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Reasons for high fertility rates among Muslims?

who gave u this information that most most of the Dalits today are converting to Christianity??

Dalit account for more than quarter of Hindu population,they are very much Hindus.They participate in Hindu festival with the same vigor as any other caste of Hindus. Conversely Christian population growth is very low.

Also in a state like Kerala where though Muslim population is growth in the low compared the national muslim avg, its higher than the population growth of Hindus and Christians of Kerala.

And in Kerala..while the Muslim community is better of than the national average but is still poorer than the Christians and Hindus.

It is an easy co-relation...Muslims are the least educated poorest community of India and they have the most children. Christians are the best educated community of India and they have the least children. Hindus come somewhere in the middle.

BTW I know many urban Muslim families and they all have only 1 or 2 kids.
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In poor world source of affection is only wife...and poor men always show their affection time after time and end up having another baby. Reward of this affection , but poor women has no power to say STOP. No doubt lack of education and some time mullah misguide the people.
Though its bad to stop a natural phenomenon but people should be literate enough to understand not To bite more than one can chew. :)

Bachay do hi achay .. !!!
who gave u this information that most most of the Dalits today are converting to Christianity??

Dalit account for more than quarter of Hindu population,they are very much Hindus.They participate in Hindu festival with the same vigor as any other caste of Hindus. Conversely Christian population growth is very low.

Also in a state like Kerala where though Muslim population is growth in the low compared the national muslim avg, its higher than the population growth of Hindus and Christians of Kerala.

70% of Indian Christians are widely reported to be Dalit Christians,i should have posted the link before

Culture and customs of India - Google Books

many of India's Christian Dalits identify themselves as Hindu for all public and official purposes in order to avail themselves of constitutional reservation benefits


Anyway i'm going to remove the Dalit portion from my post,because tis very complex to generalize,more importantly ,one source i find contradicts the other

I hope you didn't get the wrong message,for me Dalits are Indian citizens who need to reach their pinnacle.:cheers: I'm not pro or against them.

I apologize if i had hurt your feelings

Can give me source of Muslims in Kerala having higher fertility rate?
Same goes for christians in Pakistan... 99.9% are low caste hindu converts...Another fact is tht they look very different then average Pakistani.
. .
oh come on why these type of threads are needed, dont try to give even population a religion angle, this is insane when will we stop chanting hindu-muslims in everything
Is there a link to back this up?

Dudes thts not a secret ... even they themselves say tht openly a christian teacher of mine himself says tht....Also their FACIAL STRUCTURE and skin color is very very different!
i also agree. there is high fertility among muslims.
UP actually has a bad history because Sanjay Gandhi went for a massive cumpolsory sterilisation program. Hence the valid concerns int hat area.

But overall Muslim fertility has come way down from its peak. If you look at the Sachar report, muslim fertility has consistenly been coming down in every census. Hence the conclusion that muslim population will stabalise around 18%.
Another positive thing the report showed that muslims alongwith Christians had one of the most favourable sex-ratios unlike Hindus or Sikhswho had a very skewed sex ratio to wards boys.

There is also a misconception among non-muslims with things like mullahs don't allowfamily planning. For example, eventhe most conservative placein Afghanistan, it was the mullahs who put their weight behind the fammily planning program to control family sizes.

Education and economic empowerment are key. Any commuunity that is provided with both will automaticallly see its fertility come down to a sustainable level.
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