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Rebranding Turkey as a third world country

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Nov 7, 2016
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Turkey has become a country that cannot protect the lives of its own citizens or of its foreign guests, whether tourists or diplomats. It can now compete with Iraq and Afghanistan in terms of the frequency of terror attacks and the intensity of casualties.

This is not the only thing accelerating Turkey’s slide into the category of “third world countries.”

It is not just the feeling of insecurity or instability that surrounds us. It is the feeling of hopelessness - characteristic of badly governed third world countries - that is a key indicator of where Turkey is heading.

What is particularly concerning is the fact that the feeling of hopelessness is becoming even more widespread among the young generations.

Evrim Kuran is the Middle East director of Universum, a research group active in over 50 countries. According to a survey they conducted among the young generation, the biggest dream most had is to leave the country.

“The second answer we came across was equally sad,” Kuran said in an interview published in daily Hürriyet last Sunday. “The answer most gave to the question ‘what is your biggest dream?’ was ‘I want to be happy.’ Being happy cannot be a dream. They feel so cornered and so unhappy that they want to be happy. They are trying to overcome the barriers of hopelessness and the lack of opportunities, but they don’t know how.”

Kuran also believes Turkey is becoming increasingly “mediocre,” which is another characteristic of third world countries. “This is not just in art and literature, but even the business community is becoming more mediocre,” she said.

Turkey’s rulers probably have no problem with this tendency, because a society where mediocracy reigns is one that is easier to rule without transparency or accountability.

Only a decade ago Turkey was the shining star of the region. Expats raced to come to Turkey and representatives of different sectors from all over the world were rushing to hold their annual meetings in Turkey. You could not find any rooms in Istanbul’s hotels.

Today, not just expats and youngsters but also older generations from the secular segments of the society want to flee Turkey. Rumors that the government could impose additional special taxes targeting higher income levels is increasing the anxiety, which no one dares to talk about publicly. President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s rhetoric that Turkey is under attack both from within and from without increases the fear that extraordinary measures, running against the principles of the liberal market economy, could be implemented by the government citing extraordinary circumstances.

All these fears, which may turn out to be baseless, are in line with the patterns of a third world country. In fact, I have no doubt that many in the West have already categorized Turkey as such.

As for those remaining in Turkey, as has been said by another colleague, either we will have to resist, run away or just get used to it.

A decade ago you were a shining star because of what AKP and erdogan achieved

Finished your debt, increased your economy, made Turkey into a top 20 economy and started the process of industrialisation across the country

Your region however has been at the center of intrigue, ill thought out invasions and destabilised

You are not immune to this

Rather then whinge and cry and blame your own government fight back, stand up and make your mark in this world

Europe is lurching to the right and you are not welcome reclaim your own identity and faith, grow your own strength, take on your enemies

Accept the new world, The hinterland of Turkey was always conservative and the AKP will win landslide victory after landslide victory if your "secular" parties dont appeal to the hinterland
A decade ago you were a shining star because of what AKP and erdogan achieved

Finished your debt, increased your economy, made Turkey into a top 20 economy and started the process of industrialisation across the country

Your region however has been at the center of intrigue, ill thought out invasions and destabilised

You are not immune to this

Rather then whinge and cry and blame your own government fight back, stand up and make your mark in this world

Europe is lurching to the right and you are not welcome reclaim your own identity and faith, grow your own strength, take on your enemies

Accept the new world, The hinterland of Turkey was always conservative and the AKP will win landslide victory after landslide victory if your "secular" parties dont appeal to the hinterland
Don't listen to this idiot, propaganda robot-------> @blondeturkish
Most of the attacks happening in Turkey are being done by foreign militants so I guess it will be easier to control them in future. The same applies with Germany and France
Most of the attacks happening in Turkey are being done by foreign militants so I guess it will be easier to control them in future. The same applies with Germany and France
@cabatli_53 @Zaki please tell this person @blondeturkish the same thing cames up with propaganda 24/7 Turkiye is this and that, blames Turkiye for all. Why?

@blondeturkish bruh i aint akp. Dont get confused with nationalists :)
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Reina attack spotlights Turkey’s need to combat hatred

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It is dreadful to have one’s worst predictions for the incoming year confirmed so quickly and in such an inhumane manner. However, one does not need the ability to predict the future to understand why this is happening to us; nothing comes from a void.

