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Reasons for high fertility rates among Muslims?

Stop being concerned for those muslims, let husband and wife deal it, its their private matter how many children they want.

reminds me of this quote from gladiator movie.

Juba: What do you say to them?
Maximus: To my son - I tell him I will see him again soon. To keep his heels down while riding his horse. To my wife... that is not your business. :lol:

If that is the case then there is no problem..but it not always the issue.The parents cannot take care of the kids and then it becomes a problem of the society.

We see plenty of the same here...there is even a word for it..."welfare queens".
Education is the answer..Iran has a low fertility rate,Turkey has a low rate... Bangladesh in South Asia has a rapidly falling birth rate...Indonesia has a low growth rate,Indonesia has a pretty low birth rate.

Why are you confusing birth rate with "fertility rate"? The fertility if a couple depends on the individuals and not on any religion. However, the birth rate among a community depends upon the medical facilities available to the people, the level of education of the people, the choice of individual couples etc.

Equating birth rates with religion is just wrong, both scientifically and socially. So is relating 'fertility' with religion!

Please get your terms correct before commenting on such issues.
Here are your reasons

CRCC: Center For Muslim-Jewish Engagement: Resources: Religious Texts

CRCC: Center For Muslim-Jewish Engagement: Resources: Religious Texts

Islam forbids people from practicing even primitive birth control mechanics like Coitus Interruptus - even if you are having sex with a slave woman or someone else, let alone wife.

P.S. I am not going to justify this at all. This was primitive dark-age thinking, back then wars were waged for wealth and women. And raping prisoners of war was an important privilege. Not just muslims, but just about everyone else did that. Likewise, birth-control was a bad idea - because man power was a HUGE asset. More men = more hands to wield swords.

Are these primitive ideas valid in today's era? I don't know.
Islam forbids people from practicing even primitive birth control mechanics like Coitus Interruptus - even if you are having sex with a slave woman or someone else, let alone wife.
According to my Encyclopedia Britannica World Books, in the late 1960s Muslims had determined that Western-style birth control and family planning were perfectly acceptable, but these programs were suspended in the early 1970s.
According to my Encyclopedia Britannica World Books, in the late 1960s Muslims had determined that Western-style birth control and family planning were perfectly acceptable, but these programs were suspended in the early 1970s.

Don't get me wrong. A lot of urban/educated/moderate muslims practice birth control. I myself have only 2 siblings.

The backward/uneducated/fanatical muslims are the ones overbreeding - based on the same 7th century primitive beliefs I outlined in my previous post.
Yes, welfare queens:lol: alot of Americans get it infact in past 5 years has increased. (exclude muslim women).

If that is the case then there is no problem..but it not always the issue.The parents cannot take care of the kids and then it becomes a problem of the society.
We see plenty of the same here...there is even a word for it..."welfare queens".

Leave it to them like i said, worry about your life, don't find your self a wefare queen.:D

this is a very important video concerning the fertility rate among muslim you need to watch.

in pakistan however.

people in urban areas are increasingly going to family planning and have few children.

in rural areas however, due to poverty, people dont care about family planing and want as many kids as possible and these kids start earning at the age of 10-12, females working in houses and cottage industry and males on workshops/hotels etc..

for fundamentalist muslims however it is an issue of following the religion and it is recommended in religion of islam to have as many kids as possible.

the video has 807 hits as of now*
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I don't know about the Muslims in the rest of the world,but here is what i could find out about Muslims in India and make some deductions:

First lets start of with this table

The table data isn't loading here properly so please refer the link

Religion in India - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know the table is according to 2001 census,But i doubt some explosive change in the last decade.

Lets take Hindus as the average Indian, as they represent 80.5% of our population.

So comparing the work participation of Muslims to an average Indian,it is 7% lower,also the literacy rate is 9.1% lower.The gap isn't too wide but it is substantial.So one can assume that their greater birth rate is due to them being backward over all.My state Govt has given them reservation of 4% in jobs and education,i hope it helps.

Considering one fact that most of the Dalits today are converting to Christianity(also to Buddhism to a small extent),and from the above table judging their literacy rate(80.3%) and also that their work participation(39.7%) it can be assumed that they may lead an urban life and hence have probably 2 kids just like an urban family.

who gave u this information that most most of the Dalits today are converting to Christianity??

Dalit account for more than quarter of Hindu population,they are very much Hindus.They participate in Hindu festival with the same vigor as any other caste of Hindus. Conversely Christian population growth is very low.

Also in a state like Kerala where though Muslim population is growth in the low compared the national muslim avg, its higher than the population growth of Hindus and Christians of Kerala.
Yes, welfare queens:lol: alot of Americans get it infact in past 5 years has increased. (exclude muslim women).

If that is the case then there is no problem..but it not always the issue.The parents cannot take care of the kids and then it becomes a problem of the society.
We see plenty of the same here...there is even a word for it..."welfare queens".

Leave it to them like i said, worry about your life, don't find your self a wefare queen.:D

It is not Husband wife's fight that we can ignore, overpopulation hurts others and they have valid reason to be worried.
Gosh... I'm not jobless enough to write fictitious stories for the entertainment of PDF members.

I wanted to raise this point through my own observations and some research. Going through the responses so far, I think I raised the point in the wrong forum. Thanks for clearing my misconception about PDF members.

:))) the NGO must have worked on poor and over populated Hindu dominated areas in India too. Right???

So what are the statistics and what are reasons for over population of Hindus there in particular regions ???????????

Any insight so that we can debate fairly instead of going for creating false excuses for immense poverty of Indian Muslims.
Most of the extreme poors of societ consider their children as family man power and future insurance. Because they figure they can never afford enough education to earn decent so lets beat it by having more working hands for the family. India needs to seriously curbs its population growth and stop being in competition with China otherwise it will erupt in an internal civil war.
The case is not with India alone, having been to a charity trust in Pakistan and seen myself that the poors and beggers have 4-6 kids on average. More hands to beg means more income. Though once a case of peer baba came who had fathered 33 kids to professional begging women. His excessive amounts of marriages and divorces raised redflag during a family abuse case and hence came the findings.

The situation will often be religion independent however the poors also fall victims to different mullahs and supermacits political parties who encourgae the number to grow. Israel is going through a crisis with its Askhenzi jews who refuse to take modern education, science, technology or even home appliances and electricity. But intent on memorizing torah and multiplying numbers.
I just think its because we eat a lotta meat :P
Something to do with the meat.
I just think its because we eat a lotta meat :P
Something to do with the meat.

Meat infact is bad for fertility especially beef. It is high in nitrates and disturbs sensitive heart functioned needed to get your boner up. :toast_sign:
Its their Literacy Level, that causes them to have so many kids.

They don't family plan, a father has 3 kids who he can't look after, but hes about to have a 4th, how the hell would he expect to look after 4, when he can't look after 3.

They all say "A child is a gift from Allah and once the child is born all the troubles will melt away".

No matter how many times you try and tell them it won't, they would refuse to listen.

I live in a Poor Area in Karachi, called Keamari. I see people working extremenly hard so they can feed themselves and have a roof above their head. But despite this its their stupidity that brings them down. I can easily say that Karachi should start expecting Slums to be developing.
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