko-Mongols became the leading race among Muslims.

This may mean that the original Turkic gene has higher potential than Iranic and Arabic genes. Turkey should work to set up fertility clinics to spread Altaic genes from nomads in Altai and other areas in Central Asia to all willing Sunni Muslim populations of the world who will then become ethnic blood allies of Turkey and other Turkic peoples. Designer genes is the wave of the future. Liquid nitrogen, frozen sperms and eggs, invitro fertilization will do the trick.

I'm "iranic" and proud.. Unlike your inferiority ridden kind...that always trembled and fell to every other guy with a sword including "iranics".. Which is why ironically even Bangalis claim to be "khans"...

You people never had spine .. Never will .. So why don't you ask turkey to provide you good "sperm" so that atleast somehow your next generation comes out with a lil spine .. And a higher IQ.
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But yes I did say and I stand by the fact that central Asian states are satellite states of Russia .. Which controls them through SCO,occupies military bases in those countries,also is their main arms supplier .. And almost controls them economically aswell as having strong influence on their politics..

Yes that's correct and same like your country Pakistan. Pakistan used to be controlled by US now under control of China.

Well, what do you expect? They used to live control-brainwash-genocide etc.of SSCB for years. They have gotten their freedom and independence e few decades ago. Do you think this is enough to be 100% independent? However they have great pressure of Russia. Russia is the biggest power in the region and it seems they will be little longer.

It seems Turkiye trying to gain it's relations as economical, political and military to help them to be free and reunited with. It's not an easy task but for sure someday that will be done. Then second task will be waiting for us. It will be more harder then previous but we will do it coc only Turkiye has ability to do that. Reuniting ummah.

Rest of that you have said, i do not care and i am done.
. .
US has a base in Turkey where nukes are stored,now decide kid who they are likely to control.

I am afraid you are wrong. We have no US base in Turkiye. We have NATO base. There is difference between base of US and NATO. That's the why there are Saudi planes on Incirlik Nato Base. As far as i know, our law doesn't allow one another state to settle down a military base on my soil. But Nato is a pact which Turkiye is a member of it.

However our country was under control of US, during the cold war time. I am not gonna deny it.
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Yes that's correct and same like your country Pakistan. Pakistan used to be controlled by US now under control of China.

Than why is USA bitchin about Paks double game ? As for China she's has been our strategic partne since th 60s... Also it's funny coming from a guy whose country itself is a client state of USA.

Well, what do you expect? They used to live control-brainwash-genocide etc.of SSCB for years. They have gotten their freedom and independence e few decades ago. Do you think this is enough to be 100% independent? However they have great pressure of Russia. Russia is the biggest power in the region and it seems they will be little longer.

For much longer.

It seems Turkiye trying to gain it's relations as economical, political and military to help them to be free and reunited with. It's not an easy task but for sure someday that will be done

Turkey trying to gain equal standing with Russia in Russia's backyard.. So funny.

Then second task will be waiting for us. It will be more harder then previous but we will do it coc only Turkiye has ability to do that. Reuniting ummah.

Rest of that you have said, i do not care and i am done.
Yes it seems that didn't convince Assad or any other regional player ... With the attitude you are showing good luck convincing any country forget the "non existing unmah"...

I'm done too uncle.
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