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Rebels slam NATO for slowdown in strikes


Dec 17, 2010
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Tripoli/Washington: Angry rebels today deprecated NATO for "slackening" the pace of its military campaign which faced fresh challenges with Muammar Gaddafi's troops changing tactics by using human shields to thwart air strikes.

Rebels slam NATO for slowdown in strikes

NATO officials denied any slowdown of its operations in Libya but conceded that Gaddafi's forces were adopting "hit and hide" strategy and also moving in civilian vehicles to prevent the coalition from identifying targets.

The rebels who faced heavy pounding from Gaddafi's forces in Misurata, about 200 km east of Tripoli, said if NATO keeps waiting to act, "there will be nothing left to protect".

"Everyday, civilians are dying in Misurata. NATO is doing nothing," said rebel leader Abdelfatah Yunis. "If NATO waits for another week, it will be a crime that NATO will have to carry," Al Jazeera quoted him as saying.

"We will do everything to protect the civilians of Misurata," NATO spokesperson Carmen Romero said in Brussels. As part of these efforts, NATO said it would form a "sea bridge" to Misurata to rush aid and supplies after it was cut off by Gaddafi's forces.

"We are going to open a sea corridor to the city to let Libyan rebels ship aid and supplies to the besieged Mediterranean port city and at no moment Gaddafi's military forces will be able to stop this," France's Defence Minister Gerard Longuet announced.

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Rebels slam NATO for slowdown in strikes - 1 -  International News
France returned to NATO years ago and it seems whole operation done by its own.
And I infer that US transfer command to NATO was to say 'France,you do it'.
i think BRIC should help..even thought BRIC is against this strike....only we have the air power to compensate for US' withdrawal...
lol rebels trusting NATO....NATO just wants gadaffi and rebels to butcher one another so that when everyone is dead they can invade and occupy the oil..considering its population is just under 7 million
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