Islamist vilification of New Year’s celebrations involving singing, dancing and drinking - in other words all the things that normal civilized people around the world do on this occasion - had fouled the already tense atmosphere in Turkey. A small group of ultra-nationalist Islamists dressed in traditional garb in the city of Aydın had even staged a protest by holding a gun to the head of one of them dressed as Santa Claus, striking a general pose reminiscent of Mafia executions

In Turkey, Santa Claus is associated with New Year, which for ultra-conservatives is a despised Christian holiday celebrated by secular Turks who they claim deny their own traditions.

Although the group was small, the shocking protest in Aydın got nationwide coverage, which is no doubt what they were hoping. There is also no doubt that many across the country enjoyed this ugly display.

We also have the example of a soccer referee from the city of Kütahya who gloated in a tweet after the Reina massacre that “Santa does not always come bearing gifts.” He was clearly referring mockingly to initial reports that the killer in Reina had come dressed as Santa Claus. That claim was later denied by Prime Minister Binali Yıldırım and the Turkish Football Federation (TFF) has initiated proceedings against the referee.

None of this means that these despicable displays of hatred and intolerance from Turkey’s ultraconservative Islamic quarters are the cause of the attack on Reina. The massacre clearly has more to do with Turkey’s military intervention in Syria against the Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIL).

Nevertheless, these displays of hatred reflect where we stand today with regard to the loss of normality in Turkey, and how some people feel emboldened by what is transpiring in this country.

The singer Frank Sinatra once famously told an auditorium packed with young white students, when the Civil Rights protests in the U.S. were at their peak, that “no kid is by nature intolerant. Intolerance is one of the few forms of ignorance that has to be cultivated.”

There can be no better example of a country where this remark is truer than today’s Turkey.

The irony is that this is also a country were Islamists complain day and night about Islamophobia and intolerance against Muslims in Europe. They are quick to point to the double standards of others but are totally blind to their own shortcomings in this regard.

It is also questionable whether the government – which ultimately is Islamist - is doing enough to combat such intolerance and hatred that dangerously increases social tensions and divisions in the country.

Many are also asking in this context - rightly or wrongly - whether the lapse in security measures at Reina, even though it was obvious that the club would be packed with hundreds of people, is somehow related to the government’s barely veiled dislike of secular lifestyles.

Turkey is a country today that is at war with itself. In order for it to show genuine national solidarity in the face of such attacks, there must be a government that is imbued with a truly democratic spirit.

Only such a government can reach out to all segments of society without discrimination and unify the nation in order to defeat the true enemies of the people.

As pointed out in this column before, a country as divided as Turkey cannot hope to confront the kinds of problems it is increasingly faced by. It can only continue its spiral downwards.
The most painful thing is whenever a terrorist incident happens in Muslim countries, no one offer any sincere condolences. Rather, all these tragedies are seen as potential opportunities to push forward personal agendas.
A decade ago you were a shining star because of what AKP and erdogan achieved
That is not true,we discussed this on many threads.
Erdogan achieved alot of things but until now,none of it was good for the country or its people.

@cabatli_53 @Zaki please tell this person @blondeturkish the same thing cames up with propaganda 24/7 Turkiye is this and that, blames Turkiye for all. Why?

@blondeturkish bruh i aint akp. Dont get confused with nationalists :)
He doesnt blame Turkiye,he blames the Erdogan and his AKP party,he has every right to do so.
Pakistan has gone through this!

We have come through the other side not unscathed but stronger

Turkey will have to do the same, much of the world you look up to Europe, U.S etc rather than offer sincere condolence will offer words of comfort through gritted teeth and tongues laced with malice and hostility

learn who your friends are and as unpalatable as it may be start building the alliances today that will secure your tomorrow

and once Pakistan had gone through this we know exactly what your feeling

stay strong and become stronger this is the best message for your enemies
Turkeye is a brave and proud nation. I strongly believe Turkeye will defeat this menace and come out strong.

Pakistan has been through this. 2009 to 2014 was the darkest period of it's history but guess what, Pakistan learned from it and came out strong. Today Pakistani people know who is friend and who is foe, which is one of the reason pakistanis today are shouting to expel all illegals and refugees from it's land and stricter border control.

I hope both Pakistan and Turkeye cooperate and Pakistan help Turkish brothers in order to defeat terrorism.
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